
The Boss *

"Ryder is perfectly okay. When he woke up, he was healed. The Soul of The Ace must've healed him." Charlotte smiled and seductively rubbed my back.

I blushed and felt the bulge of my pants grow a bit. I looked down and couldn't stop myself from blushing.

Rebecca looked at me and got in her thinking pose. She smiled and nodded. "I have a request."

Everyone looked at Rebecca. Rebecca looked at me and gave a devious smirk. I looked at her and rose an eyebrow.

"Ryder, remember that storyline we never finished?" Rebecca asked.

I grunted and flinched back a bit. "T-The stupid ass story we made when we were younger..?!"

"Whaaaa?" Rhea asked and tilted her head.

"What is with that devilish smile, Becca?" Eliza asked.

Charlotte looked at me. "What is she on about?"

"There's this storyline we started as kids when we were bored and it lasted for a long time. I was the hero and my sister was the villain. It was the final battle to save everyone." I said.

"I believe I can show you what I'm made of and you can too..~" Rebecca said.

"So you want to fight me?" I asked.

"Yep. I know you just recovered, but in our little battle...I felt that spirit. I felt that little kid in you and I know I felt it within myself. It reminded me of it, what better way to have our final bout than like this?" Rebecca said.

"I'm all up for your shenanigans, my darling Rebecca, but this is one I won't have. Not today that is. Me and Ryder have plans." Charlotte said.

"Come on! He looks eager to fight! His drive is right there, Char." Rebecca smiled as she pointed at me.

I looked at her and tilted my head. "But Charlotte said that there are more training days ahead. Can this wait?" I asked.

"Damn she really has you compelled. This is not the same Charlotte that I knew from ten years ago." Talenta said.

Rebecca smirked and looked at me then looked at Charlotte. She crossed her arms and walked forward toward me. "I'll make you a deal, love bug. I know Charlotte has offered you to go to her house."

"What? The Boss offered Ryder to go to her house? He really is beyond the top 1%." Rhea smiled.

"You actually thought I wouldn't fall in love with him after his recent performances? He had sex with Wendy already and somewhat with you. He has two Agents, I'm sure he's ready for me." Charlotte giggled and looked back at me.

I blushed a bit and looked down. "What's your deal?"

"If you can actually defeat me when I'm actually trying, you're free to have your fun with The Boss~" Rebecca giggled softly.

"Wait so you weren't trying before?!" I asked and looked at Rebecca in shock.

She shook her head and smiled. She looked at me and crossed her arms. "I was only giving it about 40%. I had to see where you stood as The Ace. I told you I'd show you the ins and outs of being The Ace. So here's your official first Ace Match! Against me!"

I grunted softly and closed my eyes. 'To think my own sister would hold her punches. It sounds like something she would do. She's always done that since we were little. Everytime I wanted to play fight she'd let me win...' I thought to myself.

"So how about it?~" Rebecca asked.

"Fine, I'll have one match with you." I said then looked at Rebecca and smiled.

"Yes!~" Rebecca giggled then took my hand then dragged me into the virtual training area. "Start it!"

Charlotte looked at Rebecca then sighed and pressed the button. "I love her and all, but she's so reckless. She might end up hurting him."

"Nah, I doubt it." Noel smiled. "This is Rebecca we're talking about. She'll stop the fight when she notices either she or Ryder can't take it anymore."

Charlotte sighed softly. "Begin!"

Rebecca hopped up and down then got into her stance. She smiled at me and taunted. "It's The True Ace against The Ace. I'm not holding anything back!"

I put on my mask then adjusted it. "I too...will become The True Ace."

"Come on then! Show me that power." Rebecca smirked then dashed toward me at great speeds.

I grunted then evaded her attack then she swept me off my feet then kicked me upwards. She jumped up and hit me with four more kicked then axe kicked me to the ground. I groaned as I crashed onto the ground.

"She's moving in ways that isn't even humanly possible. She just defied gravity with those series of kicks." Talenta said.

I grunted softly then stood up slowly. "Yeah...Rebecca has always been pretty fucking strong."

"What is your plan?" Talenta asked.

My eyes shined a bit. "I don't have one."

I dashed toward Rebecca and equipped my gauntlets then feinted my first attack then spun around and kicked her stomach. Rebecca grunted as she skidded backwards. She looked surprised when I was above her, coming down with a powerful kick. She blocked my kick then managed to push me away. She grabbed my leg then slammed me to the ground.

I grunted and panted a bit. Rebecca was overwhelmingly powerful at her 100%. Charlotte watched and gripped her sleeve as her arms were crossed. She knew exactly what Rebecca was truly capable of. Rebecca just never showed her true prowess...until...

Rebecca stomped her foot on the ground then a red effect field was being spread across the battlefield. "This is what I call Strength Field. I've been holding back for the last week because I don't think anyone is ready for me. Love bug..~ I think you're ready!"

Rebecca was being boosted by the Strength Field as I was progressively growing weaker. She dashed forward and struck me with a left hook, staggering me. She followed it with a right hook into a left slap. She had me spinning in a circle like a ballerina and put in a daze. Once I regained my thought process, I was struck with a powerful kick to the abdomen. I groaned as I was blown away by the kick.

I rolled backwards then laid on the ground. I panted heavily, clearly tired. Rebecca was stronger than me in more ways than one. I stood up and looked at Rebecca.

I dashed toward her and went for a straight punch, but she dodged it swiftly then taunted with a giggle. I went for more attacks, but she dodged each one with precision. I went for another punch, but she twirled around it then kicked my stomach. I groaned then she struck my stomach again with her palm, staggering me once again.

"This doesn't even look fair." Rhea said.

"I've never seen Ryder take so many hits before...Rebecca is just that fast." Wendy said.

Charlotte grunted and gripped her sleeve tighter. She wanted to stop the battle badly, but once again decided against it.

I stumbled backwards, but still stood strong. Even though my body was evolving with each attack, she managed to break through my durability each time. My legs trembled, my adrenaline was activated, and yet I felt so weak.

"Ryder. You can always call it off." Talenta said.

I stayed silent and my hair covered the eyes of my mask. 'I don't want to be weak and hold everyone back...I've seen what I could do in Louisiana..'

"You don't have to push yourself any further! You can always grow stronger in the future!" Talenta fussed.

Rebecca looked at me and rose an eyebrow. She was still rearing to fight, but she smiled and let her guard down. "I think you've had enough."

I thought about what Shiro said. My self doubt. My own weakness was myself in this very moment. I wanted to be like Rebecca. I wanted to become The Ace that Charlotte knows I can become.

"My beloved! That's enough!" Charlotte called out to me.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. I began to clear my mind and soul. A terrifying presence began to emit from my body. I looked up and my face was completely apathetic.

Rebecca looked at me with a bit of shock then smiled. "Oh yeah...I can feel it. The power of The Ace..~ My love bug is completely locked in!"

My aura surged powerfully around my body then the Talent Sigil shined brightly on my Mask.

"What is this..? I can feel his energy from all the way here.." Eliza said in awe.

"That look on his face. This is exactly like my Clarity State...no it IS Clarity State!" Charlotte said in shock. "Rebecca you have to defeat him right now!"

Rebecca seemed surprised at Charlotte's word then brought her focus back onto me then grunted as I was already in front of her. I slashed at her with my sword, but she dodged it then slipped. I caught her then my aura disappeared. I took off my mask and looked into her eyes.

Rebecca blushed a bit then held onto me. "Why did you stop..?"

"Because if I hadn't stopped my Alter Ego...he would've killed you." I said then helped her up.

Charlotte sighed in relief. "He was able to compose himself...nothing is scarier than not knowing how to control yourself."

After that exchange, Rebecca and I decided to call it a draw for now. Rebecca was pretty impressed that I could tap into a Clarity State like Charlotte's, but it wasn't close to a Limit Break that Shiro talked about. I was still missing a condition that could've let me awaken it.

Charlotte held my arms and smiled at me. "Is that the power Shiro said you had in store?"

"No." I said and sighed softly. "It's nowhere close, but I did feel a boost in my attributes. When I was in the zone, I thought of nothing but the target."

"That's how it's supposed to be, my love..~ When you're facing an opponent, you should always have a clear mind. A clear soul. A clear spirit. A clear desire to eliminate the target by any means." Charlotte said then held my hands. "With that out of the way, we are all dismissed!~"


Charlotte and I walked out of HQ together. We took her car and my car was left parked at HQ. Charlotte drove to her house and put on some music to pass the time.

"You know, you'll be the first man to ever see the likes of my house..~ You should be very honored to experience this moment with me..~" Charlotte giggled and licked her lips.

"What about that rule regarding Alice, Eliza, Wendy, and Rhea? I only have one stamp and that is Wendy's." I said.

"That old rule? I only made that up on the spot so you can actually spend time with them..~ Now Alice's case is a bit different since she does have a child. I have noticed you making advancements toward her but she's always pretty much busy on a mission or with her kid." Charlotte said and stopped at a red light.

"What made you take a liking to me this much to the point of wanting to have sex with me? I'm still extremely inexperienced compared to the likes of you and the agents." I crossed my arms and looked at Charlotte.

"Well number one is your personality. You and Rebecca seem to be polar opposites. You're hardened by life, you're so serious, I like serious men because they take charge. Two is because of your connection with Talenta in only a matter of days within receiving the mask. Last but not least, the third reason is because I asked some of the women who has had sex with you and all of them gave positive responses every time..." Charlotte smiled.

I blushed a bit and looked out the window. "Do you truly love me like the others love me?"

Charlotte let out a soft giggle and placed her hand on mine. "I do. I wouldn't have even let you step foot in my office if I didn't."

I turned my attention toward Charlotte once again and noticed her gentle smile. I smiled back at her then closed my eyes.

Charlotte continued to drive to her house and we chatted for a bit longer, but I was anticipating the moment we would make it. On one end, I was ecstatic to be truly alone with Charlotte. On the other end, I was nervous to know what she had in store.

Once we made it to her house, she parked her car outside her garage then stopped the car. We got out and she led me to her front door. The typed on the keypad that was on the door handle then the door unlocked. She opened it and let me in first.

"Go ahead and relax on the couch..~ I'll just be a moment..~" She said then led me to her living room.

I walked toward the couch and sat down then watched Charlotte walk off. I looked around her living room and it was pretty lively with plants, statues, and other valuable items around. She had an entire fireplace that was placed perfectly in her wall. Her TV was mounted over the fireplace.

After waiting a few minutes, I heard Charlotte walking back downstairs in her lingerie. I nearly got a nosebleed just from looking at her. Her perfect voluptuous body compelled me. Her large set of breasts and her nearly see through lingerie nearly drove me into a fiend state.

"Take a long look...admire it..~ It is all yours..~" Charlotte said as she walked toward me in a seductive manner.

I grew a bit nervous. This was different from getting down with someone like Penny, Nina, and Jade. This was The Boss, the woman no one has been with sexually.

"You don't have to worry..~ For one, I am not a virgin..~ I've had sex a couple times before starting this business. I am fully experienced..~" Charlotte said as she straddled on top of me. She held my shoulders and felt my rock hard boner.

I looked at her and noticed her uncontrollable lust energy. It was beyond anything I've seen from her. She was fully enabled. She was ready for me to go down on her.

"Come on..~ Take it off..~" She said as she waited for me to fully undress her.

I gulped a bit then reached behind her and slowly unclasped her bra. She let her bra fall off her body and I was exposed to her breasts. They were so natural, I could tell she kept her body in the most prestige condition.

"Don't shy away now..~ Take advantage of me..~ Make me yours forever..~" Charlotte said in a soft, seductive voice.

I grabbed her breasts and leaned forward to kiss them. She watched me, flipping her hair to the side. Her hands explored my chest and shoulders with satisfaction. Her touch was like a Goddess touching me. My boner could erupt from my pants at any moment and she knew it.

I held her tightly and picked her up then laid her down on the couch, taking control. Charlotte began to feel excitement throughout her entire body. I began to passionately kiss and bite her neck. She tilted her head and let out soft moans as her fingers glided through my hair. I reached my hand down to her soaked panties and reached inside to feel how wet her womanhood was.

She was soaked, almost like she couldn't control her fluids. She was a level beyond ecstasy. The more my kisses explored her body, the more excited she became which in turn made her moan a bit louder. I slid her panties off her body and spread her legs open with authority.

"Mmm!~ So rough..~ Mommy likes that..~" Charlotte purred.

I lowered myself on the couch with a dark and sinful chuckle. I slowly licked her pussy, making her gasp softly and hold the back of my head. She supported herself up on an elbow and moved her hips as I continued to eat her out. I began to lick her clit and pussy in a lapping motion and she moaned with pure pleasure. She gripped my hair tightly and panted a bit. Her toes began to curl as she began to cum hard, letting out a loud groan.

I pulled away and looked up at her. She used her foot to push me back onto the couch. I sat up on the couch and watched her crawl to me then she began to take off my shirt. I allowed her and watched her throw it onto the table. She began to undo the strings of my sweatpants then she pulled them down with my boxers.

She watched my cock stand up in attention then wrapped her fingers around it. She began to stroke my manhood as she kissed my neck with intense passion. Her lips against my neck caused me to let out a few moans. I felt myself become close with only a few strokes, but she squeezed my cock gently, preventing me from climaxing.

"You don't get to cum until I say so...~" Charlotte whispered in my ear.

I watched her bring her head to the head of my cock. Suddenly, I felt her engulf my member and she immediately went to work. I moved her hair out the way and bunched it into a bun. I gripped her hair tightly as her experienced mouth sucked and slurped on my cock. I couldn't help but to slightly fuck her mouth by thrusting my cock inside her mouth.

She felt the tip of my dick gently hit against her throat and let out a bit of moans. Whatever she tried to tell me was muffled by the sounds of her suction and slurps. I rose my head, panting and moaning with desperation as she began to bob her head faster, using her hand to stroke my manhood as well. She was too experienced for me. I felt like I could explode at any moment, but she kept making me edge which made the desperation to cum even more.

She pulled away and gasped then stroked my cock quickly whilst looking deep into my eyes. "Ready..?~"

I gazed deeply in her eyes and gave a slight nod. She smiled and mounted on top of me, keeping her hips raised. She held my dick in her hand then slowly began to insert it inside of her wet and desperate pussy. She held my shoulder and closed her eyes, letting out a satisfied sigh of pleasure. She wiggled her hips and gave me a sinful giggle.

Charlotte began to move up and down along my cock and stared deeply into my eyes. She held my cheek with one hand and whispered her sweet nothings to me as she took control. She began to ride me faster and placed her forehead against mine, moaning and panting.

I held her thighs and panted. My body, although not in battle, began to evolve so I could handle Charlotte a lot easier. She began to ride me rougher and harder, making it challenging for me to handle her. I looked her in her eyes and slouched down on the couch. I held her hips and thrusted my dick inside of her.

"M-Mmph!!~ Y-You're- Haah!~" Charlotte couldn't even speak as her pleasure began to increase.

I stopped thrusting and laid her down on the couch then slid my cock back inside of her, starting to fuck her ferociously.

"It's...a different...game when I take lead..~" I said in between my lustful pants.

Charlotte began moaning loudly and rested her arm along the back of her couch. She wanted to take control again, but I pinned her down by her neck. She looked at me with desperate eyes as I roughly violated her. I let out a dark chuckle and listened to her begging and pleading.

I began to slow down before she could orgasm. She gasped and gripped my arm. "Mmm..~ It's my turn to tease and force you to follow my lead..~"

"My...beloved..~" She moaned. She was taken back from my sudden change. She was going crazy over my dark love. She loved the fact that I was dominating her.

I took my shaft out of her. "Get on all fours." I commanded.

Charlotte began to do as I commanded and got on all fours, wiggling her ass at me and looking back. I held her ass as I roughly shoved my cock back inside her. She moaned and lowered her head. I began to thrust my full length in her mercilessly. She clawed the cushions of her couch and lowered her posture as her insides were getting mixed around by me.

"My beloved!~ I'm so- Nnngh!!~ Fuck!~ Harder!~" Charlotte harshly begged.

I began to fuck her harder and began to grow close myself. She whined a bit and gripped the arms of the couch then her leg slipped off the couch. I began to deeply fuck her as if my life depended on her, driving her crazy for me. She began to cry out my name as her body shook.

We both hit our climax then had an insane orgasm together. Charlotte's lust aura filled the room and my body began to absorb it all. I couldn't stop thrusting and she didn't want me to until even last drop of my semen filled her up. As I kept pumping my cum inside of her, my body kept absorbing lust energy. After our orgasm and the lust energy was finally absorbed, we both collasped on the couch.

She laid on top of me, panting like an animal. She closed her eyes, obviously tired. I couldn't lie when I said I was drained literally and figuratively. I held her body then my body underwent an evolution which could take the rest of the day because of the energy I absorbed.


Charlotte and I finally woke up from our sleep and she was the first to get up. She began to get dressed and looked at me, who was still laying on the couch.

I looked at her with my hands behind my head. "It's already morning..?~"

She nodded and smiled. "You should get ready to head to college..~ Unless you want to skip the day and watch me work all day..~"

"That sounds extremely boring." I yawned and sat up. I stood up and searched around for my clothes. "But I can't get to college without my car."

"True..~ I'll drop you off then and pick you up afterwards..~" Charlotte said.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I got dressed.

"I'm sure..~ After all I'll do anything you ask of me like you would for me..~" Charlotte said then walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my nape.

She kissed my lips, in turn I kissed her lips back. She opened her mouth and slipped her tongue in my mouth. We began making out for a minute before she decided to break the kiss before we end up having sex again in the living room.

"Let me get ready and I'll take you to your house so you can ready yourself then I'll take you to Oceanview." She said with a smile.

I nodded and watched her go upstairs.


Charlotte parked her car in the parking lot. A few of the students noticed Charlotte's car and were in awe. She caressed my cheek then leaned forward then kissed my cheek. Abby and Penny who were in the crowd looked shocked when Charlotte kissed my cheek.

"Have a good day..~ I'll be back to pick you up~" Charlotte smiled.

I nodded and got out the car then felt a significant difference in my body. I was able to hear the gossips of the students a lot clearly. Sounds I wouldn't normally be able to hear, I was able to hear it clearly. My eyesight was also extremely better, even in my left eye which was still blind, I was able to see aura a lot clearer.

"It seems after you and Charlotte had sex, the lust aura you absorbed made your body, mind, soul, and all attributes noticably better in all aspects. It isn't as good as Shiro's Lust and Sex Empowerment, but it has given you a boost in abilities to help you grow stronger." Talenta explained.

I walked over to the courtyard and noticed Abby and Penny following me. "Hey~" I smiled at them.

"No way did you just come out of The Boss's car!" Penny said with shock.

"You are so lucky! No guy had ever been this close with The Boss!~" Abby giggled and looked at me.

"It was a late night out. I ended up having to crash at her house so she offered to bring me here today." I said and placed my hands in my pockets. "Hey, Pen. About your offer with the Anime Club.."

Penny gasped and her eyes glimmered with glee. "Yes! I'll happily take you there!"

I smiled at Penny then looked at Abby then stroked her chin. She blushed and smiled happily. This harem wasn't as hectic as I thought it would be. It was a lot more manageable than it seemed in anime, but with the Dark Web still on our tails...I needed to blend in a lot more. I needed to be as ordinary as possible when I'm not on Agent Duty. The Anime Club was the way to go.