
A Natural Magician

In a fantasy world of magic and swords, I, an ordinary person, soar freely, taming powerful magical beasts, conquering top-tier beauties, and leaving behind the name "Demon God King" that resonates throughout the ages.

llllliumuyan · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 11: The Initial Battle with Darkness

Something strange happened. The beautiful woman in the lake somehow detected my presence, even though I was invisible. She suddenly turned her head and looked over, revealing an unbelievably stunning face, her beautiful eyes glinting with an intimidating dark light.

With a wave of her hand, without even chanting a spell, a wall of flames surged towards me, a "Fiery Slash" far more powerful than a mere "Fireball."

Greatly alarmed, I quickly dispelled the "Invisibility Technique" and activated the "Protective Canopy." The flames hit the canopy, spilling out heat waves, feeling even more intense than when I faced the combined attack of dozens of magicians in Elvenheck.

The beautiful woman, now dressed in a black robe, hovered in the air, exuding an intimidating aura of royalty. She said coldly, "Holy Light magic? Who are you? How dare you trespass into this forbidden land? Report your name quickly, and I might grant you a full body burial."

A princess? Surely, the princess of the Demon Realm. My luck is truly immeasurable, saving me the trouble of searching for the palace.

I smiled and said, "Ignorance is bliss, I beg your pardon, Princess. I am just a poor soul who stumbled into the Demon Realm by mistake. Please, Princess, have mercy and send me back through the 'Portal of Transference.'"

The Demon Princess had initially thought I was a high-ranking priest when she saw me resist her "Fiery Slash," but never did she expect me to speak such words, devoid of any priestly dignity. She was momentarily startled.

Seizing the initiative, I thought capturing this princess as a hostage would surely lead me to the "Portal of Transference."

I suddenly unleashed a "Void Thunder Cannon Break" and then flashed behind the princess using "Instant Teleportation." Numerous vacuum blades from the "Flying Blade" technique sliced furiously towards her.

The Demon Princess remained calm and coldly snorted. With her jade-like hands stretched out to the sides, a dark orb enveloped her delicate body. The thunderball and wind blades hit the black orb and disappeared silently.

Unexpectedly, my attacks were so easily dispelled. I was secretly shocked, sensing that the magical aura emanating from the princess was strangely different, vastly unlike ordinary elemental magic, filled with death and darkness. Could it be...

"Dark magic," I muttered to myself, not daring to slacken my efforts. Fireballs, wind blades, ice arrows, lightning bolts, flying stones, and more, like a rainstorm, poured down towards the Demon Princess, but they vanished into thin air upon contact with the black orb.

Encountering such an opponent for the first time, I felt greatly excited. Merging both hands, I unleashed the advanced water magic, "Extreme Zero Freeze Wave." I didn't believe that small orb could withstand the impact of a great river of ice.

The orb dispersed, and the Demon Princess flew high into the air, avoiding the engulfment of the great river of ice.

She said coldly, "I truly underestimated you. I didn't expect humans to have such a powerful mage like you. Well, take this, my 'Hellish Soul Cannon.'"

According to old Yulis, dark magic was the most terrifying among all magics. It was terrifying when wizards harnessed the death power of demons.

Now, my opponent was a demon herself, and moreover, the princess of the Demon Realm. Her prowess was beyond imagination.

I didn't dare to be complacent. I quickly gathered my magic power and chanted, "'Holy Light Barrier.'"

My body was immediately enveloped by a crystal orb formed by this ultimate defensive magic of the Holy Light system, resembling the dark orb the Demon Princess had used earlier.

She raised her hands towards the sky and chanted, "Souls of the dead, become my strength according to the contract."

She lowered her arms, pointing at me, and said coldly, "'Hellish Soul Cannon.'"

Upon hitting the "Holy Light Barrier," it dispersed, revealing countless ghosts and other "entities" hovering outside the orb, screaming and howling, making one's hair stand on end.

I shivered with goosebumps and couldn't resist anymore. I quickly formed a hand seal, gathered magic energy rapidly, and roared, 'Absolute Zero Space.'

In a flash, with me as the center, endless coldness radiated in all directions, and everything, including tangible and intangible spirits, was frozen and then turned into dust. It was a scene of total destruction.

"Absolute Zero Space" is the ultimate forbidden spell of the water element. With powerful magic, it creates an absolute zero space with a temperature of minus 179 degrees Celsius around the body. Any matter within this space, including the tiniest atoms, will be frozen, shattered. It is a forbidden spell of the same caliber as "Thunderbolt" which I used to destroy Aierxianke.

For the first time, the princess of the demon realm showed a frightened expression on her delicate face. She flashed her delicate body at lightning speed straight into the air, narrowly avoiding the expanding chill. However, a thin layer of ice still formed on her snow-white legs, sparkling under the glow of the "Demon Black Sun."

Taking advantage of the situation, I pounded my fists on the ground, causing the ice, rubble, and other objects within a radius of a few li to shoot straight towards the princess in the air like bullets, driven by the vibration of the earth.

This is the "Earthquake of the Earth" in Earth Magic.

In order to resist the chill of "Absolute Zero Space," the princess of the demon realm had exhausted all her magic power. At this moment, she could only form a protective dark orb, but it was obviously much weaker than before.

The rubble and other objects hit the orb with tremendous force, and the orb dissipated immediately. The princess of the demon realm fell straight from the air.

Thinking of such a beautiful woman falling straight from the sky onto the hard ground, I felt a sudden pang of sympathy. At the moment she fell, I summoned water elements to form a soft water cushion, and the princess's delicate body landed directly on it, splashing water all around.

The beautiful face of the princess of the demon realm was pale, and her delicate body, which had been soaked by water, trembled slightly. She looked pitiful and vulnerable, quite different from her formidable appearance earlier.

I have no resistance to beautiful women by nature, especially such a rare beauty. I bent down and reached out to touch her forehead, and my hand flashed with brilliant golden light. I used "Healing Light" to heal her wounds and restore her strength.

A spark of color flashed in the princess's beautiful eyes, and then they closed tightly. Her delicate face showed a calm expression.

Seeing a trace of blush on the princess's delicate face, I stopped "Healing Light" and moved my hand away. "Princess, I truly stumbled into the demon realm by mistake with no ill intentions. I'm sorry for hurting you earlier. Please take me to the 'Portal of Transfer' so that I can return home as soon as possible."

The princess's beautiful eyes opened again and stared at me intently. I felt strange and thought there was something wrong with me.

Suddenly, the princess reached out and grasped my right hand.