
Chapter 15

I wake up to find myself in a very comfortable bed. My clothes have been changed and I'm in a nightgown now, with my skin feeling like it's been freshly washed.

I can feel the scent that drifts faintly from my skin, as my nose inhales it and brings back memories of roses and an ocean breeze. I feel myself smile as widely as I can, as comfort and coziness makes me almost sob.

As my brain catches up with the reality of what is happening to me I bolt out of the bed and look at my surroundings like a crazed deer. Where am I?. I don't remember anything else after I had nodded to sleep in the car. Who changed my clothes and who helped me clean up myself?.

Dread fills my stomach as a thought comes to me. No. No. No. He promised. I can feel bitterness in the back of my throat as I brace myself to walk and expect the inevitable pain i would feel. I walk and I feel no pain though. I take more steps like I just can't believe it. People always said it would be painful, was that supposed to happen before or after. I'm not sure.

I hear someone walk in and a door closes behind me "Awake already?" I turn back as fast as I can to see Adrian half clothed with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair still dripping wet. I squirm at the sight and try to calm my already racing heart down. "Who helped me change last night?" I ask still trying to avert my gaze and allowing my question come out far less menacing than I'd planned it to be. "You did". The reply Is not what I expected, so I give him a disbelieving raise of my eyebrows. He sighs and grabs another towel across the room and begins drying his hair.

"I carried you up last night after you had fallen asleep In the car. Well you were more like half awake than fully asleep. I showed you the bed and you insisted that you would have a bath before going to sleep. I had to call some of the female attendants to assist you so you wouldn't fall into the tub and drown yourself".

I feel suspicious about something but as far as I think of it, I think his story checks out. It sounds like something I'd do demanding to have a bath before bed. I Can remember myself always insisting I had a bath before going to sleep, and mom always calling me a clean freak saying I'll drive my own husband away with my cleanliness.

I take a good look at Adrian and my heart drops into my mouth. "If I slept on the bed last night then where did you sleep?". He gives me a shy smile and I can feel my face twist "You jerk!!"I say in an outrage. He laughs and points to the floor and I see the duvets and pillows sprawled everywhere. "We have an assignment" he says and I gulp. An assignment?.