
A second chance in Remnant. (RWBY Fan-Fic) DROPPED!

Death comes to all, but what comes after is hard to say only your time will tell. One soul lived a filling live with family but ultimately had regrets like everyone else. He has been given a second chance but not without difficulties to fill his path he chose the world of Remnant for his new home. He will be a huntsman, warrior, rogue, but no hero or villain his only goal is to gain happiness once again. In the end, saving the world is part of the problem with loving the heroines of team RWBY along with relationships. ( I do not own RWBY or any references only OC) DROPPED!

ShadowlessBlade · アニメ·コミックス
127 Chs

Chapter 1. First Death

Even after binge watching RWBY for maybe the ten-thousandth time I still love it even after all these years. Well need to get some sleep for tomorrow with the big family reunion and all, my grandchildren are probably going to pester me again to move in with one of them again. My life has been pretty solitary with the exemption of the twins I adopted in my thirties because we were some what related and felt a bit of sympathy for them for going though a similar situation as me. Nothing could have prepare me for parenthood thank whatever higher power that they were already potty trained.

I chuckled a bit at some of my parental mis-adventures I still remember even after being alive for almost a century. Enough reminiscing time to get some shut eye so that I get some food made early in the morning, my dozen different flavor cookies still have most of the family in my thrall. My body aches when getting out my chair, walking to my bed I look to the photos hanging on the wall, the last family reunion hanging in a large frame it still amazes me seeing how big my family has gotten when I started out by myself in the early age of ten in more ways then one. Lost in my thoughts I wander quietly to myself,"Do I regret anything?"

I do about a few things, but the one that sticks out most is my rather bland life of a family man, father, and of course middle class blue collar worker when I still remember my dreams from childhood to young adult till reality hit me. I think everyone has regrets like that but right now I need to go to bed. Climbing into my bed my furry companion Russel a pure black cat with blue eyes joins me.

MC: Hey Russel nap time for you right.

Russel ignoring me curled up at the foot of the bed, I pity the cat because the little kids coming tomorrow are going to torment him so much, scratching his ears in apology for his misery to come Russel starts purring. Getting comfortable in bed I finally close my eyes with plans for tomorrow. With dreamland beckoning me I sleep unknowingly for the last time in this world.

In a domain of infinite white I appeared confused and alone.

MC: Oh-kay this dream is a first.

???: Unfortunately this no dream and you have died.

MC: Well that is hardy surprising with old I am.

I look around for the genderless voice.

???: You are taking this well.

MC: Death is something that comes to all things at some point.

???: True, allow me to introduce myself I have many names the one that I feel that suit me best is Karma.

MC: Well Karma what happen now.

Karma: First accounting for your total amount of karmic points you earn in your life then rewards or punishments follow.

MC: Can I ask a few thing first if isn't to much trouble.

Karma: ...Ask away.

MC: First where are you, Second is my family alright, Third did I die of old age or something else,

and lastly do all those isekai stories have any truth to them.

Karma: First I am nowhere and everywhere, Second your family is sadden with your passing your cat is be taken care of by your grandchildren, Third yes it was old age, and for your last question we will see after accounting your karmic point. Which just I finished and you are in for a few rewards and one punishment.

MC: What kind of rewards and punishment?

I was worried and excited, the punishment did not sound like a good thing.

Karma: The punishment will be decide after you have selected your rewards which is 4 wishes.

I think carefully about what I want and I think I had better accept the punishment because trying to get out of it might make it worse.

MC: Can I reincarnate in the RWBY-verse?

Karma: Please specify as to how you wish reincarnate in remnant.

This my first fan-fic so any constructive comment are welcome.

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