
A new class of Rick: Dragon ball

Follow the adventures of the self-proclaimed Rick Sánchez in the Dragon Ball universe or multiverse. Rick, now with a new dream, won't stop until he gets to the end of his life and says he's given everything. With a system that imparts knowledge. Can Rick make a wise choice? And more over, are you ready to witness the changes made throughout the universe? ____________________________ Sigue las aventuras de el autoproclamado Rick Sánchez en el universo de Dragón ball, o mejor dicho multiverso. Rick quien ahora tiene un nuevo sueño, no parará hasta encontrarse al final de su vida y decir que lo dio todo. Con un sistema que otorga conocimientos. ¿ Podrá Rick elegir sabiamente ? Y además, estás listo para presenciar los cambios realizados a través del universo? _____________________________________ Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer des selbsternannten Rick Sánchez im Dragon Ball-Universum bzw. Multiversum. Rick, der nun einen neuen Traum hat, wird nicht aufhören, bis er am Ende seines Lebens steht und sagt, dass er alles gegeben hat. Mit einem System, das Wissen vermittelt. Kann Rick eine kluge Wahl treffen? Und sind Sie außerdem bereit, die Veränderungen im gesamten Universum mitzuerleben? ___________________________________ #Isekai #System #MartialArts #DragonBall #Multiverse #UniversBuildings #DojoBuilding #MoreThanOneProtagonist

minombre26_ · アニメ&漫画
69 Chs

Bardock entrance

Planet Vegeta, bathed in a vibrant red hue, is the cradle of the Saiyan race. Once a lush world, its flora has been largely decimated, but thanks to the constant supply ships dispatched by Emperor Frieza, the Saiyans manage to subsist.

Today, an air of anticipation hangs over the planet as Frieza, the galactic emperor, prepares to stage a grand parade. Since the battle against the Galactic Patrol, the number of children sent to the battlefield has steadily increased, fueling their hopes of rising through the ranks of Frieza's forces. King Vegeta has adorned the streets with posters bearing the emperor's image, erected a towering statue in the plaza, and stationed elite soldiers from the legion in various facilities to inspire the populace.

"Is this... normal?" Bardock wonders to himself.

The Saiyans, once a civilization devoid of emblems or banners, were relatively primitive. They were conquered by King Cold and placed under his command. And since aligning themselves with him, they have gained access to advanced technology and formidable opponents. They were instilled from a young age with the belief that they were the greatest warriors. But they ended up as subordinates to another race. This caused discontent, but the benefits provided by Frieza's father were immense.

One day, King Cold visited their planet and placed them under the control of his son. Children were now being sent out to fight as Emperor Frieza craved more conquest. It wasn't as bad as they had expected. Until suddenly, the missions started increasing.

There was no rest anymore.

During one of these missions, Bardock met a Saiyan woman. She was weak but cared for the other warriors on the battlefield. They met when he was injured and she took him to the recovery chamber.

Drawn to her, he asked her to have a child with him. She agreed, and they saw each other more often, during missions, during recovery, writing to each other from their ships.

A bond was formed. And their symbol was Raditz.

Given Bardock's outstanding performance on the battlefield, Raditz was assigned as a subordinate to the prince upon his birth.

Although this meant they couldn't spend much time together, Raditz grew attached to them.

I guess being among those who care for you makes you relax.

A few years passed, and Bardock wanted a second child. Kakarot, a good name for a Saiyan.

Bardock and Gine were separated due to the sudden increase in missions. Out of nowhere, planets emerged in space, becoming targets for Frieza.

Even so, Bardock embarked on a mission reserved for him. He had heard of a habitable planet with good warriors. Roughly at his level.

"I'm going to get stronger!"

He fought an opponent with the ability to see the future.

Nah! Actually, he doesn't know.

But He was able to dodge all his attacks. He had to win using Ki blasts so big that he couldn't dodge. However, he managed to survive.

They had a fierce hand-to-hand fight. Bardock defeated him but not before taking a blow that almost killed him.

He regained consciousness at the headquarters of Frieza's legion.

If they were normally idiots, they were now unbearable.

They kicked him out of the capsule to put someone else in.

"I'm not fully healed, you know!"

Apparently, things weren't going well at the front.

They didn't give him a chance to return. He was sent to a newly discovered planet. He lost sight of his comrades, possibly sent before him.


Spaceships fell like meteors.

The blue atmosphere was interrupted by the landing of Frieza's legion.

Bardock looked outside.

Sea from the outskirts of the small island to the horizon.

There was a cluster of islands in the vicinity.

But that wasn't impressive. No.

It seemed that the battle here was worse than expected.

Not only were there islands in the water. Millions of spaceships were scattered around the place.

The war was being fought over the surface of the water. With aliens flying, fighting, and shooting at each other.

It was the Galactic Patrol. Apparently, they also detected the emerging planets.

There was no rest anymore, that's for sure.


Ships continued to land on the planet. And some were used to fight in the sky.



Suddenly Bardock had a hallucination.

He was being shot

Bardock was shot in the back of the head in his vision, but his instincts kicked in just in time. He dove to the ground as a laser whizzed past, leaving a smoking crater where his head once was.

"What the Hell?!" he yelled, scrambling to his feet. The shot landed on a rock, shattering it with the force of impact. Dodging that blast saved his life.

He turned around to see a short alien with brightly colored skin firing a pistol at him.

"You're dead!" Bardock roared, charging towards the alien.

With that shout the battle began.

This battle was too big to pick and choose opponents. Here, survival meant dodging anything stronger and crushing everything weaker.

Pride? He was a proud father, and his son hadn't witnessed him conquer planets for him yet.

"Kakarot will be a great warrior, you'll see!" he thought, channeling his Saiyan spirit.

It was a sunny day on this water-covered planet. The cool breeze invigorated his cells, making him sharper. The Air smelled of the salty sea below, as it wavered with the acrid smell formed by the laser shots.

He moved swiftly, scanning his surroundings. He disarmed lower-level soldiers, leaping from ship to ship.

Dodging behind one, he snapped its neck with a twist before launching himself at the next.

Another vision flashed in his mind. He saw himself lunging at a female warrior with antennae, intending to kick her in the back of the head.

The image vanished abruptly as a piercing pain filled his ears. A distorted intergalactic call crackled through, a faint plea for help reaching him.

Before Bardock could consider hiding to investigate, strong arms seized him from behind.

"What?!" he bellowed, a scream ripped from his throat as his ribs were crushed in a vice-like grip.

The alien he thought he'd defeated, the one with the broken neck, was back, squeezing the life out of him.

'How is this possible?!' Bardock's head pounded with the pressure. Saiyans were known for their incredible resilience, but this was torture.

He was about to commit a War sin.

What is that sin? Draw attention.

Bardock unleashed his aura, a surge of Saiyan energy erupting from his body. He enveloped himself in a second layer of power, causing the outer one to detonate.

The entire ship exploded in a fiery blast. The sudden burst of energy made him a target for everyone around.

Bardock emerged from the smoke, his scouter still functioning.

*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep*

The device blared, detecting multiple approaching forces.

"I know what to do!" he thought, rocketing away from another explosion behind him.



Reality and virtual overlap. Bardock watched as a mothership crashed from above. Out of fright, he followed his instinct and flew at full speed to the spaceship hangar, many models have one connected to both sides of the ship. When he was about to return to safety.

Reality returns and he now finds himself in front of the hangar door again. His pursuers were hit by the ship's structures.

Bardock had gambled, and it paid off. However, his escape cost him commiting the Sin again. Flying through the open air in the atmosphere, he became a beacon for both fighters and aircraft. Lasers and energy blasts rained down on him.

His visions, though strange, helped him dodge a significant number of attacks. Yet, he couldn't avoid them all. Injured and battered, he tumbled towards the water's surface, joining the countless ships that had met their fiery demise.

"Damn it!" he cursed, landing with a heavy thud.

"If only there was a high-level Saiyan around!"


Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed across the battlefield. A Saiyan with a sharp face and short, spiky hair was being swarmed by ten warriors of similar strength.

Bleeding profusely, he unleashed a scream as a white ball of light erupted from his hands, rocketing towards the sky.

Within seconds, it reached the heavens, shattering into thousands of smaller energy blasts, creating an artificial night sky.

A moment later, Beastly howls echoed from other parts of the battlefield in response.



Two simultaneous, earth-shattering roars resonated through the air. Two colossal Oozaru, giant Saiyan monkeys, emerged from the chaos. One, with a scar across his cheek, erupted from the ground, catching three unsuspecting 10,000-power aliens in his massive hands and crushing them effortlessly. The other materialized from the sky, crushing several aliens in the process of its descent.

A high level Saiyan appeared, and woke Ozaru's from inside of each Saiyan nearby.