
About him

Pete looked up when he heard a knock on his office door and he sighed while gathering some files together.

"Come in" he said as the door opened.

"Hi Pete" said Natasha with a smile as she entered into Pete's office as he looked up and he was surprised to see her here.

"Nat, what a surprise?" asked Pete as he laughed and Natasha laughed as she sat down.

"I know, I just decided to come and see you today" said Natasha with a smile.

"I was just about to ask why you were here" said Pete as he laughed and Natasha laughed.

"I brought you a coffee" said Natasha with a smile as she handed Pete a coffee.

"Oooh, today must be my lucky day, thanks Nat" said Pete with a smile as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Am I disturbing you? You look stress" said Natasha with a look of worry.

"Not at all, I actually need a nice disturbance like you right now" said Pete with a sigh as he smiled.

"Hmm tough case?" asked Natasha as Pete nodded.

"By far yes, It's a homicide case, a young girl was killed, her decaying body was found in the woods, no clues as to who did it" said Pete in a grim voice as Natasha felt her heart drop, remembering what happened to her.

"Is it a rape case?" asked Natasha.

"No, there were no signs of penetration, seems like some sick bastard just decided to kill an innocent girl for no reason" said Pete in anger.

"How old was she?" asked Natasha.

"Seventeen" said Pete as that made Natasha feel even worse.

"Do the parents know?" asked Natasha.

"They do, and boy, when I tell you that it broke my heart breaking the news, they didn't take it well" said Pete.

"Which parent would?" asked Natasha as she could only imagine how hurt her dad felt when he heard about her death.

"It's… It's just wicked you know… to kill another human being" said Natasha as Pete looked at her, realizing that he had said too much, he could hear the pain in Natasha's tone.

"I'm sorry Natasha, I shouldn't have told you about this" said Pete as Natasha looked at him.

"No, it's fine Pete, you know, I don't know how you do it, seeing deaths every day, and you still remain strong" said Natasha as she smiled.

"It's not that easy, and I'm not that strong, I can't imagine something that terrible happening to you, it would kill me" said Pete as Natasha smiled.

"You would be fine, you are strong" said Natasha as she smiled, feeling a bit sick, just remembering what happened to her.

"You don't look well, what's wrong?" asked Pete as he noticed that she looked a bit pale.

"I'm fine Pete" said Natasha as she remembered why she was actually here.

"So why are you here?" asked Pete.

"Well I just wanted to see you Pete" said Natasha with a smile.

"I don't believe you Natasha, you need something, what is it?" asked Pete as he laughed.

"Why do you think that I need something?" asked Natasha as Pete shot her a look that read "Don't try me"

"I know you Nat, and I know that look on your face, what did you find out?" asked Pete with a smile.

"Alright, fine, you know me well" said Natasha as she laughed and Pete laughed.

"Well actually, I need some information" said Natasha.

"Do you know this man?" asked Natasha as she brought out her phone as she showed Pete a picture as he looked at it well.

"Yes I do, do you know him?" asked Pete questionably as he looked Natasha.

"I don't know much about him, but I know that he's an FBI agent, his name is Agent Dians" said Natasha.

"Yes, that's true, so what do you want about him and why?" asked Pete.

"Well I need some information on him, where I can find him" said Natasha.

"Why?" asked Pete as knowing Natasha this was nothing good.

"I need his help with something" said Natasha as she gave a vague reply.

"Something like what?" asked Pete with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't need to know" said Natasha as Pete scoffed.

"Natasha, does this have something to do with Romanoff?" asked Pete as honestly, even though with what happened last time, he told Natasha to stay away from that man, he knew very well that she was still in contact with him.

"Yes, since you said it, yes, there is no point hiding it, it's about him" said Natasha.

"Nat, I told you to stay away from that man, he's dangerous, why don't you ever listen to me?" asked Pete as he groaned.

"Look Pete, this time I am getting involved for a good reason, and you need to trust me" said Natasha.

"No way Nat, we had a deal" said Pete with a sigh.

"You know what, I can't handle this, I am going to tell Dominic that you are involving yourself with Romanoff again" said Pete.

"He already knows" said Natasha with a scoff.

"He does?" asked Pete in surprise.

"Yes, he found out everything to my dismay when Romanoff came to see me at home, look, you would be wasting your time calling him about something he is already well aware of" said Natasha.

"Alright, fine" said Pete.

"Since when did you and him become so chummy anyway?" asked Natasha with a scoff.

"Well we have a common interest, and that is making sure you stay away from trouble, you are a trouble magnet Nat, you know that" said Pete as Natasha scoffed.

"I don't like how you feel like you have someone to report me to" said Natasha.

"He cares about you" said Pete.

"He doesn't, he only cares about his name, and how what I do makes him look" said Natasha.

"That's only natural Nat, he's Joy's father" said Pete.

"Look Pete, I didn't come here to talk about that, are you going to give me the information I need or not?" asked Natasha.

"I'm surprised that you didn't first try to steal the information" said Pete as he laughed.

"it would waste my time, I need quick answers, will you give it to me or not?" asked Natasha as Pete texted something on his phone.

"I will give it to you" said Pete.

"Thank you" said Natasha.

"Are you going to tell me why you need Agent Dians help?" asked Pete.

"I can't tell you details Pete, just for your own safety, in case everything goes wrong, I don't want you to be implicated" said Natasha as Pete nodded.

"At least give me a hint" said Pete.

"Let's just say that I will get my revenge eventually" said Natasha with a smile as there was a knock on Pete's office door and Morales walked in.

"I have the file you asked for boss, oh hi Mrs. White" said Morales as he noticed Natasha and he smiled.

"Hi Morales" said Natasha with a smile.

"Give her the file Morales, you can go now" said Pete.

"Alright boss, see you, see you Mrs. White" said Morales with a smile as he did as he was told and he left the office as Natasha looked through the file.

"Thanks Pete" said Natasha with a smile.

"Anytime Nat, just be careful, Agent Dians is not a necessarily nice person" said Pete.

"Don't worry Pete, I can handle myself, you know that" said Natasha with a smile.

"That I do" said Pete as he laughed.

"Hmm, now that I think about it, things between you and Lia seem to be getting serious" said Natasha with a smile as she closed the file and she teased Pete as he laugh.

"Well I wouldn't say that serious… but I like her" said Pete as he smiled.

"She's herself, I like her energy, I love her great interest in her hobbies, and I like how much she values her work" said Pete with a smile.

"Oooh sounds like someone is smitten" said Natasha as Pete laughed.

"Just remember to call me when the wedding happens" said Natasha as she laughed.

"I'm not going to rush into that Nat, I want things to happen naturally, I mean I have been in love with you so long that I forgot how it feels to have an interest in someone else" said Pete as he smiled and Natasha smiled.

"I'm happy that you are happy Pete, you are such a good person, and you deserve someone to make you happy" said Natasha with a smile.

"And by the look of things, Lia feels the same as well" said Natasha.

"Really?" asked Pete in surprise.

"Yes, she does" said Natasha with a smile.

"I hope things work out, I really do Nat" said Pete as Natasha smiled.

"And they will Pete, just be yourself, your caring, wonderful, lovely self" said Natasha with a smile.

"Thanks Nat, you are the best, you know that" said Pete with a smile.

"That I do, I have to go pick Joy up from school, see you later" said Natasha as she stood up.

"See you Nat" said Pete with a smile as Natasha left his office.