
A Natural Magician

In a fantasy world of magic and swords, I, an ordinary person, soar freely, taming powerful magical beasts, conquering top-tier beauties, and leaving behind the name "Demon God King" that resonates throughout the ages.

llllliumuyan · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: A Mistaken Entry into the Demon Realm

Since there was still some time before the "Magic Convention," I lingered in the palace, surrounded by three gorgeous beauties every day, which was like heaven for any man.

Soon, the noble and proud Princess Olena and the gentle and elegant Princess Fioya could not resist my unique charm from another world. They were also intrigued by my magic abilities and, along with the camaraderie shared with Livia, we quickly became good friends.

I discovered that Princess Olena was also a student of Elder Linka and her mastery of Holy Light magic far exceeded mine in theoretical knowledge. And the seemingly demure Princess Fioya was actually a skilled swordswoman, her swordsmanship rivaling that of Livia. Truly, one should not judge a book by its cover.

The royal magicians revered me as a deity, and even the Great Sage Elder Linka probably didn't enjoy such reverence. If they knew that I had a superficial understanding of magic knowledge, I don't know how they would react.

However, as I spent more time with them, my basic knowledge of magic progressed quickly, and I gradually developed a genuine interest in studying magic, unlike before when I just used my infinite magic power indiscriminately to placate the two elders.

Among all the types of magic, I was most interested in spatial magic, naturally because I wanted to find a way home sooner.

In fact, spatial magic wasn't a profound form of magic. It could be used by average intermediate-level magicians, primarily for long-distance movement, teleportation, and so on. It had no offensive capabilities, and even the two elders only briefly explained it to me, believing it wasn't worth delving into deeply.

Standing alone in the palace garden, I pondered the principles and mysteries of spatial magic.

Spatial magic essentially distorted and overlapped space with magic power, making distant places instantly accessible. With the aid of a magic circle, one could even reach other dimensions.

Thinking about this, I recalled the description of a powerful weapon called the "Dimensional Blade" in a science fiction novel I had read before. Now, it seemed that a "Dimensional Blade" was essentially distorting and rupturing the current space with another space using magic power. The resulting power would likely be so devastating that even the ultimate defensive magic of Holy Light, the "Holy Light Barrier," couldn't withstand it.

I immediately acted on this thought. Gathering my magic power, I distorted and overlapped the current space with an unknown other space using a typical "Spatial Transfer" magic technique. Then, I abruptly unleashed a massive amount of magic power, forcibly rupturing it, creating a spatial rift several meters long in the air.

I was elated. I immediately named it the "Dimensional Blade." Haha, I was indeed a genius, able to create a magic spell on my own. Future generations using the "Dimensional Blade" would surely remember that I was the one who created it. The thought filled me with joy.

At that time, I didn't realize how much magic power was required to rupture space instantaneously. Even Elder Yulis couldn't achieve it. Thus, the "Dimensional Blade" became a terrifying magic unique to the "Destroyer of Airexian," leaving its mark in the history of the Holy Magic Continent.

Eager for more powerful spatial magic, I excitedly distorted and overlapped several parallel spaces simultaneously with my limitless magic power. With a loud shout, my magic power erupted, and a wide rift several meters wide suddenly appeared in the air. The rift expanded rapidly, tearing apart a third of the palace buildings in front of me.

I was horrified. Suddenly, a powerful suction force emerged from the rift, unexpectedly sucking me into it without any preparation.

Then, the rift disappeared.

The history of the Holy Magic Continent recorded: "The Destroyer of Airexian" destroyed half of the city six days after his initial rampage, and then destroyed a third of the palace buildings. Fortunately, it was during the royal celebration, and people were outdoors, so there were no casualties. The Destroyer himself disappeared mysteriously for half a month.

King Wort's angry voice echoed, "Liu Muyan, you owe me a debt that you can never repay in this lifetime..."

Alone in another space, feeling like a plummeting weight, I quickly used the "Levitation Spell" to stabilize myself after tumbling in the air for a while.

I told myself to calm down. Didn't Elder Linka say that my magic power was comparable to a god? So, why should I be afraid?

I slowly landed on the ground in a world that appeared similar to the Holy Magic Continent, except that the sun here was black, and its light was the same, making this world much darker than the Holy Magic Continent.

Right now, I am in a forest that stretches as far as the eye can see, surrounded by a silence that is somewhat creepy.

Instinctively, I felt a sense of unease and summoned The chattering bird. According to Yulis, it has lived for over a thousand years and is knowledgeable. It might know where I am now, or at least give me some courage.

After hovering in the air for a while,The chattering bird shrunk and landed on my shoulder. "That's the 'Demon Black Sun,' Master. How did you end up in the Demon Realm?"

The Demon Realm?

I was stunned.

The Demon Realm, just thinking about those terrifying places in TV shows, made me turn pale. I hurriedly asked, "Chattering bird, is there a way out?"

The chattering bird thought for a moment and said, "It's said that there is a 'Portal of Transference' in the Demon Realm's palace, which can teleport people to any world. The Demon Realm used it to transport troops during their invasions of the Heavenly Realm and the Holy Magic Continent."

My heart leaped with joy. Didn't this mean I could go home and see my parents and friends again? But it also meant I would never see Livia again...

Ah, let's not think about that now. First, I need to find the "Portal of Transference."

After wandering aimlessly in the forest for three days with The chattering bird, I suddenly had a strange sensation - a "barrier."

Although any barrier is ineffective against me, I can now sense its existence. After I stepped into the barrier,The chattering bird was isolated outside and couldn't enter.

So I sent The chattering bird back and continued forward with excitement. A barrier meant someone had set it, which represented hope of escaping this cursed forest.

A beautiful small lake appeared in front of me, and I had a sense of deja vu. If there was a beautiful woman bathing there, it would be exactly like when I first met Livia.

I never knew I had the ability to make my wishes come true. A clear and pleasant song drifted from the lake. I saw a stunningly beautiful woman bathing there naked, singing as if the scene from before was replaying.

What a lucky break.

I resisted the urge to whistle and quickly used the "Invisibility Technique" to avoid repeating the same mistake. Then, I cautiously approached her.