
Toad Sage

After saving Anko, Nao continued in the forest.During the whole time he was smirking like a madmen.

'Can't believe i found an important character directly and already left a good impression on her.Hmmm....I'm wondering if i should act like i'm some sort of kind man with good intentions or just be myself and kill some people...'

Nao walked for a few hours until he stopped.

'I'm in a pretty unknown and dangerous world right now.I should stay low a little, atleast until i know enough and i am strong enough to survive here.Living in the wilderness seems like a good idea but i have no idea how to become stronger.MEH!I'll think about that later.'

As he was pretty hungry Nao decided to hunt.He didn't have anything to kill from a distance so he had to stealthily approach a deer and slit his throat.The animal struggled a bit but soon dropped to the ground, dead.

Nao picked it up and quickly went back to the place where he decided to sleep for the night.

It was just a little place in front of a river but it was pretty good as he could clean himself in the river after a good night of rest.

He made a fire and cooked the deer.He tried to eat it entirely but for some reasons he soon discovered that it tasted really bad.He knew that the meat wasn't so bad so it had to do with his own tastes.He frowned and just ate half of the deer.

Soon the need to sleep came and he slept under a tree, looking at the beautiful full moon that shined upon him.Watching it made him remember something that brought a smirk to his face.

Once upon a time he had already slept while watching the full moon, over a pile of corpses that rose so high it could reach the height of a building.That night he had slept peacefully, the hundred of corpses under him while the entire world was in an uproar.

'*Sigh*Good time.I can't even think how my life would've become if i chose to become a normal guy instead of becoming the worst of the worst.'

He fell asleep as a figure walked in front of him.The figure was a tall and well-built man in adulthood with fair skin. He had a wart on the left side of his nose and waist-length, spiky white hair that were tied back into a pony tail, with two shoulder-length bangs framing his face. There were red lines under his eyes which extended further down his face His attire consisted of a green short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh armour that is visible at his wrists and ankles. He also wore hand guards, a black belt, traditional Japanese wooden sandals, and a red haori with two yellow circles on each side.He also had a scroll on his back and a horned forehead protector on which was written 'Oil'.

The man approached Nao and widened his eyes when the boy moved at extreme speed and placed his sword on the man's throat.

"Hey!Easy there man, i'm just a traveller!!"Said the man as he tried to act as normal as possible but his entire attire screamed 'NINJA!'.

'Woah!Seems like my body improved for some reasons, in my old world i would've never been able to move at such speed.....Or was i able to?'

"Traveller?You look like a ninja and that forehead protector just told me that you're a ninja"Said Nao with a bored expression as the man frowned but lifted his hand and tried to bit his thumb.

"If you try your stupid dance in front of me, ninja or not, i'm gonna rip off your dick!"

The man paled and nodded quickly.

"So, mister yellow eyes.Who are you?You don't seem to be a merchant or even a ninja, so why are you so close to Konoha?"Asked the man as he put his hand on his pouch.It seemed like he was extremely wary of Nao and the aura of death that constantly emanated from him.

"Me?I'm just a normal guy, i didn't even knew that Konoha was so close.By the way why are YOU here?Ain't you supposed to, you know.....Be a the toad sage and manage your spy network?Or are you actually never doing that and just fiding excuses to run from your responsabilities?"

The man gasped and put his hand on his pouch, taking a few kunai from the ninja pouch.

"Just kidding!!By the way before you ask, yes i may know who you are toad sage jiraya"

Nao acted a bit childish which was okay considering his appearence but Jiraya was still stunned and most importantly sad.He knew that Nao didn't said that for nothing, after all a few weeks ago the entire population of Konoha discovered that Naruto Uzumaki , the most hated kid in the entire village was the son of their hero and his godson.Naturally he knew that since the start but never came to visit Naruto, for reasons that he would never reveal unless it was an urgence.

"Hey sage!I've got something to ask you!"

Said Nao as Jiraya broke out from his thought with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Ah!Yeah!What is it?"

"Well, you know you're pretty strong and you know many things about ninja stuff!So i was wondering if you could...."

Nao finished what he had to say by mouthing the last part.


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