

A new age novel on Beckham's marriage and how he met a new lady who changed his life forever.

PritiR01 · 歴史
10 Chs

Beckham's Youth

Beckham was a 11-year old boy who lived with his mother after his father had died when he was just 4 years old. They lived in the beautiful town of St. Lucas in Russia. His Mom owned a gift shop in the same street where they lived and was usually busy.

As a child, he often dreamt of being an Astronaut.

He used to read stories of space that his Mom bought for

him. He got educated at school just as other children of

his age did. Then he went to a nearby college in a well-known

Russian city.

He had strange hobbies when he was in college like Baseball, Soccer, and Arts. He also used to date girls of

his college. Of these, there was one girl who he was very

fond of and cared about. She was Valentina. What happened later on was a tale of destiny.