
A Reincarnated Wizard

Ark, once hailed as the strongest wizard and also king. He gets reincarnated forcefully by an old man of unknown origins. Once he gets up he finds himself in his younger body. And a Female voice Greets him. [ Congratulations! You have successfully transmigrated to another world.] The new world lacks mana and has energy instead. People have unique abilities which no other can use. See Ark through his new life in a new world starting as a young boy. .....

Call_Me_Senpai · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Slaying monsters

Finally, I am at the top of the hill. In front of me is a vast forest and besides is what seems like a city but it has these huge walls around it.

I will visit that place later on. But first, let's complete this task.

Inside the forest, there are bushes and small trees everywhere. Although it did not seem like it this forest is quite dense.

I am walking in solitude when all of a sudden my senses starts tingling. I put my guard on and scan my surrounding. A small rabbit-like animal with fangs is starting at me from a distance.

[ Fang Rabbit




What the? It looks so weird. Even though it is weird I can't let my guard down its agility is quite high.

I imagine about the sword and it appears immediately out of the dimensional box.

Now, that I have a sword in my hand I am feeling quite secure. Although I don't have much experience when it comes to swords I do know some basics taught by my father when I was small.

Maintaining a stance for attack I hold out my sword. The rabbit isn't moving one bit since it has seen me.

Since it is inside the forest I need to kill it to complete my task. I leap towards the rabbit swinging my sword cutting through the air. Seeing the sword come it the way. The rabbit jumps to the side. * Hisss* Now it became hostile towards me. It is showing its fangs more clearly. It is near twice its own body and it is about to touch the ground.

This time the rabbit attacked me. It used some kind of wind magic or ability should I say. It's speed increased relatively more and with its fang pointed towards me it leapt forth.

Although it is quite fast but not as much that I will have any problem with it. I immediately slashed my sword towards it and because it was in mid-air it couldn't do anything but any wait to be sliced.


It is a clean-cut exactly into two. I barely felt anything while cutting the rabbit. That's a god's weapon for you. It's so sharp it can cut anything like butter.

Picking up the corpse I examine it closely. Its fur is quite soft and it has something on his forehead which I missed to notice previously.

[ Fang rabbit slain. Store the corpse inside your dimensional box to get the reward after the mission is completed.]

I thought for a second. How will I get a reward after putting the corpse inside the box? Hmm. Does it use magic to extract its essential parts? Well, not that I need to know.

Without thinking further I put the corpse inside my d-box(Dimensional Box). And once again I start roaming inside the forest.

Later that evening,

I was very exhausted from all the fights I had today. It seemed to me like as if I was thrown back in time when I was just reading in my Academy and the teacher would make us fight with monsters till we are nearly passed out.

[ 20% of the total monsters exterminated.]

[ You are out of energy. ]

Yeah, I know that. You don't need to tell me about it. I leaned on a nearby tree with no strength left in my whole body.

Hey, can you tell me about the monsters that I killed today? I asked in curiosity as anyone would be.

[ 230 Fang rabbits killed-Low level]

[ 120 Wind Wolf-Mid Level]

[ 65 Raptors-Mid levels]

[2 Chimaera-High Level]

I killed quite many. If I was in my old body I swear I would have killed all the monsters of this forest with one spell. But now look at me, I barely survived in my fight with that last ugly chimaera.

Truth to be told, I was fine while fighting all other monsters I tumbled upon and even the chimaera wasn't that hard but that last chimaera sneaked attack on me. I can't sense other's presence like before and I completely missed that last chimaera who was hiding near the bush.

It caught me off-guard, I nearly escaped from that if I was a second late in casting my spell I would have probably been eaten by that ugly bastard.

His whole body was rotting and it was full of wounds probably due to fights. And he had a head of a caterpillar and something like drool was dropping on the floor all the time. Yuck!

Oh, and by the way. I learned how to use my ability during my fight. All I have to do is imagine what powers I want to use. Be it super speed, super strength, e.t.c I can even use the magic spells from my previous life but I need to imagine the whole process for it.

Ah, saying so I remember. I can heal myself with healing magic. I totally forgot about it.

I imagined how healing spells work by using the power of time and nature to fasten the healing process. While using heal spell the time fasten into the future and goes into the past in accordance with the word inflicted on the caster or somebody other.

A bright golden light starts to emit around my body. A warm sensation surrounds me. And all of a sudden, the fatigued feeling disappeared and an energetic feeling takes place.

Although my clothes are just a bit dirty they haven't torn apart. Lucky me, if it would have been torn I would most likely be just like a person from the primitive era.

Now, where should I sleep? I don't have anything to sleep on. And honestly, I don't want to be bitten by insects to death.

[ If you want to sleep safely you can sleep on the tree branches. *-*]

[ Although your Darlings will come to kiss you at night. You won't be eaten alive while you are dreaming. ~~~]

[ It won't take you any time. Unlike, making a tent which is prone to be attacked.]

Oh, yeah. Then what about fire? I can light a fire to keep them away.

[ Oh, Dear. Just so you know the monsters with strong energy aren't afraid of fire. It will only attract a more fierce predator.]

Hearing her words I gave up on the idea for building anything which I was having and without saying a word climbed up the tree and slept on its THICK brach.


Although not comfortable it was safe and realizing it I got quite the sleep. I climbed down the tree and the first thing that greeted me is another fang rabbit. So, don't mind me if I kill you, little boy. You also lie in that remaining 80% monsters.


I killed the rabbit in a blink of an eye. But I did not place it inside the D-box. I had another idea. Although I was feeling full after healing myself due to the sudden outburst of my energy.

My hunger, in reality, wasn't quenched but only suppressed and I regretted it when the dawn was halfway through.

So, let's eat it. I tried to create a small knife made up of pure energy but it was a semi-failed experiment.

The knife was quite sharp and I was able to prepare the rabbit to cook. But it was very hard to maintain its size. Unlike mana which could have been used both externally and internally. Energy is only compatible to use internally.

But anyway, it won't stop me. The more challenging it is the more fun it is trying to complete it.

I used a fireball spell from my world and put fire on some dried branches I collected a while ago. And as the fire started to blaze I skewered the rabbit over those flames as a whole.

And after finishing my somewhat satisfactory breakfast I carry on with my task to exterminate the monsters.

Later that day,

I grew stronger than yesterday and was able to kill more monster than yesterday. With that being said 60% of the monsters have been already exterminated.

Today, I fought with much more variety of monsters. There was this spider-like huge monster which was spewing venom from its mouth and a huge bird which was also quite large and it was using wind attack.

Although at first, I struggled with every new monster. Once defeated it starts getting easy.

I did not face any life-threatening event today but I remember the system giving me a warning.

[ King is near you. Run the furthest you can.]

At that time, I ran without thinking but still, it is quite weird. Does this forest have a king ruling over it? If so then it must be the strongest of all. And my strength might not be a match for him that must be the reason for the warning.

I asked her about it but she only said that I will know about it soon enough.

Without thinking too much. I cooked yet another rabbit for myself and consumed to before going to my high-altitude bed.

And sleeping on my bed in the sky. I fell asleep yet again. I did not fear anything because the Arial monster ruling this area was slain by me.

So, no problem sleeping in the tall tree. But yesterday would have been a problem if the bird was to attack me. Fortunately, it didn't.



Hope you like it.


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