

A young man from our world wakes up in the body of the saiyan Raditz. Will things change when a avid fan of Dragon Ball becomes Raditz? Find out on A SAIYAN SURVIVOR !

Antonio_Garza · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 9: The Beginning of a Mystical Adventure

While we were walking inside the house Bulma spoke up.

"Hey Raditz, I couldn't help but notice that you have a tail like Kakarot." Bulma looked at my now unwrapped tail with some shock.

"At first I thought Kakarot's tail was fake, but then I noticed that you have one too and it seems to be moving. So, is it real?" She asked with some confusion.

I stopped walking and turned to Bulma. "Yes, it is very real. It's as real as your arm or leg", I shrugged. " My mother, Kakarot and I have tails. It comes with being from the Saiyan race."

I don't really see a reason to hide what my family is. Telling Bulma that we were Saiyans wasn't really an issue. It might even be beneficial for her to know early on so she can work on the attack pod. She could possibly make a ship similar to the one she made for Goku.

"Saiyan race? What is that?" She asked but seemed to recognize the word. If I had to guess, it was due to Jaco looking for one when she was a toddler. Since she was so young, she can't remember the full details.

"The Saiyans were a powerful warrior race that hailed from Planet Vegeta. The Saiyans and our planet were destroyed by a tyrant, and we might be the last few remaining. We arrived here 12 years ago to escape and survive." I explained to her.

She looked shocked and excited to meet an alien. "Oh my god! I have so many questions! I know aliens exist because dad told me Tights met one. I think he said his name was Taco....no Jaco. Though I never had a chance to meet him besides when I was really young. This is great."

I stopped her from asking questions since she could do so after lunch. "You can ask your questions after we eat."

After the initial excitement she remember that I said something about a tyrant. It made a chill crawl up her spine knowing that there are beings out there that can destroy planets. "You mentioned a tyrant, do you think he will come here to destroy this planet as well", she asked terrified.

"No, he won't. He has this planet in his database, but this planet is considered low priority. He won't bother with this planet unless it has something to offer." I said to her. 'Like dragon balls that can grant immortality.' I thought to myself.

This seemed to ease her mind. We arrived at the dining room that was installed so we can have more room to eat comfortably. Kakarot went towards the kitchen to give the fish to Grandpa Gohan and our mother to start cooking.

The food was ready, and we began to eat.


-3rd POV-

As the three Saiyans began to devour everything in sight with Gine and Raditz with more table manners but were eating just as fast. Kakarot didn't really care and just stuffed his face with delicious food. They were still trying to instill some manners into Kakarot, but it was difficult when it came to food.

Bulma was looking at them with disgusted awe. Gohan noticed this and couldn't help but chuckle. He was thinking that, that must be the same face he made when he first saw the Saiyans appetites. He has grown used to their eating habits and now finds it endearing.

When they were done eating, Gohan and Gine began to clean the table. After that was done, Gohan made some tea for all of them to enjoy.

Bulma spoke first. "Before we can start on why I'm here, I would like to know more about your race and how you came here. Did you use a spaceship and where is it? Did you bring technology with you? What makes you different from Earthlings besides the tail?"

The four blinked at the questions that she was rapidly firing at them with more excitement and curiosity. "What was your culture like? What made you a warrior race? Are you biologically different than us?"

The questions kept coming until finally Raditz stopped to answer her. "Yes, we did arrive on an attack pod and did bring a few devices that are called scouters. We Saiyans are different than Earthlings, because we have bodies that are made for combat." Raditz answered.

"Our culture was based on strength. We would separate each Saiyan by class. The classes were low, mid, first, elite and finally super elite which was rare. Only King Vegeta and Prince Vegeta were super elites. Your class would be determined on birth by how high your power level was", Gine cut in.

Bulma looked confused. "How would you know your power level? Also, really the planet, the king and the prince were all named Vegeta. They really must have a real big ego."

Gine couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes, from what I heard from Bardock, my mate, the king and the prince were very prideful."

Raditz shook his head. 'That's an understatement. Poor Broly was sent off world because he was stronger than King's son.' He then answered. "The scouters can check your power level. Though they can break if the power level they are scanning is too high."

"Earlier you said that your bodies were made for combat. How so?" Bulma asked them.

"Saiyans have the ability to fight anywhere and adapt. They get stronger as they fight as well. The best part of being a Saiyan is when they are near death and heal from it, a Saiyan's power will increase exponentially." Raditz informed her.

Bulma gained a gleam in her eye that made the Saiyans have shivers on their spine. "Interesting."

Bulma shook her head and asked, "what did Saiyans do for a living? Were they mercenaries or even galactic police?"

At the question the Saiyans adult looked uncomfortable. Though Raditz answered the question.

"The Saiyans were mercenaries of a sort. Though you can call them space pirates. Under Frieza's rule, the Saiyans were sent to other plants to exterminate the population and sell the planet to the highest bidder. They enjoyed doing so because they would be able to fight and Frieza would gain the profits." He answered with some shame on how horrible his race was.

Bulma looked horrified which is understandable. "That's horrible and disturbing. Why would they do that."

"Our race were good at it, and they didn't really have a choice with Frieza as our boss. After escaping from the destruction of Planet Vegeta and coming to Earth. We decided to start over and put the Saiyans bloody past behind us."

Bulma calmed down but she still seemed to be a bit disturbed. "I see.... where is your attack pod and scouters?"

"The attack pod is in the back of the house with the scouters inside the pod since we don't use them that often anymore. Why are you so curious? It's not like you can use any of this information." Gine said wondering why she wants to know.

Bulma thankful that she can talk about something else, puffed her generous chest in pride. "While I don't look like it, I'm a genius when it comes to technology. I'm also the heiress of Capsule Corporation and my father and I are scientists. I would like to study your pod and scouters. Maybe even study your DNA and biology since it seems fascinating."

Gohan looked surprised at the information. "You're from the Brief Family from Capsule Corp?"

Gine and Kakarot looked confused. Raditz just stayed silent since he already knew this. "You mean the capsules that we sometimes use. You made those?" Gine asked Bulma.

Bulma shook her head. "No, my father was the one that invented them."

She changed the subject to the scouters. "So, why don't you use the scouters anymore?"

"The scouters don't just scan power levels; they are also communication devices. We don't use them anymore because we can sense Ki without them, and they are bugged." Raditz explained to Bulma.

"Bugged? What do you mean?" Bulma asked.

Gine answered this time. "All scouter communications were bugged so that Frieza could know all that was going on. The scouter is kind of unsafe to use carelessly, so we make sure to cover the microphone so that the Frieza Force won't be listening in when we use them."

"Do you think you can get rid of the bug?" Raditz turned to Bulma wondering if she could do it now or would she need to be at Capsule Corp. to work on it.

"Yes, but not right now. All the tools I would need are back at home", she answered.

"Do you think you can also work on recreating this material?" Raditz left the table for a second and came back with his worn and torn Saiyan armor. "This is what all Saiyans wore. It was somewhat good for protection and is very elastic. Now it's pretty worn down, but it should be enough for you to study it."

Bulma grabs the armor and looks at it. She begins to pull and watches as the armor stretches. She was surprised because the material felt tough and non-stretchable, yet it was able to stretch without any difficulty.

"Hmm, what an interesting material. Alright I will study this as well. It would make our clothes much more durable and tear resistant. As well as better armor for our military." Bulma pulls out a storage capsule to store the Saiyan armor. "I'll put the pod in a storage capsule later."

Then Gohan spoke next. "Now that that's out of the way, we can get to why you're here."

Bulma blushed after realizing they went off topic. She was so excited about new technology from space and meeting aliens, that she got distracted. She then put her bag on the table and pulled two Dragon Balls. One has two stars while the other has five.


-Raditz POV-

I looked at everyone as they were surprised to see two similar orbs as the 4-star Dragon Ball that Grandpa Gohan found a while ago. When I asked him, he didn't know what it was. He thought it was pretty and decided to keep it.

"These are Dragon Balls. There are seven of them and they are spread out across the world. The 2-star ball was found in my basement. I grew curious and I began to study the orb." Bulma explained to us. "I then started looking for any legends about the Dragon Balls", she said.

Mom then spoke up. "So, what did you find out about them? Also, how did you locate them?"

Bulma then began to explain the legend of the Dragon Balls to us. "As I already told you there are seven of them. The legend states that you have to gather all seven. After you do, a magical dragon named Shenlong (Shenron) will appear and will grant you a single wish."

Grandpa Gohan, Kakarot and mom looked astounded by the legend. I already knew this but acted just as astonished. Kakarot then asked, "what are you going to wish for?"

Bulma looked a little shy. "Well, my wish is either going to be a lifetime of strawberries or...." She muttered the second wish, and I couldn't hear what she said. Though knowing her it's probably to wish for a perfect boyfriend.

"Sorry my dear, I don't have ears like I used to in my old age. Could you please repeat that?" Grandpa Gohan asked her.

I could see that she was blushing from having to repeat herself. "I want to wish for the perfect boyfriend." She finally said, her face was full on crimson from revealing an embarrassing wish.

Mom raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that a little silly and childish? Can the dragon even grant that wish if the legend was true?"

Bulma just turned her head to the side probably not wanting to admit that it was childish. "I don't even know if it's real or not, so I didn't really put much thought into the wish." I'm not really surprised since she's a scientist, she would be skeptical of magic and dragons. She's probably doing this for fun to cure her boredom.

"Anyway, as for locating them I noticed that they gave off a small magnetic field when I was studying them. I studied this and was able to create a device to track them with." Bulma reached for her bag and pulled out a circular device.

The device was circular in nature with a white casing with a button on top. The screen was green with geometric squares plastered on the surface. It was of course the Dragon Radar.

"This is the Dragon Radar. It's the device that I used to find the Dragon Balls. It led me here for the third Dragon ball. Here let me show you guys", she said to us.

She then pressed the button on top and showed us the radar. We can see the three glowing dots in the center representing Bulma and our Dragon Balls. We also saw the four other glowing dots in other locations.

She then points at the third blip on the radar next to the ones she has. "You have one here as well. I was wondering if you would part with it."

Grandpa Gohan ponders this for a few seconds. He then gets up to leave and comes back with the 4-star ball. "I would be willing to part with it, if you do me two favors."

I saw her contemplate before asking, "what are the favors?"

"First, please take Kakarot and Raditz with you. It would do them good to see the world. I also have no doubts that there would be many dangers on your search, and they can protect you." Grandpa Gohan asked his first favor.

Mom was reluctant to let us go, though more Kakarot than me, since he was still young. "I don't want them to go, but I understand that they need this. They will be able to see the world. I want you boys to have fun on your journey and be safe."

Kakarot and I nodded at her. "What is the second one?" Bulma inquired from Grandpa Gohan.

"The second, is that when you do find all of the Dragon Balls, please come back and let me know if the legend is real. It would no doubt be an interesting tale", Grandpa Gohan stated.

Bulma gave him a wink. "Sure, that sounds easy enough. Plus, you are right. It might be good to have some strong bodyguards to protect me." She then gives me sultry look.

I sighed internally. 'Here I was thinking that she got over me after seeing how I eat. Hopefully she will set her sights on Yamcha when she meets him.'

We all walked out of the house and Bulma brought out a capsule. She threw it and out came a car. If my memory is correct, the same one that she hit Kakarot with. Guess he didn't break it after all.

Soon after we set off on our journey to the west to hunt the Dragon Balls.

A/N: Sorry guys I have been busy with work and so tired doing a double shift. I didn't really have a lot of time to finish this. Now my work shifts are back to normal for now. Which means I have more time to work on this. Enjoy. Also let me know if there are grammar or spelling errors. I'm not perfect. So, any help would be apperceptive.