
Chapter 153

I know that the next set of fights are about to start, I know that the next fight is about to start and my heart begins beating in my ears once more. I cannot tell you exactly how much it has done this, I cannot tell you exactly how much my heart has pounded like this, almost like it was going to burst, only for each and every time it would not be Adrian who was called out, instead it would be someone else.

It is always someone else and I wonder who is orchestrating this. It is almost like they're leaving me in suspense for so much time, it is almost like they're keeping me in such a high period of suspense that my heart cannot even take it.

I want to know what will happen already, let him fight with someone and let all this be done with.

I am practically screaming that internally right now but yet i realise I do not want it to happen. I still do not want it to happen because I fear for the outcome.

What if his match is with someone even more deadlier than Damen?. I am actually happy. I am actually happy that silver eyes has been knocked out, at least now he's out of the competition but still, Damen is still in the competition.

Okay, he is tired now, so both of them are practically out of the pot.

Adrian will be paired with someone less deadly, I hope.

I know that he is the one who will come up, I know that is the one who will come up but yet I'm surprised when I see a frail-looking boy step into the ring. Well not really a boy, a slender young man.

Okay this guy is ghastly white, I mean if there's ever anything like white, he is white, and I'm pretty sure that just a little pat on his back would leave such a big bruise there that you will think someone inflicted immense pain on him.

I'm guessing that the fact that he is bare chested isn't helping matters, that fact isn't helping matters especially with the way that the deadly blades on his skin glint, exactly where are all these people coming from???!!!.

Exactly we are all these new deadly people coming from.

I move my eyes over to Alice and she practically gulps in front of me, she gulps, she gulps so obviously that I know Adria is in for a hard time. He is in for an especially hard time with this sort of a person.

The aura that this guy even radiates is deadly.

"Is he our age?" I ask and she shrugs her shoulders at me.

She carries each and every one of her actions with a nervousness that I really think Adrian is not going to survive this, he is not going to survive this because the feel of danger leaking of this guy is uncommon.

 As expected Adrian comes out next and he is wearing a smile on his face, he is wearing a stupid smile on his face which makes me want to smack the living daylight out of him.