

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter 17

Gladys pov

Ever since the incident with Gabrielle's guard I haven't been myself. I have tried every possible means to get Gabrielle but he seems not to notice me at all. I have tried all I could from seducing him to getting drunk and all but still, he ends up treating me like nothing happened

But to make matters worst peal has discovered about my skims and is blackmailing me using my sex tape with the guard and the manager, she wants me to leave Gabrielle but I can't I just have to retreat for the moment

But I will be back, I won't let her get what's mine, and for making me go through this humiliation, I will make her suffer for it, I won't let her go free.

I walk out of my room as I walk down to the receptionist, I have to check out and fly back today, staying more won't help in anything. But nothing makes me happier than the death of Marielle, I know for sure Gabrielle will resume work immediately he returns to get over the loss of Arielle

And that will be the perfect chance for me to make sure I get what I want, judging from his personality, things will soon go my way, and when that happens peal will be history. I will make her regret every moment.

Gabrielle pov

Things haven't been all the best but not worst, finally, I will be leaving in 5day's time, I can't wait to lay eyes on my wife, I got her so many gifts from a necklace down to shoes. I want her to look her best.

My phone rings

' 001'


'Your presence is needed urgently,'

'Copy that'

Something is wrong, I have returned as soon as possible, Friday is far away. I will make it Thursday. I have to get home.

Ariel Cowell Pov

Well we planned on not letting Peal know about me being alive but the secret could not be kept for long as they hired men to broke down the don't and retrieve the divorce papers

And this I had to show up which left peal dumb founded...she couldn't believed I survived and hence suspicion raised about her fathers square but who cares

All I wanted was to be safe so as to make sure to deal with her in her own way. Mother on the other hand said nothing but I know she had her questions but rather chose to be quiet.

Since she wants to play dirty, let's play according to her rules and see who wins the game.

Its been hell in the villa its 3 weeks today Gabrielle left and my life has been hell, I have been tortured mentally and emotionally but nothing seems to affect me like the divorce paper and the video sent by Gabrielle, I mean how can he do this to me, I trusted him I gave him my heart I believed him when he said I should wait for him but he broke his promise first.

I don't care how his family looks at me but all I know is I won't be signing it till he comes back. I will keep my promise to him, I won't sign any document until he comes back, and secondly I have this thought that it's all set up. But I feel I'm just paranoid and afraid to lose him. That's why I have begun to imagine.

"Where is the bitch? Oh here you are well I came to tell you, you can leave first thing tomorrow morning and do not forget to hand over the divorce papers before you leave" peal mocks me

"I won't be leaving if I haven't seen him and secondly the divorce papers have been signed you do not have to worry I will hand it over to him personally when he gets home"

" suit yourself"

She exits the room as she hums a song while walking away. Peal is a treacherous snake trusting her is like trusting the devil himself. I can't believe I fell for her tricks. I sigh as I lay down to take a nap. I have been feeling so tired lately. I guess it's because I have been stressed out so much and with the problems and acts happening around me at this moment I can't help but be tired out. I close my eyes as I slowly get engraved in my imaginary world.

Peal Pov

"Mom you needed to see the look on her face, she believes us she thinks brother left her, but you know what she has refused to leave she insists on handing over thedivorcee papers to him personally which I don't care all I am overjoyed about is she has signed the papers.

"Real my angel! she signed it"

"Yes mother, she signed the divorce papers, but here is the deal when Gabrielle comes back. I know he will be excited to see her and she might suspect when he acts all innocent so we have to keep an eye on her. We need to make sure I meet Gabrielle before she does and make sure to brief him on how Ariellee left him for nobody, how she forgot his promises to her and hers to him, and if everything goes as planned then I will have to compete with that secretary of mine for she can't be trusted...

"Worthy is a big term and I can proudly say none of them deserve Gab other than me. I have loved him since I played with him as kids so I will make sure to keep him to myself. Anyone who comes into my way will be consumed by my anger.

"Peal you don't have to worry about getting my son all to yourself for he is already yours, and I very much know how to make him agree to marry you …. When Arielle leaves the villa all we have to do is kidnapped her and make her the bargaining chip for you to get Gabrielle you don't have to worry I will take care of that

"Thanks, mother"

"Your welcome princess"

Arielle Cowell Pov

Without much to do around the villa, I take a stroll around the garden. I can feel a beautiful breeze that blows gently, more like calming my nerves. While in the garden my phone suddenly rings and I pick it

"Arie it's your mother, I went through so much to get your contact"

"Since you said you went through a lot… so tell me am I been followed'

"No darling mother just misses you so much, we are sorry for how we treated you please forgive

"I can't forgive you for what you made me pass through, you made me a laughing stock in my marital home and now you call to ask for forgiveness.

'Am sorry baby girl but you see your sister Divina is going through a lot now she is suffering from a terminal disease she needs urgent operation if not done quickly her condition will aggravate

"So what's stopping her from receiving treatment?

"The money is finished please, please Arielle I know we were never nice to you but can you please save her"

"it's okay mom I will be there in a few minutes" I pick up my pullover and keys and head out since my guards were injured I am all alone now so I hire a taxi and quickly rush to the address given to me but on getting there it's not a hospital

I become suspicious but I let the thought slide for I know they must have bought a new house I walk in as the security checks me, as I open the door the house is booming with music a patient will surely die untimely in such an environment

"Mom your bitch of a daughter is here" that voice sounds familiar

"Hello big sister"

" oh no they lied"