
Chapter 69

The drink that was halfway to my lips comes crashing down onto the floor, as I am the one who seems to have drawn all the attention to myself at last.

Now I still do not know if it is actually poisoned or not, but from the confident smirk that she's wearing, I think it is the former.

The drinks might possibly have been poisoned, but yet she still drinks it with the assurance of someone who has an antidote. I marvel at the bravery of this blonde platinum gold haired girl.

Her hair is tied up in a simple bun, with simple pins, but even those pins now seem to bear a deadly pallor to them, as I'm sure they could do a lot more than just hold her hair up.

Each and everything about her seems functional, and as I sight her bracelets. I find myself leaving the mess on the floor, for someone else to clean it up probably. The guy who had the guts to poison me in the first place should do.

I'm using two fingers to carefully examine her bracelets. It bears all the symbols that bear any importance in France, and I can see exactly how much she loved her country.

I can see exactly how much she still loves it, and she probably grieves for the fate of France right now.

"You love your country do, you not?" I ask, and her eyebrows quirk up in surprise. I don't expect her to be surprised at my question. I'm pretty sure it's a question that everyone seems to have been asking her right now. Is she sure, she still loves her country?. A person she holds dear has been killed, one that is very dear to her, and I think the future of her family in this place lies solely on her head.

I don't think there's any way to safeguard your country, if you are still broken hearted, and secretly weeping while trying your best to cover it up. I stand up and walk back to my table as I sit down with a satisfied grin.

Adrian and Arden do not have any expressions on their face right now, but few moments later, when everyone else's gaze is turned away from me, and from us, the confusion that spreads across their face makes me delighted.

All the more satisfying, when slowly but steadily French spy girl makes her way across the room. She does it so stealthily that you would think she was just a shadow moving in accordance with it's master, but in a minute she was at our table glaring down at me and trying to hide the smile that she's so clearly wearing.

I think there's a strange sense of satisfaction in being beaten at your own game, by someone you barely know, and I think that is the satisfaction that she feels at this moment. She feels the satisfaction of me using back and forth philosophy on her, and my own smile is radiant.

I think I like this girl. She seems to be exactly the sort of person that will kill you, while giving you a smile, but that only warns you to keep you on your toes.

She would help me keep on guard, and I will help her get back to her feet. Transaction simplified.