
A swordsman's promise

A soul who escaped the reincarnation process only for him to wander and endure the boundless darkness that many called Void for countless amount of time and meeting an absolute being who can erase his entire existence just buy stating it's name. Given with a chance to be reborn to a world of his liking and wishes that will help his journey . What would the soul wish and how would he live his new life? ------------ *This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm still a newbie, I'm only writing for fun and had nothing to do. *English is not my first language and I'm not really good at it so there will be a lot of wrong grammar but you can inform me so I can correct my mistakes! *This is alternative universe. *I upload everytime I finish a chapter and may take days so uploading schedule is totally non existent. *Apart from the mc, the rest are all made by the hand of it's rightful owner.

Nekomancer_ · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 4 : Sword

{Kuina's POV}

When Itsuki nii-chan finally spoke I was surprised, I'd never known that his mouth even worked because ever since he came here he never spoken even a single word so I visit and talk to him every single day thinking that one day he would speak to me if I continue what I was doing and father told that he just needed time.

2 years ago , the day I turned 3 I started training swordsmanship. My father taught me basics and always had harmless smile in his face, he was kind to everyone however I knew deep in his heart he always want a son to inherit the dojo but unfortunately my mother gave birth to me, a girl, my mother died not being able to give him a son and I could see a hint of regret and disappointment in his face. In father's view female warrior were not suitable in a battle and cannot become the strongest due to their physical limitations. So I trained my self harder than anyone else in the dojo after 2 years of my hardwork and effort I defeated all other kids in the dojo

But all my hard work were only for me to be defeated by my cousin who had just started wielding a sword for hours? Why? Is it because he is a man? maybe my father might be right. As my mind began overthinking , I did not notice that I have been running away from the dojo for quite a while now and I am so tired that I feel the numbness of my legs so I decided to look for a suitable resting place. After looking for a while I found good spot near the lake, I walk towards it, once there, I sat down and continued to think of how did I lose but no matter how I think of a counter for his attack, his bamboo sword would still hit me and maybe even kill me, his attack seems so swift and perfect that if I did not see him practicing for the first time I would think that he trained for years,

Behind my training for the mastery of blade is pain and hardship, I had put every ounce of effort in my training so I could grow stronger than anyone else but it was all shattered by a miraculous child similar age of mine who didn't even train! As I began thinking depressing thoughts again and losing hope to achieve my dreams, a sounds of a twig being broken could be heard behind my back. I turned around and saw a child looking at me with seemingly worried look on his face.

The child infront of me have a flame like mark on his forehead and lower chin "Kuina! so this where you are all this time I have been looking for you ever since you run away from the dojo! Why do you have to run? are you alright? " The child before me worriedly asked me and he is the one who I have lost to, I am again surprised that he speak to me"I'm alright Itsuki nii-chan! I'm sorry for worrying you! " I said to him even though I am still upset over my defeat and quickly added " Itsuki nii-chan I didn't know that you could speak all this time! " My big brother walks towards me and wipe out the tears on my face and smiled " Silly girl, of course I can speak, are you still upset over your lost? "

My big brother is a smart child and known me the most so of course he noticed that I'm still upset so I just nod at his words and he ask me to sit next to him, I then hound him for an answer of how did he do it "Before you go to strike, take a really deep breath and then take a good look at your skeletal alignments, muscle contraction and blood flow that sort of thing. Predict the direction of your opponent sword and counter it at the right moment. " He mentioned something so incomprehensible and only then did I understood that for him the bodies of living things... were transparent, he then added " I know you are upset about your loss but don't fear failures and think of it as an opportunity to grow . It's not because you are a girl that you lost, do you really believe that women could not become the strongest? Who decided that? You really could not become the strongest if you believe that you couldn't! Warriors are not born or made but they were created by themselves through trial and error, pain and suffering and their ability to conquer their fear and their own failures. " He patted my head lightly like he was an adult even though we are at the same age but his advice still help me. "Let's go back Kuina, Uncle should be worried of our absence and I think it's already lunch. " I nodded at him and began to comfort myself up, I did not lose because he is a man but because my opponent is a genius in sword, I will just work more harder than before and may be even defeat him! I think to myself and began following Itsuki nii-chan and talk to him along the way


{Gen POV}

After they walked past the forest, they arrived in their destination and returned home, as soon as they enter the dojo, they were greeted by Koushiro "It's good that both of you are back, join your brothers to eat lunch. "

They look at the people around them and noticed that the students already started eating so they also join them. A simple meal placed before them, Itsuki started eating while Kuina sat beside him and also started to eat

After breakfast was done Koushiro went outside bringing a gardening tool with him, Itsuki followed, he found a comfortable place and sat down. Watching Koushiro gardening the plants and looking at his compressed muscles with transparent world, he didn't know that his uncle was this strong as the series didn't show him fighting even once and his strength was still unknown but Itsuki only followed him because he intended to ask about something.

"You have something on your mind Itsuki? "

While gardening the plants Koushiro asked Itsuki without looking back.

"Is grandpa still alive? I want to learn from him how to forge sword! "

Koushiro look at him with a serious look then lightly laugh. "HAHA, Of course he is alive, I thought it was something looking at your serious face and it's good that you are more open now but how did you know that your grandpa is a swordsmith?"

"Because dad told me that my grandfather is the best swordsmith he knew but he was too lazy to learn it from him, so I thought I could learn from him"

"Your father, that fool... Well, Your granpa doesn't want to be bothered as he is enjoying his peaceful retirement and your grandpa also said that he would only teach his grandchildren once they are in the right age so he can't teach you anything however he leaves a lot of books about craftsmanship before, you can get those books at the attic though it may be covered with dust as it's been a long time since I clean up there. "

"But why are you interested in being a swordsmith when you are talented in sword?"

"Well... I just think that a blade that I forged with my own hands would suit me better than a powerful famed blade that do not suit me well!"

Understanding what Itsuki meant Koushiro smiled at him and continued what he was doing. Getting up from his sitting position, Itsuki excused himself to Koushiro and walks towards the direction of the attic.

Itsuki quickly arrived at the attic after walking for a few minutes. Once there, Itsuki climb up the ladder and began finding where the books is. He found it in the corner covered with dust and he also found a book about swordsmanship there, he pick up the books that are covered with dust and gently patted the books to displace the dust.

'What should I do now? There's no way I can get out of this village since I'm only 5 years old and uncle also wouldn't let me. This world is also very dangerous for me as I am just a tiny significant speck in this vast world right now so I should first consolidate my strength slowly and steady for now . Learning craftsmanship is also beneficial to me as I can make my own training equipments and weapons ' Itsuki thought to himself and started to go back to his room.

It didn't take long to get in his room as it's not that far away from the attic, he placed the other books in the table and pick up a book that is titled "Basics About Craftsmanship ". He began to read the books and memorize all it's contents.

Itsuki spent his whole day reading all the books about craftsmanship that his grandfather left and memorized all of it, he couldn't practice craftsmanship as he did not have any equipment and materials so he just memorizes all of it but it still took him some time before he finished reading all those book.

After reading all the books about craftsmanship he then began reading the book partaining swordsmanship. Itsuki took a book that is titled "Basic sword techniques " It piqued his interest to know how profound could the techniques contained in it be?

Though the book look nothing special and the techniques in it is only for basics as the title stated but to the current him, he could still learn something from it! After all, Rome wasn't build in one day, and all lakes and oceans originated from a single drop of water.

After reading the introduction of the book, he continued reading the various sword postures and methods. The main methods of attacking positions consist of: Laido, Pointing, Parrying, Piercing, Slicing, and Hacking.

The way of Sword emphasizes Speed, Accuracy, Decisiveness. Using this 3 words to complement each of your attack to make it more effective because if you only know the basics but cannot execute the correct moves at the correct time and your swordsmanship is only for show then why train to be a swordsman when you could just be an actor or a dancer on a stage to please people's eyes? Sword are not toys. You must not draw your sword lightly. The moment you draw your sword out of it's sheath, you must be prepared to put your life on the line.

The sword is a simple tool, but in the hands of a master, it becomes the most versatile of weapons. And just as the imagination is limitless, so too are the possibilities of the sword.

Itsuki immersed himself reading deeper and comprehending all it's essence to the point that he lost track of time.


Author's note : I just want to say that it will take few more days before I add another chapter because I seem to have a bottleneck writing the next chapter as I am still inexperienced making conversation of the characters and I don't want to ruin the story but there's a lot of ideas being formed in my mind and I just can't put it in words.

I added some bullshits about swordsmanship to make it more interesting! I hope you like it!

Nekomancer_creators' thoughts