
A tale of two elves - (Moved to a New Link)

A young woman who lives a calm life alone in her small cottage near the forest meets a young man who has special abilities and looks familiar. When they meet they discover something shocking, more shocking to her than to him. When she is over the shock they start a journey together, slow at first. A couple days maybe. When the woman has to meet a new person in this story things start to unravel fast. The new person has much power and doesn't adjust that easily when she has met the young woman and that brings some troubles into the playing field of these three persons

EllaTheGreat · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Lyndis' evening

After Isyx left, I went inside and picked up my painting supplies. I had to process what Isyx told me. I had an elfish name with a beautiful meaning.

I picked up the drawing I made earlier. I wanted to paint the same scenery. Painting and drawing gives another structure to the image. Most of the times I paint the scenery but this time I made a drawing too. I kinda want to give it away to the family but I don't really know who they are nor where they live.

After I was done with the painting I went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. I picked up some vegetables out of the garden and started cooking. Lulu was lazily swatting at a fly. She didn't really care much for the rest of this world as long as she got her food and her fair share of attention. That made me wonder. Did Isyx already meet Lulu or doesn't he know that I have a cat?

After dinner I enjoyed reading my book with a cup of tea and Lulu on my lap. She was purring and almost falling asleep. The sun was setting by the time I put my book away after reading the last chapter. Lulu was sleeping on my lap. I kinda didn't want to wake her up but I wanted to go to bed too. So I picked her up and walked upstairs with her in my arms.

Goodnight Lulu, sleep tight and sweet dreams.