
A tale of two elves - (Moved to a New Link)

A young woman who lives a calm life alone in her small cottage near the forest meets a young man who has special abilities and looks familiar. When they meet they discover something shocking, more shocking to her than to him. When she is over the shock they start a journey together, slow at first. A couple days maybe. When the woman has to meet a new person in this story things start to unravel fast. The new person has much power and doesn't adjust that easily when she has met the young woman and that brings some troubles into the playing field of these three persons

EllaTheGreat · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Hearing her elf name

She asked me to show myself so I did. She stared at me for a long time like she was studying every detail of my body and clothes. "Well, I have a very handsome brother."

"Thank you Hazel. Did you know that your elf name is Lyndis?"

"No I didn't know that. What does it mean?"

"It means 'braver at home' I'm not so sure that it describes you"

"Actually, Isyx, it does. I'm braver in my own home than outside of it. So I guess in a way it describes me"

I was silent for a while. I didn't really know what to say.

"I like my name, Isyx. Lyndis describes me way better than Hazel because Hazel means commander. I don't really feel like a commander"

I didn't answer for a while because I was pondering about her comment about the names.

"Isyx, will you please call me Lyndis from now on?"

I shocked back to reality when she used my name.

"I'm sorry my thoughts weren't here with you. What did you ask?"

"I asked you if you could call me Lyndis from now on."

"Sure, sure. Listen Lyndis I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow alright?"

"Alrighty, see you tomorrow Isyx"

I walked out her garden and turned myself invisible near the shield. I walked home thinking about our conversation. "I'm gonna have to tell mother at least some day" I muttered to myself. Dad died 2 years ago. They didn't even think about Lyndis at that time but dad left me a letter describing her to me. I was 2 years old when she was born so my mother didn't have time to suspect anything, because she was busy raising me. I never even thought I would find Lyndis someday but there she was, living in her house nearby the palace. I always admired her flowers during the summers. 3 years went by without me knowing who she was or why she was living in that cottage. It had been empty for ages because no one wanted to live there. For many people the house was too scary or too far from the village a few miles from the house. But not for Hazel. She liked the place even knew a little magic that she perfected over the years. Only the past 2 years I've known that she's my half-sister.

I finally came home after walking a long time. Mother was already calling me again. She knew I went outside but she didn't know where I was going this morning. I made myself visible again when I walked through the gate.

"Isyx, where have you been? You had obligations this morning."

"No I didn't mother, I checked my schedule with you before I went out remember?"

"Oh that's right, but you can't just disappear for the entire morning without letting me know where you're going."

"Mother, I can't tell you about those outings because the things I do then are secret and not good for the royal family if the press got any word of it, so please just let me be. I'm careful not to be seen you know how good my camouflage is."

"Alright alright, now come and have some food you must be starving after such a secret mission. Besides you seemed lost in thought when you walked in is something else the matter?"

"No mom, I'm fine really just leave me be today okay?"

After lunch I had fencing practice and some sorcery lessons. Although elves don't really use sorcery very much, it doesn't hurt to know just a few things. For instance how to make wounds heal fast and more spells like that.

After classes and dinner I went to my room and let myself fall on my soft downy bed. What a day. Lyndis seemed somewhat upset after I left and I didn't know why.

"Well, I guess I'm going to have to figure that out tomorrow. I know she's in bed too by now. After all I had to spend a night in her garden once."

I dimmed the lights and started staring into the darkness. I had so many thoughts, so many questions for Lyndis and so many answers I still had to give to her. After an hour of pondering, wondering and thinking the sleep finally started to take me away to a world of dreams where the most wonderful things can happen.