
Loki's Dangerous Task Completed

Olivia returns to Asgard, the realm of the gods.

The realm is just as she left it, the castle towers of golden light in the distance.

As she approaches the gates, some of the guards recognize her and bow respectfully. However, she can feel her heart leap with a feeling of pure excitement as she draws nearer.

She has something with her that would make those other gods jealous...

She finally arrives, as if it were destiny, to the great hall of Asgard.

There, Loki is awaiting her…

She breathes heavily, unable to contain her excitement, before walking towards him.

"I have something…"

Loki looks up as she approaches, his face growing curious as she makes her way to him.

"Oh? What is it?" He asks, looking at her.

He is curious, a mixture of excitement and curiosity in his eyes as he waits for her reply.

Olivia opens her bag and pulls out the horn, showing it to him.

"I have it."

His eyes go wide when he sees the horn.

"You...you have it?! You did it then...you actually did it!" He exclaims.

His face lights up with enthusiasm as his eyes practically glow.

"Amazing! Truly amazing! Now, how did you obtain such a thing?"

She puffs up her chest, proudly.

"I used a combination of wits and magic to get it."

She smirks and lowers her eyes into a smug look before saying the last part.

"Besides, I learned from the best."

She winks at Loki.

Loki chuckles, as if pleased to hear her account. He smiles proudly, his eyes still sparkling from the news.

"I have no doubt about that. Now, tell me...what will you use its power for?" He asks, his face growing into a serious look again.

"Such power is a responsibility. How will it be used?"

She nods before professing her goal to him.

"I will use this power to amplify my own dark magic and conjure new ancient magic. Making myself the most powerful dark arts user to ever exist."

Loki smiles proudly at her and nods.

"An ambitious goal, indeed. You have done well. Not any mortal could've obtained that horn you know. Are you absolutely certain you wish to pursue this course?" He asks, his face growing stern as he looks at her.

"What if one day, you become a threat to the realms? I want complete honesty. Tell me...what then?"

She shakes her head.

"I have no intention in taking over the world or destroying it. I want to further advance in the realm of dark magic. I will only use such threating power towards those that want to stop my goals or hurt others."

Loki nods, his expression softening. His face has an aura of pride, and he speaks in a friendly tone.

"I do believe you, and you have put my mind at ease. But be warned, this is a tremendous power, Olivia. Its powers are not to be underestimated, and it may consume you entirely if you let it. The power can be seductive. Be sure to always remember where your true interests lie, for the power will tempt you. It can be a corrupting force. Can you be sure of your goals?"

"I am sure that my goals will not detour me towards corruption."

"Excellent." Loki replies.

He smiles, his face softens.

"Then, I commend you. You have managed to obtain a very powerful artifact, and it is one which is sure to make you infamous in due time. You will be the most powerful dark arts magician in existence, once you are done. It is quite an honor, actually. Are you sure you're ready for such greatness?"

She smiles proudly.

"I am ready."

Loki smiles.

"Then take great pride in what you have accomplished, Olivia. For this will bring you much fame and glory. With this, the realms will not soon forget your name. But keep this in mind, it should always be remembered: with great power, comes great responsibility."

She nods as she put the horn back into her bag.

"I understand."

"Good. And as proof of our acquaintance, here..."

Loki raises his hand, and an arcane blue aura radiates from his hand and envelopes her. She feels a sense of power surge through her as her magic feels amplified.

"I want you to hold this power. Use it well." He says, looking serious again.

Olivia clenches her fists as she feels the power flowing through her. She smiles and nods once more. She turns to leave but as she leaves, she turns back and looks at Loki.

"Once I accomplish my goals, I will come back and give you something special..."

He has a large smile on his face when she mentions her plans. He gives her a sharp nod and a look of respect before she leaves.

"I look forward to seeing you again. I will be watching your career closely; you have my respect. Do not let me down." He says as she turns to leave.

Her face lights up with determination, gesturing a wave as she leaves.

"I won't let you down."

Loki waves back. He smiles proudly as she walks out of Asgard into the sunset…

She finally acquired the Horn of Gullinkambi…

She now has the power to advance the Dark Arts and possibly bring great change to the Mortal Realms.

How will she use the power she has been given?

Will she let it consume her or hold true to her beliefs?

Her adventures still await.