
Chapter 70

Our unlikely trio has just added a new member, and I am so thrilled at this fact. The morning sun seems to shine softly from the windows, as I wake up with a smile on my face, and a sort of surprising contentment at the softness of this bed.

It seems even four days after, I can't seem to get used to it. The bed is just so soft, and I almost wonder what sort of foam is in there, or is it a water bed?.

I look up to the ceiling, and I can see the beautiful and intricate designs carved Into each and every decking. Even this room is large enough to hold a full-blown family, and it seems there's more as it's only this bedroom that I have explored.

There is a living room just another door away, but I can't seem to have ever gone in there. It seems I don't even spend much time in here, and I make it a mission for me to explore as much as of this place as I possibly can before I leave.

The odd feeling that I have, tells me the way my thoughts are running lack one essential person. Someone that I find myself admiring as each and every day goes on.

Sure enough, when I climb off the bed and lie back on it with my stomach downwards, and my two hands propped up holding my face, it gives me a nice enough vantage point to see Adrian's face still handsome and muddled from sleep.

His hair is sticking out in different directions, and I can feel my hand start itching with the urge to go and touch it.

He still sleeps on the floor, with at least as much covering as he can find, but yet I can still see the way his face is scrunched up in discomfort at the reality of sleeping on such an hard surface.

I can only imagine how it actually feels for someone who has lived most of his life sleeping on the most comfortable beds ever, to suddenly have to start sleeping on the floor because he brought some girl to come stay with him. I still can't seem to define the relationship between Adrian and I,  because it seems to get more complicated by the day.

Each and every passing day I feel myself developing new emotions for this guy, and yet I cannot seem to put a tag on our relationship.

Shall I call it an agreement?, because that is the closest thing to a tag i can think of. I agreed to come here and help him out with whatever his family dilema entails, and he agreed to help me out with getting revenge for my parents and for myself.

We are bound by the confines of our agreement, and I so want to keep it that way. But it seems my heart keeps saying Saying something else.

It starts beating so erratically whenever I am near him, it makes me feel like mush when we are alone like this. "I almost wonder if he feels the same" I mumble to myself. An amused chuckle greets my mumbling.