
A random pokemon journey

Alexander was a fairly normal guy on earth or at least he hoped so. Somehow though he had gone his entire life without playing a single pokemon game or watching any of the anime. That changed when his friends kept pestering him about it and he finally gave in and purchased a few of the games that came highly recommended such as emerald , fire red , platinum and heart gold. He also bought a cheap ds lite to play all of them when he was off work. Unfortunately he was struck by lightning the moment he finished the last of them and died. He ended up awakening in a small cave at the foot of a mountain forest and learned he had a system to help him in this new and very dangerous world. AUTHOR Note------- This story will only be taking place in the world before the fairy type came out so only those regions exist in this version of the pokemon world. There will also be casual smut and maybe possibly an actual romantic option but I haven't decided yet , also no harems. I would like to add that everything with the system is RNG based so I have no control over it.

loskro · ゲーム
238 Chs

Laughable rumors

As was the previously accepted idea non related variants tended to not get along due to being highly prideful and to a lesser degree territorial. This meant that anyone not way more extraordinary than even the variants themselves had absolutely no chance of pulling it off. As these rich people discovered wealth was not in fact proof of being extraordinary. Their variant pokemon simply didn't work together like my team did. A key detail I should add is that if a truly head and shoulders superior trainer were to try and collect a team of variants it may be possible for it to work.-

This was how my team worked and I had no reason to believe the same couldn't be true for others as well. I couldn't say exactly how exceptional one would need to be to pull it off though since in my case I had the system which could be considered downright divine in nature. It's functions were simply yes but as far as I could tell it filled every qualification for such a classification. It seemed to create and destroy matter, grant abilities and had a seemingly endless amount of information on anything I sought it on.-

I could check someone's entire medical history with a literal glance so long as I was clear in my intention and it even included stuff that no doctor or even the person themselves were aware of. Hell my foraging skill was at expert level mastery simply because I memorized facts about nearly every new plant or mineral I come across from the system ability {Appraise}. This meant that even if you were to take the system ability away I was perfectly set to identify the properties of plants and minerals on my own while exploring.-

Obviously this was just a small amount of the benefits that I had thanks to the system but it was enough to prove my point. Like most spoiled rich people these failures were quite unhappy that they were unable to simply throw money at the problem to fix it. Most of them didn't even have a single ability much less were top of the top excellent humans. In fact none of them could be counted as such and rather than admit that they thought I was cheating somehow. Drugs, mind control, electronic chips in my pokemons brains. I got pretty much every reason plausible and implausible thrown at me by these people.-

It didn't bother me though since the league itself had plenty of records of my team that showed there was nothing off with them at all. It was actually sort of amusing to see all these spoiled people making fools of themselves since any trainer registered to the league could request my files if they thought something was off. While obviously dangerous information like allergies or relative information was excluded the records of a trainers pokemon are always available. All these accusations as a result had no leg to stand and if anything only made the people making them look bad.-

There was one thing that had caused a bit of a stir however in the form of my dragon eye. It was public knowledge that I had lost an eye so the fact that I still had one in that spot and that it was completely different than my other had people asking questions. That was one thing the league was keeping to it's chest tightly though. While the league was thankful for my help in asking Rayquaza to end the disaster letting the world know my actual involvement in that matter would cause serious problems.-

For example there was a decent chance that I would be considered a hero since Rayquaza could very easily just kill me and ignore the problem if it had wanted to and I knew that. Not to mention I was actually working with Flannery to stop team Magma when Maxie woke it up. The only thing about me at the moment that doesn't look the best is the addition of Hades to my team since it might look like I was profiteering off the deaths Groudon left in it's wake.-

Meeting Hades was entirely a coincidence and I thought it a waste to have it sealed or exorcised and chose to utilize it instead. Even my violent way of handling criminals was more or less accepted by the public. Still the public reveal of my new eye in the exhibition match with Flannery had caused people to make all sorts of conspiracies. My favorite was that i was some sort of villain that was taking out my rivals but that I was being misunderstood as a hero. It was so hare brained that I could help but laugh at it.-

Ironically there was a theory that actually nailed what actually happened but was not very popular despite for the most part being true. The only part not true was that I was banging Flannery in the background which never happened. Got close a few times but never actually moved past the whole talking phase of things. Which reminds me that I haven't mentioned the sheer amount of gold diggers I have come across recently. The sheer amount of money rolling into my account on a constant basis from tm sales was pretty public and of course there had been some women quite interested in it.-

The pussy was nice but I really wish they'd stop trying to get knocked up , it's annoying to have to argue about me taking preventative measures every single time. I was extremely careful not to get trapped by one of these women despite them putting in quite the good effort. In Fortree for example it took me only an hour or so to secure a place to stay while I was in town. Like any decent guest I of course tidied up after myself and cooked since takeout was rather unappealing when my food is arguably better.-

I had that skill at master level mastery after all , my only master leveled skill in fact. I wasn't surprised considering the essence of cooking was knowing how to bring about the best in any ingredient you use. In many ways the skill blended with foraging and alchemy so progress in one of these skills tended to improve the others as well. Foraging for example could improve the use of an ingredient by harvesting in the best way to save it's vitality or flavor. Alchemy likewise could create powerful extracts from ingredients that enhance flavor with the lightest amount.-

Add on that cooking was a hobby of mine I took very seriously and you can understand how it was at master. In a funny way the food actually made the girl I was shacking up with forget about any sneaky entrapment plans she had. The trick was that while she was busy blissing out on my prepared food i was dosing myself to the gills with preventatives while removing any restraints I could find. By the end of the week when I had a meeting with gym leader Winona the girl probably figured out that she lost her opportunity to snag me.