
Chapter 2, The Ant Mage

Finally, Zaden has arrived at the adventurers guild to test his aptitude and gain a class. The Guild's lawn is well cut with bushes and fountains on the sides of the path. By the door is a statue of King Ronan on top of demon corpses.

Inside there are dozens of adventurers sitting down and collecting rewards. I go over to the front desk and explains "I would like to be an adventurer please". The lady at the front desk notions for me to follow so I do and say " Put your hands on this crystal and it will determine the classes best suited for you"."Ok, cool" I exclaim.

He puts his hand and an amazing blue light appears in the orb.[After analyzing your aptitude the classes that are determined best suited for you are: Human meat shield, Self-destructing mage, and monster food.] A voice says, everyone in the guild looks over to see the bamboozled boy.

"th..there must be a mistake right" Zaden pleads with himself. The lady says pityingly "I'm sorry but the orb makes no misa--" but is cut off by the voice of the orb.

"wha..." somebody starts. [After further analyses one more class has been determined, Unique class: Ant Mage] "A unique class?" "What is an ant mage?" people say as they start gathering around. [The unique class: Ant Mage, is a class that has the ability to control ants as well as basic magic] The voice continues. After a while, the crowd disperses. I asks "What is a unique class".

" A unique class is a class that is either very rare or never seen before, have you decided your starting class yet?" the lady answers. I think for a moment then sighs and say "I guess Ant Mage sounds the least suicidal".

I decide to go out to hunt monsters. I can at least beat small monsters, right? I gained smoke magic in case I find myself in a tricky situation. I walk through the forest hoping to find an easy monster until I see a Taku, basically a big rat with sharp fangs. I use my ant control skill to see how useful it is in a fight. After a few seconds, hundreds of ants appear more types than I knew existed. "GO MY ANT ARMY KILL THE RAT THING."

And so hundreds of ants begin to descend upon it, crawling up its legs and they begin to crawl all over from its eyes to tail. All at once they begin to bite, the rat screams in pain from receiving all the bites at once and some of the ants seem to be poisonous although not that effective.

The rat begins to scratch itself and starts hurtling away, but it's too late soon the rat falls over from the pain. I stop using my power and the ants scurry away. Eh not bad for some ants. [10 exp points gained]. Huh, exp points? What is this voice? Probably best to pretend I didn't hear that.

I collect the rat corpse and then continue wondering. That is until I spot a giant bear which is when I run aw...ahem make a tactical retreat. I return to the guild with my rat corpse and give it to the guild lady from before. She just smiles and gives me 3 bronze Duran.

Where to sleep... WAIT why should the chosen one be asking this question! The king himself should invite me to stay in the castle! Hmmph. I decide to sleep on a bench in front of an old tavern...