
A Reincarnated Wizard

Ark, once hailed as the strongest wizard and also king. He gets reincarnated forcefully by an old man of unknown origins. Once he gets up he finds himself in his younger body. And a Female voice Greets him. [ Congratulations! You have successfully transmigrated to another world.] The new world lacks mana and has energy instead. People have unique abilities which no other can use. See Ark through his new life in a new world starting as a young boy. .....

Call_Me_Senpai · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Exterminate all the monsters!

As soon as I gain my consciousness, the first thing that greets me is a cool breeze of air which sends a shiver down my spine.

It's cold. I wrap my hand around myself out of instinct. The hands touching my body somehow feels different from my own.

What the? What happened to me? I think as I carefully observe my hands which look surprisingly smaller than before.

I slowly pick myself up and running my hands throughout my body I realise that I am in a smaller body than mine.

What is this place? If I remember correctly I was trying to get sleep in my room and...

Ugh! My head hurts. Just as I mumble those words a huge amount of information floods my mind.


All that pain leaves me gasping for air.

What was that ab-? Out of nowhere, I start seeing some images which are probably my own memory before I came here.

I was inside my room pondering on whether or not to attack my neighbouring country to increase my territory. When all of a sudden I sense a terrifying aura which I have never sensed before.

It made me leap off my bed due to fear. In front of me a very old man with white clothes from head to toe. Short white hair and a long white beard reaching up to his chest.

I clench my fist in instinct and ask in a polite tone to the old man ' How did you enter here, elder? Although I don't know who you are this place is off-limits for others.' Trying to solve it peacefully. If he was to attack me I would nothing but a pulp of blood in the blink of an eye.

The old man smiled slightly and said' Let's take this somewhere else.' I was about to speak but before I could the old man snapped his fingers.

All of a sound I find myself standing in the middle of the border between my country and another. I had a tensed up face as everybody would be to see such terrifying existence teleport you to such a secluded place.

I gulp down my saliva in fear. And once again tried to ask' Elder, I don't remember you and I do-' Before I could finish my words. He gestured something by pointing his two fingers towards me.

All of a sudden, I was bound by a golden rope. I immediately recognised the rope and shouted' Th-This is the heavenly rope. I-I had only read about in history books. Why do you have this?'.' I have no obligation to answer you.' he spoke for the first time. His words were neither arrogant nor prideful.

He once again smiled upon me and just as a huge magic circle appeared under me he said ' Everything is decided by God. You have been selected as the reincarnater. You are no longer needed in this world. '

' What do you mean by reincarnater? And how am I not needed? I am the king of this country. I still need yo fulfil my promise to my people about making their life better.' I say in a loud voice. Although scared I still tried to stand my ground.

A golden light started emitting from the circle. I started to panic as it was unknown to me what it was for.

' You will receive God's blessing after you reach your destination. Live your next life as you wish.' The old man said with the same genuine smile he had since the beginning.

' Wait, old man. I don't want-' The golden light swallowed me whole before I could say something.

Ahh! That old man. Why did he do that? Now, what should I do? How do I return back? I was lost in thought when a voice resonated inside my head. It was a weird voice of a female.

[ Congratulations! You have successfully reincarnated.]

What the? Hey, Who are you? Where are you show yourself?

[ I am called Infinity System. And I am the blessing God bestowed upon you. ]

[ And I cannot show my self as I am just a consciousness residing inside your body.]

My body? How did you enter my body? Get out now. I shouted in fear.

[ You have reincarnated in the body where I was already present.]

[ So, if you want to leave you can leave but I can't.]

Oh, that's why my body felt different. Anyways, then send me back. I want to go back. I say as I did not want to be reincarnated that old man just forcefully did.

[ Sorry, You cannot return back to your world.]

What? But Why? Send me back already. Just do anything. Anything will be fine.

[ No can do. No one can send you back now. Your previous body has already been destroyed. Your memory from the people of the previous world has already been erased. And no matter how hard you try you can never go back again. Never ever again.]

Irritated by that statement. I started to curse that old man who sent me here.

[ Message Received: 1 ]

[ Do you wish to read?]

<Yes> <No>

All of a sudden, a mirror-like thing appeared out of thin air. It is right in front of me. What is this? Message? I think for some time and decided to read it. Well, it is not like I have anything to do now that I am sent forcefully to this god knows what kind of world.

[ Dear, Ark. We may have never met before but I know everything about you. Why? Because I am God. Now, if I have to guess you are probably cursing and getting angry over me and Verion. But don't be I just wanted you to live a new life. Free from all the pains you have gone through in previous life, Free from all the sins you have committed and free from all your responsibilities.

I have also given you a welcoming gift. Which you will probably get after finishing this letter. Anyways, I want you yo grow the strongest beings in this entire world and enjoy your life to your heart content which you never got to enjoy in your previous life.

Best regards, God.]

Just as I finished reading this letter. My eyebrows squeezed together. I was utterly confused about how to react. All through his motive was good his methods were horrible.

Just who in the world takes the shit out of someone before reincarnating them in another world to let them savour their life.

I wasn't that old. I was of 25 Years old when I was forcibly reincarnated into this seemingly 15-year-old body if I have to take a guess.

Well, not that I complain though. He let me live this new life so that I can enjoy a happy life. Then...I shall do as he wishes. Be strong and live happily, isn't that right God?

[ Starting Bonus pack received

( Status window)

( Dimensional Box)

( Eye of Truth)

( Sword of Hades)

( Pair of clothes) ]

I carefully read the message which surprised me quite a bit. Most of the things mentioned here are all the legendary things which were recorded in the history books in my previous world.

Like, Eye of truth; It was said that a person was blessed with this power which would let him see details about many things. And the sword of Hades; It was mentioned in the book that this sword was once wielded by the God hades himself during the war between Gods.

And Dimensional Box; It would let the user store much more and heavy items. It has a huge space inside it which is thousands of time larger than the box itself. Clothes are known to everyone.

But his Status window piqued my interest what does it does?

[ It lets you see details about yourself just like Eye of truth does for others.]

Oh, I see. What do I need to do to see it? I said as I was quite excited about it.

[ You just need to say' Status Window' and a small window will pop up.]

Unable to hold my curiosity I immediately uttered those words upon hearing.

[ Status:

( Name: Ark Wendelson)

( Race: Human)

( Age: 16, Race: Male)

( Strength: 200)

( Agility: 175)

( Constitution: 70)

( Charm: 100)

( Energy: 5000/5000( Pure)

( Ability: Imagination ( Ultra- High Grade)

( Skills: Eye of Truth; Unequipped,

Dimensional bag; Unequipped )

( Items: Pair of clothes; Unequipped,

Sword of hades; Unequipped ) ]

Ummm., Hey, can you explain this to me? But before that how do I wear my clothes now?

[ Just imagine about your clothes and it will appear.]

I close my eyes and start imagining about some random clothes. Not knowing which clothes to imagine.

[ Dimensional box also works the same way.]

She added. Just after a second, I feel something on my hand. I slowly open my eyes and find a shoe like something on top of some weird looking clothes.

I put the weird thing down and closely observe that bizarre black clothes. Unable to comprehend I ask the system.

Hey, what kind of clothes are these?

[ The black clothes on your hands are called Boxers. They are worn by males as undergarments and the remaining black clothes are called tracksuit. It is worn by both male and female during exercise but it is can also be worn as day to day clothes. And lastly, the thing on the ground is called sneakers. It is also a kind of shoe worn in this world. It also has a pair of shocks inside it which is worn over your feet.]

Seeing the outburst of information. I some take time to digest this information. These clothes seem quite different from what I am used to so it confused me. I thought as I started to put on the clothes.

Perfect. The clothes are exact fit to me as if they are going made just for me. Hey, do you mind explaining that things from the status screen?

[ I will skip the parts you understand.]

[ Everything except for skills and items is shown in number.]

[ In this world, all people have unique abilities so their strength cannot be determined exactly. So, I don't have any data over those things like strength and agility. I can only determine yours because I am inside you.]

I nod in understanding.

[ This world does not have a single strand of mana instead it contains Energy. It works the same as mana. And even animals and plants have it.]

[ Energy has two types: Pure and impure. Pure is the strongest energy as it is very rare. Maximum of people in this world have impure energy. And you are one of those who has Pure energy.]

[ Energy can also be measured in numbers. There is a device which lets people measure the quantity and quality of the energy present in someone's body.]

[ And Just like mana, Energy can also be increased but for that, you have to absorb it from animals and plants after killing them. While alive you can't forcefully extract it until it willingly gives it to you.]

[ Everyone in this world has abilities although there are some unlucky one who doesn't. Abilities are differentiated into gardens; Low-Grade, Medium-Grade, High-Grade and Ultra-High Grade.]

[ You lie into that 1% of the individual in this world who do possess the ultra-high grade.]

[ And also you have the out of the world ability.]

[ You can use any ability you imagine. There are no restrictions up to how many abilities you use. You can even use magic spells from your world but for that, you have to use some threshold.]

[ And if without reaching it you try to do anything stupid. You will die but along with you I too will be dragged so be careful.]

Upon hearing her warning I was kind of surprised. Because she mentioned she will die if I will die. Well, not that I have any plan of dying soon.

I kind of understand it. Now, what should I do? I was sent to this world. But I have no idea where am I and where should I go.

[ Mission: Exterminate all the monsters of the forest of death.

Reward: 20 Stats point and 10000 XP.

Time limit: 7 Hrs. Failure will result in punishment.]

What the? Which forest? And all monsters isn't that a bit too much for me? I just arrived you know.

[ I am with you. Do not fear. Walk towards the east and get oast the hill to reach your destination.]

I turn towards the east and some distance away I can see a small hill. With no other choice, I start sprinting towards the hill.

One thing I realized just now, These sneakers are hella Comfortable and that thing called boxer too.


Well, enjoy.

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