
Chapter 16

I can feel panic begin to set in and I don't even know what this assignment is yet .I breathe in deeply as my breath catches in my throat. "What is it?" I ask, waiting to hear something outrageous."We have to meet my parents."

The answer almost makes me hurl a pillow at him, "what sort of an assignment is that?" I ask and the knowing look he gives me answers all my questions. I can only imagine how his parents would feel after they found out that they were duped by thier own child.

That they were used by a son that they brought up themselves. It would feel like a betrayal of the worst nature. I can see the way Adrian has his face set and his jaw clenched, like he was about to confront his worst fears. My heart goes out to him, and suddenly I feel like telling him it's okay. That it'll be alright. His parents can't be that angry, can they?. He let's out a deep, long, sigh in frustration like he also has a lot of things going on in his head right now. I can see that his towel has slipped further down his waist and I'm beginning to see toned muscles, and lines that lead to a place I don't want to see.

"Can you go elsewhere to change?" I ask and he looks at me in suprise. He acts like he dosen't know why I'm behaving this way, and I can see him trying not to smile.

"I'm just eighteen, you'll be arrested if you expose me to indecent materials". The way i phrase my words satisfies me as I feel I've made my point known without necessarily making myself blush any harder than I am blushing right now. He gives an audible groan like he's tired of all the conditions I seem to have about, basically everything. "Don't you think it would be weird for me to always be dressing outside of my room when the person i share it with claims to be my wife?".

I can't really find a point to argue with when he provides that train of logic. True, it would seem weird if we said we were married to each other, and yet we still couldn't be comfortable around each other. But I'm still not ready to be comfortable around him that quickly though. I'll need to take my time and mainly because I'm not sure of what I'll do if he appears in front of me the same way he did today. It's better to take precautions now and think about the effects later, than to be incautious now and have to deal with the regret and emotional pain that most people deal with when they've made such a decision.

"You won't change in front of me but neither will you change outside the room. I guess you want to make this little farce we are playing look believable, but I don't really trust anyone that much, no offense". He smiles at my words and asks  "well what do you suppose we do?". I look around and check to see if there's any where I can hide while he changes.

I see the bathroom door and walk to it, entering and locking it with the key. I don't trust myself that much too. I just might peep.