
Chapter 1, To The Capital

I am Zaden, when I was born I was left outside an orphanage with nothing but an unknown crystal thing and a piece of parchment with my name. Now I'm 15 years old and I can finally leave this rundown orphanage and become the greatest mage in the world. So I defeat the demon king Exnar! We have been at war with the demons for 44 years now and have lost most of the eastern territory. But no longer will they suffer under the unjust rule of demons for I will save them. To do that I must go to the capital and make a name for myself.

I leave the orphanage on my 15 birthday and many of the younger kids wave him goodbye. They smile happily but he knows they are holding back tears. "I will come back and save all of these kids," Zaden thinks.

With the money, the headmaster gave me as a farewell gift I head out with my belongings in his bag and my super cool magical crystal thing around my neck. I pass many familiar buildings in town where I spent my childhood playing with the other children and doing chores. I was one of the few kids never adopted in the orphanage.

This is because of my red eyes and green hair, which makes me look like the evil king Jukí. Jukí was notorious for being ruthless and allying with the demons, but he was defeated by hero-king Ronan, the current king. But I don't care who or what I look like for he is the self-proclaimed chosen one.

I decided that spending money to travel is a waste so I come up with a plan. Its dark I can't see and it smells like meat. my idea was to stowaway on a merchant cart headed to the capital although I'm now regretting my decision.

For the next three days, I stay hidden and even sleeps a little but I am woken up by loud noises and lots of them. I peeks out the top of the crate and is awed by the sight of hundreds of people buying things at different stands.

I smell spices and food I have never smelled before. In the distance, I see a huge castle. "That must be where King Ronan lives!" I whisper so as the driver cant hear me. "Hey, you what's in those crates back there?" a man shouts at the cart. "Mostly meat, are you looking to buy? the merchant inquiries. "Aye, ill buy a crate" the man offers happily.

"OK, that will be 20 Duran, just pay me and you can grab any crate you want" he states. He here a jingling noise, most likely the coins. Oh, Crap please don't open up my crate.

The top the crate I'm in rips open he notices me after a second and shouts. "There is a boy in here!" he berates the merchant."What a stowaway call the guards" the merchant yells with anger.

"I'm the chosen one let me out of this cell or the demons will conquer the land" I shouts matter of factly.

"Yeah and I'm rich and live in a castle greater than the king's" one of the guards chuckles. I am confused and I ask "Wait why are you a city guard then, where is your castle, and if your rich can you lend me some money please".

All the guards chuckle and a man enters through the door. He sighs" your lucky the merchant has decided not to press charges but he will be given all the money you had on you. He's letting you keep your belongings too, you should be immensely grateful."

"I've been here for a day and have already been arrested and have lost all my money, but I can still go to the adventurers guild and become a mage!" I think optimistically.