
A Necromancer's Guidebook To Rise

Necromancy is a magic that studies the manipulation of the dead. Unfortunately, many do not seem to understand what it means to be bound to Death, and so, it is a subject that most mages do not look upon. Even though it is not illegal, Necromancy has been wronged for ages, and there are barely any books or research about it and Necromancers are fewer and fewer as time passes. There are no records of powerful Death related mages, but it has not stopped Akuji of pursuing such knowledge. His journey will truly start at the Magus' Imperial Academy, where he will show the true power of the Necromancers.

BambooDealer · ファンタジー
3 Chs

A Change of Scenery

Suddenly, new light was brought into Akuji's eyes. His clothing was far different from Aria and Klaus, who wore only simple, homemade clothing, also differing from Dora, who mainly dressed with fine uniforms used by the Magic Schools' students. He was usong a black cloak, with a hood faling back behind his head, with also black pants and shirt beneath, alongside with bag between them, made in leather, crossing from a shoulder throigh his chest, falling close to his hip.

Beyond him, a large structure risen by pillars, extending far back, was seen. It was the Magus Imperial Academy, and he was stepping just close to the exquisite staircase that leas inside, where the beginning of the Test would take place. Around him, diversity flourished, people of all sizes, clothing, financial status, magic proficiency and races were seen. May it be close to Akuji, as Humans, from the depths of the vulcanoes, the Dwarves, or from inside the forests, the Elves, and many more.

Akuji stared the top of the staircase for some time, until he started to take his steps up. He was focused, silent as ever, moving as subtly as shadows themselves, the boy brought himself to the top, analyzing all the soon to be students, or not. Their magic ranged from runic manipulation, written in code and equations, to shamanic and totemist practices, all the way to rituals and pure magic. But Akuji noticed what he knew he would, there were no practicioners of Darkness nor harbingers of Death, he truly seemed alone. Maybe there were some that were afraid to show themselves, but with the decline of interest in the Dark Magic and its repproval all over societies, it probably wasn't the case.

Even though, Akuji didn't feel threatened, above all else, he felt some kind of inspiration. The boy was there to be the first Necromancer to ever be relevant and occupy important places in society, also being a somewaht pioneer in his magic field, because many of the old scriptures were lost, with little to be known by the Living about the Dead. Although, Akuji knew there was some things to be done before all of that happen, he needed to pass the Admission Test with a good score and join the Academy.

As he passed through the giant pilars that maintained the outside structure, Akuji passed a great arc that brought him inside the main hall of the academy, where many students were revealed scattered in many groups and lone people, which was probably the best definition to Akuji as well, with many excited to go through the Admission Test. He swiftly made his way out of the crowd, avoiding groups, going far away, reaching a less dense part of the hall.

The hall was vast and fancy, with a carpet that rolled all over the floor and a hugh stage that would soon receive someone to introduce them to the Test. Moreover, it was probably receivimg more than 5000 newcomers in this very moment, where probably only about 1000 of them would actually enter. Even though the Academy was really huge, not many could actually enter, as it was destined to concentrate the best of them all from all over the kingdoms.

Akuji moved through the people, almost unnoticed, with a fast pace and a quick path, as if something guided him until the empty place. There were actually really few people to such a big hall with many people, close to him, a girl dressing fine red clothes, with big earrings and a necklace with a big red gem. She was blonde, with pointy ears and was tall, around 1.85, clearly being an elf. Her face seemed impatient, stepping with her foot in swift successions, showing signs of anxiety.

Close to the walls, a small boy, that already showed some more mature features, was dressed in a kind of jacket, with black pants. On his head, a steampunk-like wielding glasses, he had brown hair and an actual grown beard, as he read a book that seemed to be about Runes. He was a dwarf, standing around 1.45 in height.

And closing by, walking around, someone that dressed far more different than all inside the hall, including Akuji, it was a tall and muscular man, wearing a heavy armor, carrying a shield way bigger than normal. By not wearing a helmet, you could see his face, showing a curly black hair and a face that seemed friendly. Through his equipments, phrases in Gigantic were written, that seemed to manifest a Holy aura. He was a Giant, standing around 3.20m.

Around his shoulders, someone that had a feminine sillhouette flew, she was not very big, probably fitting in the palm of someone's hand, wearing a brown, simple and rough cothes, with a black apron falling, as her wings flapped. The Fairy had a ginger hair, and was talking with the Giant as they walked closeby to Akuji and the other mentioned before.

In this moment, a voice was manifested through all of the enormous hall from many places, as a woman was revealed on the stage. "Good afternoon, candidates. I'm Pyria, one of the Academy Coordinators." She said in a calm voice. She was a Dark Elf, with a purpleish skin and white hair, wearing a ornamented black uniform. "The Admission Test this year will be done in groups of five. The members of each group are already decided, look among the people close to you, they will have an unique rune with different color and shape from the rest. It's close to your wrist."

Soon enough, people started to look through the crowd close to them, and teams started to match up. Close to Akuji, a loud voice was heard. "Flame! You must be in my group, right? You are just above my shoulder!" The Giant said outloud, as the Fairy, Flame, recoiled back. "You don't need to scream, Ivan, I'm literally just by your side... But, you have a point." She said, as she pulled up her sleeve, showing a red, floating rune, just like the one on Ivan's wrist.

"Gotta find the rest of them!" Ivan said, starting to move. The floor shook as he walked, due to his heavy armor and size. The dwarf, right by them, looked at his wrist and noticed them, as Ivan was loud, it was no hard task to spot them. "I think I'm with you both. Nice to meet you, I'm Ymir Rockspine!" He said in a crispy, rough voice, reaching his hand out to Ivan as he smilles to them. "Ha! It's easier than I thought to find people!" The Giant said loudly.

"It's more like they are finding you... You are like a great lighthouse..." Flame said, sat on Ivan's shoulder and waved down to the Dwarf. While that happened, the Elf next to them walked off the wall, noticing they had the same rune and got closer to them. "I'm Pyria. Pleasure." She said swiftly in a low voice.

As they greeted each other, Akuji looked at the symbol on his wrist, that matched on the group close to them. Looking at the Giant Paladin, that was loud and seemed like a talkative extrovert, he left out a sigh, as he got closer to them as stood by their side in silence. Akuji almost made it unseen to his new party, but Ivan got a glimpse of him before he could hide behind his back. "Ah! The last one! You are very silent! We are finally done, haha!" The Giant said, as Akuji simply nodded and remained silent.

The parties swiftly gathered together, and the voice spoke up once more. The hall fell silent again, gazing at the spokesperson. "Now that you all have found your partners, everyome here shall present themselves by name and main field of magic." Many of the parties looked among themselves and then around them. They were about 5000 people, that would take a while, but if it was what was needed, it will be done.

From the closest to the furthest groups, people said their names. It seemed like Akuji's group was last, as the Ivan seemed to be bothered by it, but the boy couldn't care less. He seemed to focus on what each person said, looking to know about the more common magic used and the group or groups that be the biggest threat. He was paying close attention, even though he wouldn't memorize all of them, he just needed a general glimpse right now.

As the speaking turn got closer to his party, he was sure of his early assumptions. There were truly no other Necromancers around, but it didn't matter now. Soon enough, it was their turn to talk, and Ivan took the first step. "I'm Ivan Gifur, user of Holy Magic!" He exclaimed as the groups looked them.

After him, they said in sequence.

"Flame Fantasia, Elemental and Spatial Magic."

"Ymir Rockspine, Rune Magic."

"Pyria, Pure Magic."

Then, silence was in the air, Akuji took a step forward so he was seen, as he was hidden in the back of his party. "Akuji, Necromancy." Suddenly, the bored or anxious face became a mixture of horror, astonishment and awe. The silence took over once more, as now all eyes looked at the boy in black, incluiding his own party members.

Ymir seemed taken aback, and Pyria tilted her head, looking confused. Flame, otherwise, was in horror, as she took flight to get in front of Ivan. "Ivan, look at me don't do anything har-" The Giant, in a look of fury, started to head to Akuji's direction, ignoring what the Fairy said. "You are profane! How dare you try to take place in the Academy with your Magic?!". Akuji slowly turned his head to stare at the Ivan's eyes, unshook by the acts of the Giant. "You can't be in a party with me, I decline being in a group with a heretic! You shouldn't even try to be here, with your scum of measly, pitiful and weak Dark Magic."

Akuji felt bothered, but didn't want to retaliate. After all, that would taint image even more than saying what he studied. "It is not of your choice who you will work with, Ivan." The spokesperson said once more. Ivan glancrd back at the stage, clenching his fists and going back to where he was, in an unchabged rage-struck face. Soon, whispers took place among the croud, but it was interrupted by the Elf in the stage. "The leaders of each group are the who first and last presented. In some minutes, you will all be teleported to the first challenge."

Again, the whispers came back. Akuji's group remained in silence for most of the part before being teleported, being suddenly broken by Ymir. "We'll need to work together." It felt awkward, like thinking too loud, the group glanced at each other strangely, as Akuji remained on his place. "I can't believe we were the ones to have a Necromancer inside, there probably haven't been a Necromancer trying to enter the Academy for years!" Ivan complained to Flame, walking around in anger. "Yes, it may be a problem, but if we at least work together... We can join the Academy and don't work together anymore..." The Fairy said, flying and following him around.

The Giant left a sigh and then nodded. "Yeah... He will probably be dead weight anyway, so we'rw gonna need to work harder." Right after that, they started to feel the teletransportation Magic ensue around them. Akuji had no way out now, he was in, with the a random party, a member that didn't like him as he partner in leadership. Even though, he knew this was the only way, whatever hardships he faced, he needed to simply face them, from now on until the end of his career.

Suddenly, all of the party had no way out. They were met with a maze, but the path forwards and backwards were shut. They were stuck in there, needing to go through.