
A secreat

This is the story of a girl and a single father, of romance between them, but there is a little twist in this story that there are some secrets of both the boy and the girl, which the world has not known till date, what is that secret, it was for you. The secret you will have to be read

Deevanshi_Aggarwal · 都市
14 Chs

Episode 12

(Haseena and Karishma are about to leave for investigation when Aditya calls them.)

A:- Listen, I will also go with you guys. 

H:- Not at all Aditya, your life may be in danger 

A:- I don't care about my life, I care about your child Hasina ji, a father is begging you for his survival. 

( Aditya waves both his hands towards Haseena. )

H:- Aditya ji... please no ok fine you can go but you have to obey me Karishma Singh call Santosh Sharma

k:- Madam she is on the line

H:- Great 

scene cut 

( Hasina is driving the car, Karishma is sitting next to Hasina, and Aditya is on the back seat. Hasina looks towards the window and then as soon as she turns, she sees Aditya sitting next to her and driving the car. )

H:- you... you You. ... what are you doing here 

A:- Why can't you sit (flirting) 

H:- Karishma Singh is here now, where is she? 

A:- Don't know ( smile ) 

H:- by the way where are you taking me

A:- on romentic date 

H:- what! ....... ( screamed ) suddunly haseena came in her senses 

K:- what happened madam 

Hm:- n..nothing ( takes a relax breath ) Thank God! it was a dream 

A:- Hasina ji, are you okay? 

H:- yes.. yes But why did I have such a dream ( thinking in mind)

K:- Madam, we have reached our destination. 

H:- Okay, everyone listens to me carefully, everyone will go inside as soon as possible and I have kept weapons in some trunk, you have to take them Aditya and you will stay with Karishma Singh or me, will not go here and there alone and take this, your and Karishma Singh have their phones in Bluetooth. If you find anything suspicious, please let me know first and then take further steps. Special Aditya, you are clear. 

k&A:- yes madam 

H:- Santosh Sharma

S:- yes madam 

H:- You heard the whole thing, right? 

S:- obviously madam Karishma madam's phone was on speaker and I was on the line.

H:- great Now listen, quickly get the blueprint of this area and inform Karishma Singh. 

S:- ok madam

(Santosh comes out with a blue print of that area)

S:- Madam, go straight from this 

Hm:- ok one minute guys let's take out your weapons 

scene cut 

After an hour 

( they move forward)

s:- You guys can see a building in front of you 

K:- yes 

S:- Now go straight into that building 

( everyone follows santosh sharma 's instruction )

A:- This looks like a construction building 

S:- yesNow you keep walking straight 

H:- ok 

( suddenly all three stop )

K:- These are three ways to go 

H:- Do one thing and go in different directions Karishma Singh take care of yourself and Aditya 

K:- yes madam 

At haseena side 

( Hasina moves forward slowly, she has a gun in her hand. Suddenly Hasina hears the sound of someone walking, she secretly follows that sound and sees a tall goon standing there, he turns back and gets shocked after seeing Hasina, and he attacks her. Just then Hasina hits his leg with a defense kick due to which he falls down and makes him unconscious by hitting him on the shoulder. and then she move further )

At karishma side 

( Karishma also moves forward slowly and she sees some goons sitting, they come towards her and throw her gun at the stone marker and the goon grabs Karishma by the throat and the other goon gives two-three punches on Karishma's stomach. )

K:- ahh.. ouch ..... 

( The goon who has caught Karishma pushes her and Karishma falls down and he is about to kill her when Karishma picks up mud and throws it in his eyes and moves ahead. )

At aditya side 

( Aditya sees a room and realizes that Rishi is in it and calls him. )

A:- rishi son, are you inside

R:- who ? 

A:- Son i am your father 

R:- papa ( crying )

A:- my child 

( As soon as Aditya touches the door, the siren starts ringing and all the goons get alerted and go near the door. The goons are about to stop Aditya when Hasina and Karishma arrive. )

H:- Aditya, you save Rishi, I will stop them 

( Haseena and Karishma are fighting with the goon and on the other hand Aditya breaks the door and enters inside and starts opening Rishi's rope and finally Aditya unties Rishi. Both father and son hug each other and both are very emotional. Aditya lifts up Rishi in his arm ) 

( Aditya brings Rishi out of the room and sees all the goons lying unconscious on the floor thanks to Hasina and Karishma and then all three start leaving from there when they hear a voice. )

V:- Why are you in such a hurry? Come and meet me. 

(The trio turned back and Aditya got shocked to see that person )

A:- you..!