
A new class of Rick: Dragon ball

Follow the adventures of the self-proclaimed Rick Sánchez in the Dragon Ball universe or multiverse. Rick, now with a new dream, won't stop until he gets to the end of his life and says he's given everything. With a system that imparts knowledge. Can Rick make a wise choice? And more over, are you ready to witness the changes made throughout the universe? ____________________________ Sigue las aventuras de el autoproclamado Rick Sánchez en el universo de Dragón ball, o mejor dicho multiverso. Rick quien ahora tiene un nuevo sueño, no parará hasta encontrarse al final de su vida y decir que lo dio todo. Con un sistema que otorga conocimientos. ¿ Podrá Rick elegir sabiamente ? Y además, estás listo para presenciar los cambios realizados a través del universo? _____________________________________ Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer des selbsternannten Rick Sánchez im Dragon Ball-Universum bzw. Multiversum. Rick, der nun einen neuen Traum hat, wird nicht aufhören, bis er am Ende seines Lebens steht und sagt, dass er alles gegeben hat. Mit einem System, das Wissen vermittelt. Kann Rick eine kluge Wahl treffen? Und sind Sie außerdem bereit, die Veränderungen im gesamten Universum mitzuerleben? ___________________________________ #Isekai #System #MartialArts #DragonBall #Multiverse #UniversBuildings #DojoBuilding #MoreThanOneProtagonist

minombre26_ · アニメ&漫画
69 Chs

The Portal Challenge

Baki was in the middle of his usual training routine at the gym when suddenly, a strange event interrupted his concentration. A bright flash of light and a deafening buzz filled the room, causing Baki to come to a sudden halt and look around in surprise.

Without warning, a portal opened in front of him, emitting a hypnotic glow that seemed to beckon him to cross it. With curiosity nagging at him, Baki took a step forward, but before he could do anything else, a mysterious impulse pushed him towards the portal, dragging him into the unknown.

On the other side, Baki found himself in a surreal and enigmatic landscape. The ground beneath his feet was a brilliant silver color, as if made of polished metal, and the sky above him seemed to be tinged with a dark purple hue, dotted with twinkling stars. In the distance, tall structures twisted and curved in impossible shapes, as if defying the laws of physics.

The air was filled with a strange energy, palpable but indescribable, that enveloped Baki like an invisible blanket. Despite the exotic beauty of the landscape, a sense of unease clung to him, reminding him that he was in an unfamiliar and potentially dangerous place.

As Baki tried to orient himself in this strange new world, a distant sound caught his attention. He turned to see an uphill path. Baki naturally took it, though for some reason, each step made him feel heavier.

At the end of the path, he glimpsed familiar faces like Hanayama, his brother, Oliva Biscuit, and other martial arts masters, along with three masked individuals.

Before Baki could ask anything, he was interrupted by the three people.

"Wait a second!"

They approached him with determination. He prepared for combat, but before he could react, the figures lunged at him with surprising speed.

The confrontation was intense and frenetic, with Baki struggling to keep up with his masked opponents. Every punch and block reverberated in the air, creating a symphony of violence and determination. As the battle dragged on, Baki began to realize that his opponents were not simple street fighters; there was something more to them, a skill and ability that defied any logical explanation.

Despite his efforts, Baki found himself increasingly overwhelmed by the combined strength of his masked opponents who besieged him from three different angles. Frustration and confusion engulfed him as he fought to stay on his feet, but a part of him was also intrigued by the strength and power of his adversaries. Who were these masked individuals and what were they seeking?

Before the battle could reach its inevitable conclusion, the situation took an unexpected turn when the legendary fighter Hanma Yujiro, Baki's father, made his entrance. With his imposing presence and dominant aura, Yujiro made it clear that he would not allow his son to be defeated by mere masked men.

"The first person I see is my son. But he's losing! You should be ashamed!"

The tension in the air became palpable as Baki and his masked opponents faced the intimidating presence of Yujiro. However, before the battle could reach its climax, a new actor appeared on the scene, putting an end to the conflict and opening the door to a new phase of this strange adventure.

Rick, with his typical arrogance and confidence, stepped between the combatants, ending the violence with a simple gesture of his hand. With his arrival, the tension dissipated, at least temporarily, as Baki and his masked opponents tried to understand the purpose of this strange confrontation.

With a meaningful look, Rick revealed that this confrontation had been only the beginning of a much greater challenge.

"Hello everyone, as you can see, we have the means to drag you here.

Strange, isn't it? Yes, for you, but soon it will not be.

I have brought here all the fighters from the planet you come from.

However... I put some restrictions like age or strength.

As you can see, there are very few here.

It's because I personally tested the rest while you were resting at the top.

Gravity should have been stronger when you climbed but it was activated too late causing some to slip away....


"Enough! Get to the point!" said Yujiro Hanma.

Rick didn't want to explain further, so he raised his right hand palm up and let a ki sphere form.

Seeing everyone with surprised faces, he smiled too.

*Boom* a tree exploded as he sent the energy sphere.

"Basically, I'm a god, I'm bored, and to face future problems, I decided to create a university where I will put in the best geniuses to learn everything," Rick said confidently.

"Besides, there are many benefits to entering our university," Rick smiled again, raising his eyebrows implicitly.