
Cloaked savior

Nao ran towards the voice as he came across a pretty funny scene, funny for him of course.*


A woman was trying to free herself from a muscular man while another man who was dressed like her smirked lustfully.

Nao recognized their outfit as Konoha chunin flak jacket and he was surprised with himself.Normally he had a pretty bad memory but maybe it had to do with the fact that he had what seemed to be amnesia.In the past his memory was bad but maybe that during those times he couldn't remember it became better.

He stopped thinking about it and tried to understand the scene that was currently happening in front of him.The woman was of course held by the muscular man while the guy who was certainly a traitor was surrounded by a dozens of dangerous looking thugs.

"That's too bad for you Anko, you who were always so proud of being untouchable by anyone!You're gonna become a good little whore for these guys, while i'm gonna be rich and no one at the village will worry about you!You are the snake bitch after all!!"Shouted the man while the woman identified as Anko spat at him.

"You ain't touching me with those disgusting hands of yours FUCKER!!"


The man looked at her with a cold face as he lifted her head.

"You're proud, confident and with how powerful you're, you can afford to be all that but....You're just the little bitch of that traitor Orochimaru, so don't act all high and mighty with me.And don't even think about calling me a traitor, i didn't betrayed a ninja of Konoha, just a trash who should've disappeared from our village a long time ago."

The muscular man threw Anko to his subordinate and laughed.

"Damn Shougo!!HAHAHA!Never thought you could actually get this bitch for us!!As promised i'll pay you the amount of two S-rank missions.A bitch like her, will certainly fetch a good price on the slave market in Fang country!"

The muscular man gave a suitcase to Shougo who bowed and started to disappear in the forest, not even shooting a last glance at Anko who was utterly terrified.She knew how horrible the slaves lives were in Fang country, one of the only country who allowed slavery.She couldn't become one of them, she would lose everything she fought for.

"STOP!!I BEG YOU!!"She started to beg for her life but it suddenly stopped when a huge fist hit her in the chin.


She coughed blood and looked at who punched her.It was the muscular man, Sado.The infamous leader of a gang who controlled a few towns in Fire country and Grass country.He wasn't really that powerful but he was extremely smart and as such he always escaped from the ninjas that were sent to capture him.

"Listen here bitch, you're gonna be a good slave and just shut your mouth, or i'll have to do it myself which would damage your pretty face.I don't really want to sell you at a lower price just because you wouldn't shut your mouth, so you know what to-"

Sado was about to finish but he found a sword pressing against his throat.An extremely sharp sword that gave a feeling of opression and death.

Anko gasped and looked at the cloaked figure who appeared.She couldn't see it well due to the hood of the cloak but he seemed to have glowing yellow eyes that gave him the aura of a predator.However she could still sense that he had no chakra signature.He was either someone so good at chakra control that he could hide it from a jonin such as herself or he just didnt have enough chakra in him.

"Wh-Who are you?!"

Sado was sweating bullets when he sensed the figure behind him but even more when he saw something that Anko didn't even noticed.All the thugs were dead!

Their throats had been slit so quickly that they still had those confident smiles on their faces.Another point that proved that the figure behind him was way too dangerous.

"I'm someone who can't be bought by your money so don't bother to try it."

Sado paled when he heard this since it was exactly what he was gonna do.To him, everyone wanted money and if it could save his life he could even give his entire fortune.

"Miss, can you walk?"Asked the figure while Anko finally noticed the corpses around her.


She got up and the figure threw a kunai at her.

"That guy tried to do bad things to you, huh?You can kill him yourself, i'm not too entertained by the thought of having his filthy blood on me."

The figure started to walk away but Anko stopped him by tugging his cloak.

"W-Why did you s-saved me?"

"Why?HAHAHA!Why would i eed a reason to save a beautiful and strong Kunoichi like you?If i'm not mistaking you're Anko, the ex-apprentice of Orochimaru?"Asked the figure with a bit of curiosity.

Anko blushed madly when she heard how he praised her but she calmed herself and answered with a bit of stutter.

"Y-Yes i a-am.But who a-are you?I n-never saw you a-around!"

The figure chuckled and answered as he walked away.

"I'm Nao, you better remember my name dear Anko.I think we are gonna see each other again soon, very soon."

With that Nao left while Anko had stars in her eyes.

'N-Nao....SO COOOOOL!!'

After a few minutes some ninjas with animal masks appeared besides her as they trembled a litte when they saw the mess.They arrived just in time to see Anko piercing Sado's skull with the kunai.

Anko turned around with a deadly aura.

"You little bastards.I was about to get kidnapped and sold as a slave just because you are too lazy to actually search for me.YOU'RE LUCKY NAO-SAMA APPEARED AND SAVED ME OR I WOULD'VE SLAUGHTERED ALL OF YOU!!"

'Nao...Sama?'Thought all the Anbu as they tried to calm Anko while pondering who this Nao was.Considering how Anko called him he couldn't be a simple man.

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