
A Realm Transcendent

"All that has a start also has an end." Celestial beings, the Architects of everything we call creation, are all aware of it: The looming doom that will destroy all. As a countermeasure, a selection of humans, given the name Evocatus, are beared with the responsibility to save all they can; If they can, that is. Will they be able to save it all? Will they be able to advance through all physical, emotional and psychological harm? –––––––––––––– It all depends on one thing: Whether they find what will destroy it. Or rather.. WHO will destroy it.

Sikawa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs


The Summoned were doing all they could to fight off the demons before they got into the city, but only Emilia and Mark were doing massive damages. The two had decided to fight together, setting their differences aside, to protect the lives of everyone.

"Emilia.. What kind of a monster is she?? She was hiding her full strength all this time?!!" Mark wondered as he looked at her.

"Mark, go cover the others, I can handle everything here." She said.

"Got it." Mark said as he dashed towards the rest.

"Now, let's do it," Emilia said to Adoffina.

Adoffina approached her, touching her head. Her orange eyes started glowing as a crimson red crown appeared above her head. Her black hair grew even longer and her canines elongated slightly.

[You have combined with Adoffina, the vampire Superior spirit.]

[Your power has been vastly increased and you can use 45% of Adoffina's original power]

Dark wings appeared on her back as she dashed up towards the demons, slicing several apart at the same time.

[There is the spilt blood. Adoffina's title: Absolute ruler of blood, shall now activate.]

Blood started accumulating in the skies all around Emilia.

"Head for her first! She is the most dangerous one here!" One demon shouted, before a pool of blood suddenly appeared below them.

"I can't move!"

"Fire spells at her up there now!"

Emilia looked down at the demons that she had captured as she closed her fist, causing them to turn into a bloody mess.

[105 demons killed]

[Your level has significantly increased.]


"I see there is one among the Summoned that is giving my demons a hard time, not that it matters anyway," Allon said as the whole battlefield glowed red.

"Wrath Series, Activate." Allon said.

Suddenly, Mitsuki felt his heart skip a beat.

"What is this... My instincts are warning me..." He thought as he immediately summoned out his sword.

[Attribute Tree of Life is active.]


"This.. Its going to kill all the people in the village! Poki! Valeria! Cover me!" He shouted as he dashed towards the city.

"Aquourus! What the hell is the Wrath series?!!" 

"Do not focus on that first! We need to move everyone out of here!" 

Mitsuki put his hand on the ground as he felt the increasing aura behind him; Allon was directing all of it towards him.

"Edit! Everyone living in the city is to be moved to the Kingdom of Lugunica!" Mitsuki chanted as he felt a deafening blow right on his back, pushing him far.

"Good judgement, moving everyone..." Allon said. As Mitsuki recollected himself, he looked around as he sensed concentrated amounts of energy surrounding them.

"The fifth Wrath says: Fear the dark, you poor mortal souls.. The shadows are mine to command." Allon chanted.

Suddenly, Mitsuki, Poki, Valeria and the three generals felt immense pressure on their legs as dark red hands appeared from the shadows, holding them.


"I don't know if you can handle this, but I will fuse with your body for an instant! Now!"

At that split second Mitsuki felt energy brimming in him, he froze time and broke out of the shadows, breaking all the others free as he punched Allon at his guts- or so he thought. As he tried to punch Allon, Allon had held his hand, stopping it and negating whatever power Mitsuki had added onto it.

"The Fourth Wrath says;"

"Crap! Crap! Crap! I can't escape!"

".... Chaos is the law of nature, order is mine. I now order, Break..."

Mitsuki felt immense sudden pain as the ground behind him and the whole city suddenly disintegrated into small debris. Blood poured out from his mouth and eyes. He fell down, weak and drowsy. Suddenly, Marcus appeared in front of him, picking him up as he retreated. The ground behind them was disintegrating at a high speed.

"At this rate, the entire world will suffer!" Augustine wondered as an idea struck him.

"Valeria Legion! Use your sword! Call out its name and throw it towards me!" He shouted.

"Got it! Awaken, shake the foundations of order; Kugarasu Maru!" She said as she threw it towards Augustine as it glowed silver.

"Switch!" Augustine chanted, exchanging positions with the now recovering Mitsuki. 

"Use it!" 

Mitsuki held the sword on his left and Oryon on his right. He stopped and turned, dashing at full speed towards Allon.

"Aquourus, Now!" 

In an instant, he appeared behind Allon, slightly surprising him. Allon ducked the two swords as the dark horse moved him away in the speed of light.

"That was what I was aiming for!" Mitsuki shouted as he stabbed the shadows below with the two swords. A white flame burst all around Mitsuki, trapping both Allon and the dark horse inside. The disintegration stopped as Valeria's sword glowed. 

"Oh? That sword.. It has control over order, huh..." Suddenly, Allon felt a spear go through the horse from below. He leaned backwards as the spear passed in front of him.


Marcus appeared where the spear was, barehanded.

"I can't move my dark familiar! It has been killed? I didn't even sense the weapon at all!" Allon thought as Marcus punched him right in the face. At the point of impact, a golden shock wave burst vigorously.

"Autilia! Now!"

Autilia appeared behind Allon, touching him.

"Space Lock"

Allon froze as a dark void seemed to hold both of his hands.

"No.. Something is off.... Allon is more than this... Could it be!" Mitsuki immediately cast an ultimate skill above Allon.

"Edit: Everyone is to appear behind me!"

"You are quick, boy.." Allon said.

[Ultimate skill: Pulsar has been activated]

A blue beam shot down towards Allon

"The Second wrath series says: He who gives shall have it back two fold,"

Suddenly, an even larger crest appeared above them.

"The third wrath series says: I shall become one with creation."

As the Pulsar skill shot down towards Mitsuki and the rest, Allon seemed to Phase out of the restraints applied by Autilia and the pulsar beam coming down on him.

"Now, that's one of you down," Allon said.

As everything cleared, they all saw Marcus fall on the ground.

"What the-"

"His 'Knighthood' made him to use all his life energy to form a barrier around you, ah well-"

A green light enveloped Marcus' body.

[Attribute: Tree of Life has saved Marcus.]

"No one is dying today, Allon." Mitsuki said.

"Oh.. Do you think so? What if I were to tell you, that one will die?"

"You cannot get out of this ring of flames, no matter how powerful you are."

"True, but I can control someone from outside, can't I?" Allon asked as he laughed.

"This Mark person is really, really gullible." He said.

As Mitsuki heard that, his eyes widened as he dashed at full speed, towards where the summoned were.. But as he reached there, Allon had already taken over Mark's body.

Moments earlier....

"We're doing well," Emilia shouted as she stood in front of the rest of the Summoned.

"Damn, that's Emilia for you."

"She actually was the one deserving to be our leader.."

All these words hurt Mark's pride deeply.

"These bastards...Emilia, was this your plan all along??" Mark muttered to himself.

"You want power, don't you?" A voice echoed in his head.

"Yes.. Give it all to me!"

As he said that, he lost control over his body and the next thing he knew, his sword had gone right through Emilia's chest.


Mitsuki watched the scenario happen in slow motion, so did the other Summoned.

"N-No..." Marcus muttered as they caught up to Mitsuki.

"I told you, one will die, boy," Allon said as he appeared above them, seated back on his throne.

Mark froze as he watched Emilia's body fall down.

"What... Have I done-"

No one saw him move, but Mitsuki was there, right next to Emilia. He placed his hand on her head, trying to heal her.

[Tree of Life has failed to save the soul of Emilia.]

[Emilia's soul had been sealed away by Allon into his realm]

He stood there, looking down. He froze time, over and over, but, nothing was going to change.

He experienced flashbacks, he remembered all the times Emilia was there for him, all the times they had fun.... Now, his eyes were seeing the same girl, the girl who he loved so much, on the ground.

"What.. Have I done...." Mark muttered again as he tried to hold Emilia's hand. In the blink of an eye, Mark's hand was no longer existent. Before anyone could even react, a bone shattering fist hit Mark right at the guts, sending him flying, as he was airborne, his body suddenly dropped down on the ground with a deadly amount of force, breaking every bone in his body.

Mitsuki landed next to him with intense force as he removed his mask, looking at Mark.

"Why did you do this.. Mark.... Why... WHY.... WHY!" He spoke as his aura burst out.

"Mitsuki..." Mark said as a great sense of guilt hit him.


"I didn't mean to! Pl-"

Mitsuki placed his hand on Mark's lower jaw, crushing it inwards. Mark grunted in severe pain as fear started encroaching his soul. Tears of pain dropped on the floor as he tried talking again, only for his head to be smashed on the ground.

He weakly shifted his eyes to Mitsuki, trying to beg for mercy, but suddenly, Mitsuki's aura increased to unimaginable levels, making even Allon to fall down on the ground.

Mark looked up at Mitsuki as his heartbeat paced even faster, because all he knew, was that there was no escaping, as now, Mitsuki's eyes were crimson red.

"This is what you deserve, for killing her" Mitsuki said as a white flame appeared on his hand.

"No..." Grim said as he watched.

"That is not Mitsuki! All of You! Get ready to go down to the planet!" Realos shouted as they all tried to teleport to the planet.

"I- I can't!"

"What in the-"

Suddenly, everyone froze as a great pressure pushed them down.

"Remain where you are, divine beings.. I am not in the mood to beat you up." A voice said. 

Aurendor's eyes widened as he felt the immense pressure.

"Such a pressure! It can't be!"

He hoped that what he was thinking was wrong, but... He didn't know how correct he was, for even 'HE' felt it.

Sikawacreators' thoughts