
A secreat

This is the story of a girl and a single father, of romance between them, but there is a little twist in this story that there are some secrets of both the boy and the girl, which the world has not known till date, what is that secret, it was for you. The secret you will have to be read

Deevanshi_Aggarwal · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Episode 12

Precap:- Suddenly Aditya gets a call that kidnappers are calling. They all get shocked. Isha is taking care of Aditya. 

Let's begin 

A:- Sister Rishi Rishi 

I:- Calm down Aditya, nothing will happen to our Rishu, first you go inside. 

( Isha takes Aditya inside and simran too )

scene cut 

I:- listen simi i call hasina 

s:- ok mom 

( isha calls haseena )

hm:- Isha's phone 

( she picked the call )

Hm:- hello 

I:- haseena ( speacking in worry tone )

Hm:- What happened, you look upset, is everything okay? 

I:- no It happened like this.. ( she told everythink to haseena )

Hm:- what! I told them just to threaten them, did they really kidnap Rishi? ( thinking in mind )

I:- haseena.. haseen where you lost 

( haseena came in her senses )

Hm:- nothing I'll just be there for a little while

I:- ok thankyou so much 

Hm:- its ok 

( call cut and simran also reach there ) 

S:- mom what happened 

I:- haseena is comming 

s:- ok 

scene cut 

At haseena side 

( Hasina calls someone )

M:- yes madam !

Hm:- I only told you to threaten you but you actually kidnapped Rishi. ( in anger )

M:- What! But madam, we haven't even called yet. 

Hm:- What ! You are not lying? 

M:- No madam, I swear on my children and madam, a father cannot swear falsely on his child. 

Hm:- ok You don't have to do anything until I order something.

M:- sure mam

( haseena cut the call )

Hm:- This means there is a third person who has kidnapped Rishi but who? 

scene cut 

( A very dark room in which a small child was lying unconscious, his hands and legs were tied, he slowly regains consciousness, he looks all around, then it becomes dark, the child is about to stand up, only then he falls, he looks around. Someone has tied his hands and legs. That child is none other than Rishi. )

R:- How did I get here? where is papa 

( Suddenly he hears a voice )

V:- welcome rishi son I have some good news to give you

R:- Who are you, you want to send me to my father 

V:- yes son I have a condition

R:- what?

v:- I will tell that condition only to your father, till then you will remain kidnapped with me. 

R:- kidnaap ! You are very bad, I have to go to my father, Papa.. Papa. ..Open the door.... ( shouting ) 

V:- Silent! No one will come here to hear your voice, understand? ( devil lough )

( RISHI becomes sad and goes to a corner and sits quietly. )

scene cut 

At aditya house 

( Everyone in Aditya's house is Haseena and even Karishma. Haseena was interrogating Aditya when suddenly Aditya gets a panic attack and everyone gets shocked and worried. )

Hm:- aditya are you ok ? 

( Haseena without wasting time goes to Aditya and checks his nerves. )

Hm:- He has a panic attack 

( Hasina rubs Aditya's back )

Hm:- bring water quickly ( saying while rubbing his back )

( Isha goes to get water )

Hm:- Haseena places her hand on Aditya's cheeks and says.. Aditya take long breaths 

( Aditya does as Hasina says two three times Aditya slowly comes back to normal condition. isha also brings As soon as Haseena turns back, her hair is pulled and she sees that Haseena's hair has got stuck in the button of Aditya's T-shirt. Hasina hurriedly tries to take out her hair but is unable to do so. ) 

A:- one minute 

( Aditya starts helping Haseena and Haseena is just looking at Aditya. )

A:- done 

Hm:- Thank have a water ( blushing from inside ) 

( Aditya drinks water)

Hm:- how are you feeling now 

A:- much better 

K:- Madam, how do I know so much about panic attacks? 

Hm:- I learned in police training 

K:- ok 

A:- Hasina ji thank you so much 

Hm:- its ok so anyways simran rishi and you went to game zone right?

S:- yes mam 

K:- Madam, does this mean that Rishi has been kidnapped at the place where Gamzon was? 

Hm:- right 

K:- So we can see his CCTV cameras 

Hm:- I and Santoh Sharma had gone to that place but I had seen that the man had completely covered his face and it is obvious that if any kidnapper comes, he will inspect that place thoroughly. 

K:- right mam 

Hm:- Anyway Aditya you got a call from any number asking for extortion. 

A:- Yes madam, the call came but to inform that he has kidnapped Aditya. 

Hm:- great give me that unknowen number Karishma Singh quickly call Santosh Sharma And tell them to find out the IP address of this number and tell me. 

K:- sure madam 

scene cut 

After an hour

( santosh calss haseena )

s:- Madam, the PIN address of this number has been traced. 

Hm:- great 

S:- Its location is...

Chapter end