
Chapter 154

I groan and I pinch the bridge of my nose as I shake my head at this.

Alice is practically giggling, she's chuckling and she's struggling to stifle her laughter but yet I can hear it. I can here her laughing at exactly how jovial Adrian is looking.

"Does he want to get himself killed looking like that?" I asked her and she simply shrugs her shoulders, an excited look on her face.

Suddenly all the trepidation and all the fear that she wore before was gone and I wish I was as free hearted as her.

I wish I was as free-spirited as her because I can feel panic rippling through me like a wave. I can feel it rippling through me like it will simply tear my heart out if I do not respond to hit in the right way, and so I'm responding to it in the right way, I am feeling panicked.

I do not show it on my face but then my heart, my heart is doing double flips all over and over again because exactly why should Adrian be looking so jovial when I am practically feeling the killing aura that is radiating off this guy.

"Can't he feel the danger that is washing off this guy in waves?" I asked Alice and she shrugs once more in her signature way.

"How about you simply decide not to care about that?" Alice says.

"What????", and she quirks an eyebrow up at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be the inquisitive one, figure it out yourself".

Okay I hate it when things get like this, I know that I am oddly perceptive for someone my age because I think it is only now that i remember I'm just eighteen, yet I feel like an old woman already because this place has put me through so much stress already.

"He doesn't want to feel threatened?" I say and Alice smiles before grinning.

"Well, I wouldn't really have used threatened, I'm guessing the world is intimidated".

Okay, that is like Adrian, that is like Adrian, for him to try not to feel intimidated by a challenge that hasn't even revealed itself yet but still.

"At least he should be looking more serious don't you think?" I say and Alice gives me that smile again.

She shrugs her shoulders.

"Let's just watch the fights and hope for the best".

She's saying this and looking at me with a little bit of an awry look in her eyes and I know that this isn't going to end well, it isn't going to end well for anybody because Alice does not think so.

She might seem jovial and non chalanct but remember now that she is a spy, she is an international spy for that matter and so things like this shouldn't be foreign to her.

It shouldn't be strange to her as she's practically an expert on combat.

An expert is looking at this fight with a little bit of trepidation on her face, you should know exactly what the outcome will be.