
A Ninja in the Marvel Universe

After a freak accident, Harry finds himself transmigrated into the world of Marvel with a mysterious system. The system grants him unique abilities to navigate and thrive in the dangerous and chaotic Marvel Universe. With the help of the system and his growing understanding of the Marvel Universe, Harry must tread carefully and make difficult choices as he embarks on a journey filled with adventure, danger, and the potential to leave an indelible mark on the world of Marvel. **The system is derived and based on the Naruto Anime which will help Harry in becoming the strongest ninja in the Marvel Universe** **The system does not have and will not have any form of consciousness.** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will be an Alternate Universe i.e AU MCU. Well not much is going to change though. Most of the events will occur according to timeline of the original Marvel movies. Only the timeline of the webseries of 'Daredevil, Shang Chi, Jessica Jones and Punisher would change'. The events of these webseries would start earlier then what was shown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Marvel world and it's characters belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · 映画
61 Chs

41. Tunneling

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


Harry stopped once the range of his sensory technique increased to one kilometer. The difference between his current self and his past self was astonishing. His chakra reserves were now four times what they had been, a significant advantage that was instantly apparent.

Harry understood how being born into a prestigious clan in the Naruto world benefited a ninja—four times the reserves of a ninja on the same level was an immense difference. His physical strength had also increased substantially; he could now compare himself to Captain America in terms of raw physical power without utilizing any ninja techniques.

As Harry's sensory field expanded, he sensed numerous agents hidden in the forest surrounding the mansion, all on high alert to prevent his escape. Inside the mansion, there were only four people beside Tony. His mind raced with options. He briefly considered taking Nick Fury hostage to create an opportunity for escape, but quickly dismissed the idea. It was too risky, and it could escalate into a situation he wasn't prepared to handle.

Since the he was on the mansion's ground floor, Harry decided on a different approach: using the D-Rank tunneling technique to escape. This technique would allow him to move underground without being detected, making it the safest and most efficient way out.

Harry glanced at the Iron Man suit Tony had left for him. It was tempting, but he ultimately decided against using it. Tony might have included a tracking device in the suit or he might have not, but Harry now found it hard to believe Tony. Trust afterall was a fragile thing once broken.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Nick Fury sat on the sofa, flanked by Natasha, Hawkeye, and Quake. Fury was engaged in a heated conversation with Tony Stark, demanding custody of Harry.

"He's a criminal, Tony," Fury insisted, his voice firm. "He's killed several SHIELD agents and caused chaos in Harlem. I need to take him in."

Tony, leaning against the wall, crossed his arms and frowned. "He was set up by HYDRA, Nick. You know that. He's not the enemy here."

"Tell that to the families of the agents he killed," Nick interjected, his voice cold. "HYDRA or not, he needs to answer for what he's done."

Tony shook his head. "He's not going to get a fair trial with SHIELD. You know as well as I do that he'll be locked away without due process."

Nick, his eyes narrowing, added, "He's dangerous, Tony. Even if he was set up, he's still a threat. We need to contain him before more people get hurt."

Harry listened intently, his current transformation allowing him to easily hear the chats in the next room. He knew time was of the essence. He took a deep breath and focused on his escape plan.

Kneeling beside the bed which he had shifted from its original position, Harry formed the necessary hand signs and initiated the D-Rank tunneling technique. The ground beneath him began to soften, and he slipped silently into the newly formed tunnel. The earth closed above him, leaving a trace of his passage as the D Rank Technique was not completely capable enough to remove the traces.

Still Harry tried his best to hide the tunnel by covering it with the bed he was sleeping on.

As he tunneled through the ground, Harry used his sensory technique to navigate. He could feel the agents stationed above, their presence like beacons in his mind. He carefully avoided their positions, moving steadily towards the edge of the mansion's grounds.

The journey was arduous, but Harry's determination drove him forward. Every movement brought him closer to freedom. His newly enhanced physical and chakra abilities made the tunneling process faster and more efficient than it would have been otherwise.

He also took quite a few turns by making new tunnels and blocking the previous ones in order to buy some time, if SHIELD found about his escape.

After what felt like an eternity, Harry finally surfaced in a dense part of the forest, far from the agents' patrols. He took a moment to catch his breath and assess his surroundings. The forest was thick and dark, providing ample cover. He could hear the distant sounds of wildlife, but no human presence.

Harry's mind raced with the next steps. He needed to put as much distance between himself and the mansion as possible. He also needed a plan for what to do next. He couldn't just run aimlessly.

Harry moved swiftly and silently through the forest, his senses on high alert. Every rustle of leaves and snap of a twig could be an agent closing in, but he managed to avoid detection. His mind worked furiously to form a coherent plan. He needed to find a safe haven where he could rest and strategize his next move.

As he ran, his thoughts drifted back to his brief time with Tony. Despite their differences, he had found a sort of camaraderie with them. The memories were bittersweet, and he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find such a connection again.

After what seemed like hours of running, Harry came across a secluded cave. It wasn't much, but it would provide shelter and a place to rest. He entered cautiously, his senses probing the darkness for any signs of danger. Finding none, he settled down to catch his breath and think.

The cave was damp and cold, but it offered a temporary respite from his pursuers.

The cave's darkness was pervasive, wrapping around Harry like a heavy cloak. He stared down at his clothes, the ones he had worn earlier, now dirty and tattered from his escape. His storage scrolls were conspicuously absent, likely confiscated by Tony or Fury. It didn't matter much, he reasoned, as there was nothing irreplaceable in them. Still, the realization of their absence brought an unexpected pang of loss, a reminder of his precarious situation.

Shaking off these thoughts, Harry muttered to himself in frustration, "How long do I have to keep hiding and running around like a dog?"

The words barely left his mouth when a voice from his side startled him, "Maybe not for long."


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