
A Realm Transcendent

"All that has a start also has an end." Celestial beings, the Architects of everything we call creation, are all aware of it: The looming doom that will destroy all. As a countermeasure, a selection of humans, given the name Evocatus, are beared with the responsibility to save all they can; If they can, that is. Will they be able to save it all? Will they be able to advance through all physical, emotional and psychological harm? –––––––––––––– It all depends on one thing: Whether they find what will destroy it. Or rather.. WHO will destroy it.

Sikawa · ファンタジー
54 Chs


Everyone in the now destroyed city looked at Mitsuki. The Summoned were far away, so they couldn't see his face. Virginia and several others, including Liz were crying as they looked at Emilia.

"Why... Emilia..."

Suddenly, a barrier covered Emilia's body and another second barrier covered all of them.

"We are getting out of here," Valeria said to them as Poki and the three generals entered the barrier.

"But.. Mark has been-" One tried to say, before a choking aura covered the barrier.

"Shut up...And leave here already." Poki commanded.

"Same goes to you Generals, leave, now." Valeria said as the two looked at them, their eyes full of anger.

As they went through a portal, Poki's and Valeria's gazes shifted to Mitsuki and worry clouded their thoughts.

Allon stood in front of Mitsuki ready to strike in case Mitsuki even moved.

"This shift in aura... Who are you?" Allon asked.

"I have no reason of answering your question, do I?" 

The voice as heavy and carried power as it echoed all around the place, now filled with rubbles. The demons which were left were all hiding away from the two, driven by their instincts to escape death that could be easily given to them.

"Where do you think you are all going?" The voice asked as they all suddenly fell down. A red fog started to cover the skies and red lightning boomed all over the place.

"I need to attack now!" Allon said as he appeared beside Mitsuki with a sword in hand.

"The first wrath series: Realm of the cursed!"

The two appeared in a dark realm covered with a black liquid. Several creatures lurked in the darkness, as if happy that there was someone in the realm, someone to feast on. Allon swung his sword with all his might towards Mitsuki's neck as several creatures tried to attack Mitsuki from behind.


All of them froze as an even heavier aura pulsed out of Mitsuki. Allon stared into the eyes of Mitsuki and a thought made him shudder.

"We demons know one thing.. The brighter your red aura and eyes, the more powerful you are... These are crimson red...No way.."

"Oh, I see.. So the wrath series is a fake inferior version of my forbidden series huh.."

"My? What.. Does he mean.."

Mitsuki's cloak changed to a crimson red color. His sword glowed red as pure cursed energy flowed through it. Then, Allon saw it; six wings that were crimson red appeared on Mitsuki's back.

"Forbidden series, Act 200: Order of chaos."

As those words came out of Mitsuki's mouth, cracks appeared all around the realm, as if reality itself had cracked. In that way, the realm was casually deleted off of Allon's abilities without a single trace of it as the two appeared back in the middle of the rubble. Mitsuki or rather, the unknown entity, looked down at Mark, who was still crying.

"The owner if this body really wants you dead.. In that case, I shall end your misery.." 

As he said those words, red crystal like spikes shot out from the ground under Mark, impaling him as it hoisted him up in the air, as if announcing his death.

"Now, back to you.. You are a demon, aren't you?"

Allon did not reply as he readied his next attack.

"I need to go all out if I want to win this!" He thought as a dark purple liquid like aura covered the ground. The environment suddenly changed into Allon's realm, but this time, there were no thrones, no souls, only Allon stood in front of the strange entity, clad in a deep red armor. 

In a flash, he appeared beside Mitsuki, trying to hit him with his fist. The entity blocked it partially as he countered, shifting all the momentum from Allon's fist to his side. Allon withdrew, sinking into the bloody ground.

"That is not a normal attack is it? It enables you to manipulate souls, right?"

Allon was hiding, trying to make a surprise attack. He dared not say a word, not that he would even have the time to do so, as he suddenly felt a hand grip his neck, pulling him out from where he was hiding.

"Since you are a demon, I will let you go, only if you give me the girl's soul."

"Is he saying he will let me be if I give him that soul? Is the boy's will that strong to even sway this entity?" Allon wondered as he made a particular chained soul to appear. He was let go and the entity controlling Mitsuki walked towards the soul, breaking the chain and making it disappear. 

"Now, you're free to go,"

Allon wanted to vanish, but his realm suddenly cracked all over.

"Or, that's what you wanted to hear, right?" Mitsuki asked.

"W.. what...."

Allon was confused, as Mitsuki's form hadn't changed. His eyes were still red and a large amount of cursed energy was still pulsing out of Mitsuki's body.

Suddenly, the realm glitched as they appeared back on the now ruined Brook village.

[You have successfully destroyed Allon's realm]

"What is the meaning of this?!" Allon shouted angrily as he composed himself, ready to attack.

"It's simple, I just took my body back from whoever that was, and it seems I am lucky,"

Mitsuki said, appearing behind Allon, smashing Allon's head into the ground.

"Poki! Valeria! Now!!"

Suddenly, a crest appeared around Allon's waist.

[Allon's power has been sealed temporarily]

[Time left until the power of the unknown entity coursing through your body is depleted: 120 seconds]

[You can use 75% of the power of Gunzou using cursed energy]

As these notifications popped in Mitsuki's mind, he cast a large spell below.

[You can still use the lower level Forbidden series]

[You have used Mountain will, the 113th Forbidden series]

Allon broke from the seal and he rushed towards the two girls.

"You're in my way!" He shouted as he swung his sword towards them.

"Summon! Aqua!"

Suddenly, Allon's sword was held by Aqua.

"What the-"

Aqua gave Allon a devastating uppercut, lifting his whole body high up the air. Before he could even understand his surroundings, Aqua was already above him, kicking him back onto the ground.

"Damn, that was epic," Mitsuki said as he appeared beside Aqua.

"Of course, I need to use this chance to bear him up,"


Moments earlier:

As the gods watched the unknown entity, they all suddenly heard a voice in their heads.

"It is I, Mitsuki,"

Mitsuki's figure appeared in front of them.

"Mitsuki!? How the hell are you here?" Realos asked.

"Turns out this entity has some very overpowered skills, I am using partial omnipresence, a skill that enables him to be in more than two places at the same time." Mitsuki replied.

"Then you can use his abilities?"

"Yes, and now, I have a plan."

All the gods listened carefully.

"So basically, I can control my body if I want to at any time. Using the skill dispel and soul manipulation, I can seal his soul back into my body, leaving his power in my body."

"But, it cannot be that effective," Aurendor said.

"Indeed, you will lose around 50 or 60 percent of his power," Nozark replied.

"Which means you will still lack power," Jupiter added.

"Yes, that's why I will need to summon Aqua." Mitsuki said.

"Summon?!! You can't summon a god!" Verethragna said.

"Normally, I can't. But the entity in me has very unique powers. I can summon anyone one, be it god or man, as long as you have ever linked with a spirit that I have a contract with. Aquourus has linked with each and everyone of you all, so I can summon any of you,"

"But.. Why me then? Why not more powerful gods?" Aqua asked.

"The other gods will be controlled by Allon.. His skill is a passive one, it will automatically activate if a god approaches him,"

"Aqua is still a god, so won't he be controlled too?" Luminous asked.

"Yes he is a god, but he is an ascended, right?" Mitsuki asked. The other gids listened to him carefully.

"If he is ascended, he still has a human self. The spell won't activate automatically, then I will use a skill to prevent Allon from controlling any one of us as we fight ."

"I see, a very good theory... I believe it can work." Aurendor said.

"We do not have alot of time, so I shall say this one last thing: Grant Poki and Valeria a sealing ability and tell them of my plan, and Aqua: Be ready to do your revenge."


Allon could not see anything else aside from fists and spells hitting him from all directions. It was as if Mitsuki and Aqua had become one as they beat Allon up, damaging him severely.

He activated his spell, trying to control the four, but nothing happened.

[Mountain will is active]

[Time left until the unknown entity's power disappears: 78 seconds]

Aqua, Mitsuki, Poki and Valeria all retreated back, looking at Allon, whose hand was glowing intensely. He looked weakened and severely injured.

"Summon: Soul army!"

Everyone looked around, waiting for something to happen.

"Hmm, where is this army of yours?" Aqua asked.

[Dispel skill is active]

"I hoe you're prepared, Allon.." Mitsuki said. "Round two starts now!"

Aqua and Mitsuki walked foward towards the bewildered Allon, ready to properly beat him up, not with skills or weapons, but with their fists.

[Time left until the unknown entity's power disappears: 65 seconds)


Hello readers! From now onwards, I will try my very best to upload more frequently! <3

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