
Chapter 1

The gray tabby rushed over to his food bowl after his owner just fed him. He ate his food happily and went to find a place to nap then, a mouse caught his eye. He began to pounce on it until it scurried away through the doggy door. He chased it outside and into the backyard. "Milo, what are you doing?" A tortoiseshell cat mewed, following him curiously. Milo ignored his sister and focused his mind on the mouse, which went through a hole large hole in the fence.

Milo carefully squeezed through the fence, destined to catch it. He didn't realize his older siblings were racing after him. He continued running through the woods mindlessly, looking for the mouse so he could bring it home to his owner.

He then stopped in his tracks when he noticed he ran a bit too far into the woods. He heard his older siblings panting once he finally caught up to him.

"Finally, we caught up to you. C'mon, let's get you back home." Milo's sister Smokey, insisted.

"Wait- Smokey, what if we went on some sort of, great adventure! Right out here in the forest?" The eldest, Buttercream said optimistically. Milo nodded his head in agreement.

"Well, we've never left home before. And, we don't know our way around this place." Smokey said worriedly.

"That's why I'll lead!" Buttercream announced in a bossy voice. "I know this forest like the back of my paw!"

Smokey sighed and grumbled, "Fine, I'll go along. But just this once."

Milo swished his tail in excitement and followed his siblings through the trees.