
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · 書籍·文学
83 Chs

Break Out

"Come to our usual meeting location at Hogwarts instantly," The voice of the old headmaster rang throughout the bedroom, Which was now illuminated by the slowly fading Phoenix Patronus. Blair who was sleeping on the bed slowly opened his eyes before instantly getting up from his bed with a sigh. He didn't complain about the time, as he knew that the old man would never call him this late at night without any good reason. He quickly waved his hand before raising both of his hands in the air. a clock came flying out of the closet before it automatically began to wrap around his body.


And in the next instant, he was standing in the forbidden forest where Dumbledore and Frank Longbottom were already standing beside him. The head Auror's face was grave with whereas the old man's was calm.

"What happened?" Looking at Frank's expression, A question instantly spewed out of his mouth.

"There was a mass break out Azkaban," Frank said gravely in his tired voice.

"When?" Blair's mood instantly took a u-turn.

"Yesterday," Dumbledore said calmly, Both of his hands behind his back.

"Then why is it not in the daily prophet and why the hell are we getting this news now," Blair looked at Frank for answers, After all, he was the head Auror. He would be the first person to be informed about the breakout.

"I have been there the entire day ok, I haven't even slept for the past 24 hours and the entire Azskaban island was under lockdown," Frank said with a hint of annoyance, no one would blame him, After all, anyone would also be annoyed if something like this were to happen to him or her.

"So, How bad is it," Blair ignored his tone.

"It's bad, really bad, Bilious Ross, Bellatrix Lestrange," Blair's eyes turned a little cold," Rodolphus Lestrange, Antonin Dolohov, Augustus Rookwood. Every single member of Voldemort's inner circle was broken out and that's not even the scariest part," At the end of his sentence Frank began to pace back and forth.

"What is it then," Blair's voice become grave, After all, what was scarier than Voldemort gaining his most powerful and loyal followers back, Followers who went to prison rather than, abandoning their identities as their lord's loyal followers.

"You should see it yourself," With that Frank handed both of them two stones and said the portkey password, 'No excuses for crime' which was quite ironic as quite a few inner circle death eaters were roaming free and some were even controlling the ministry.

All three of them felt a familiar pull and the next moment they were standing near a rocky seashore facing in the direction of the prison.

Blair's eyes widen a bit as he looked towards the prison, Which he could perfectly see under the faint glow of moonlight. It really was as Frank described. Any word to explain this would be an understatement. The long building which was supposed to look like a gigantic triangle, Now like an incomplete triangle with one of the three walls completely obliterated. Blair was sure whosoever was inside the wall surely would have died.

To be able to destroy a prison to such extent while in presence of the wards was just unimaginable even for Blair. This was in no way a result of a man, Blair didn't even know how to put it in words. Did he really face the monster who caused this much destruction, At the graveyard? He knew that his killing curses were strong, but not this strong to obliterate the entire one side of an enormous building. He wondered if he could cause 3/4th of the destruction even if he were to use every bit of magic in his body. He was also not sure if even Dumbledore could do such damage as the old man never showed his full strength.

Speaking of Dumbledore, He was looking calmly towards the horrifying destruction with his calm blue eyes. They were observing the destruction closely as if trying to figure out how the attack was conducted. Soon his old blue eyes darted towards a certain direction. He walked towards it before stopping near few splinters of burnt white wood on the ground. The old man took out his wand before slowly making a wand motion and the burnt wood slowly began to repair itself, before few other wood splinters came flying and joined together forming a creepy white familiar wand which Blair recognized instantly.

The wand looked as good as new, But not for long. The old man made another wand motion and the white wand broke apart, but this time it broke into a vertical direction and slowly a red feather revealed itself from the middle. It rested on Dumbledore's extended palm who gently placed it inside his robe pocket.

"Let's go...It was definitely him, and I fear he is even more powerful than he was in the previous war," The old man sighed.

Blair cursed before following him, Voldemort of now was definitely stronger than the old one and the proof was right in front of him. When he was fighting the dark lord in the graveyard, He got tired despite so many years of training, whereas the dark lord looked like it was nothing but a simple walk in the park. He definitely would have lost that duel if not for Dumbledor's entry.

The dark lord was already strong. Now getting more power was like a Malfoy finding a hidden treasure. Looking at this Blair realized that the upcoming war going to be more bloody and difficult to win than the previous one.

He wondered if he should send Aurora out of the country as she would be one of the young prime targets for Death Eaters, second only to Harry Potter, who unfortunately had to fight this war. Even though he was but a child. After all, faith loves to toy with humans. All he could do is to stay by the kid's side and act as his shield to protect him until they reach Voldemort. From there only he could defeat him, Not Dumbledore, Not him, only a teenager.

Blair wondered when the old man would decide to tell Harry about the prophecy. The old man wanted to let the boy enjoy his one last year or two before pushing him into this cruel war. Blair knew what they were about to do was not right, not right at all, after all, who would push a child into a cruel war in which even adults were afraid to get involved, But sometimes most difficult choices are the right choices, He also knew that it was hypocritical of him to do so, He would never have let Aurora fight the war if she was in Harry's place. He would have rather watched the world burn than putting her in danger. He was a human after all, not a god or Death, just a miserable human who was hanging above the abyss with only a thin thread.

"Let's go," All three of them apparated in front of Bradley's estate which was now the order's headquarters. Apparently, Dumbledore pointed out that Dalpheni was still living inside the Grimmauld's Place, and it was risky for an outsider to know the names of the core order members.

The inside of the house was massive with Black marble tiles and expensive wooden furniture which again costed Blair quite a bit. But it didn't bother him, Hell even if his entire vault is emptied, He still had his spells from the leather books that would earn him quite a bit. He was just reluctant to reveal them as most of them were quite dangerous and others were useful which will help him catch the enemy off guard.

As the trio reached the center, Dumbledore took out his wand and pointed it towards the ceiling, Multiple small Patronus began to spew out of his wand one after another, heading different directions and it was not long before the order was assembled, except few members like Kingsley who were still busy in handling the prison break out business and was substituting Frank Longbottom.

Everyone in the room had tired expressions and messy hair and unkempt clothes which indicated that they came in a hurry. Sirius was still in his marron nightgown, Isabelle who was standing beside him was in her regular clothes, Dumbledore has decided to recruit her despite her being average in dueling, He said as long as one was willing to fight against darkness and could guarantee full loyalty to the order, he or she would be accepted into the order of the Pheonix. Her child's death assured her loyalty.

Everyone including Sirius was silent as they waited for Dumbledore to start the meeting.

"I am sorry to call all of you at such time, But the news is important, ....Voldemort has broken out every single inner and core death eaters who were imprisoned in Azkaban,"

The silence in the room continued for few more seconds before chaos spread throughout the hall. Blair and Frank maintained their silence, They just observed the hall by side as Dumbledore let the room quiet down a little.

"I know you have many questions, But for now, I can only say that Every single inner and core member has escaped, including Bellatrix Lestrange," Blair eyes again turned cold hearing that bitch's name, "There is another major news, Voldemort's heir, Corvus Lestrange has started training camps to train old as well as newly recruited death eaters. The location is unknown for now," Dumbledore again let that news sink in before,

" Therefore I will be providing a few of my personal spells as well as Blair's" The old man gave him a glance, To which Blair only nodded, "To help you fight more effectively, If you have any problem please ask Alastor for help. Now let's move on to another matter,"

The meeting ended after an hour, leaving Dumbledore and Blair alone standing in the hall as both of them glanced at the moon through the giant window.

" So what does the ministry is saying about the breakout," Blair asked.

" Cornelius still thinks it was a death eater who did this not Lord Voldemort," The old man just sighed, He had given up on convincing Fudge, He knew that idiot politician would not be convinced until Voldemort himself is brought in front of the world.

"Sigh....let's raise this issue in tomorrow's court meeting, I am sure more members will be in our favor after they see the destruction that was caused by Voldemort,"

"hmmm, that could work, Well only need 15 more votes" Both of them went into a brief silence, "Oh I forgot to tell you, I have tracked down Horace,"

"Where?" Blair tore his eyes away from the moon and looked at the old headmaster.

"South America with Newt Scammander....Apparently he found a rare species of forest trolls there which were thought to be extinct,"

"When is he coming back,"

"It would take him days or months, My informant would inform me when he departs from there. Anyway, that's not the most concerning matter, Cornelius and Lucius have cornered most of the governers of Hogwarts and they are waiting for a single mistake to use it as an excuse to kick me out as they did 2 years ago, and there is also a high probability for you losing your job. It would probably happen in October or November," To which Blair just cursed under his breath," The only reason I was able to save my position was because of my status as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. Fudge can't just fire me without any solid reason,"

"You should have run for the Minister of Magic position,"

"Look at the bigger picture Blair...even though we would have a little bit more power in the ministry. It would have wasted my time rather than focusing on the war and we have Frank who could easily command Aurors for us. We also have his boss Amelia's support, So for now, that's all we need...and how many times do I have to tell you my old bones can't take it," Dumbledore's mood instantly changed from calm to jolly.

"Sigh....Yes, yes...you and your old bones. Anyway, what are the plans after this," Blair said annoyed by the old man's jocking behavior, Both of them knew that the old man was more than capable of handling the position of Minister of Magic.

"Same as usual, we will continue to do what we are doing, look for trusted order members, preferably muggleborns," There was a reason the old man preferred Muggleborns, As he knew that Voldemort was arrogant and would not use Muggleborn as spies.

"Don't you think it will make it easy for that bastard to plant a spy in our ranks,"

"Everything will be done in secrecy and even if he somehow manages to plant a spy in the order, All they could get is some minor non-damagble information. There would be no recruitment for core members after this.....If I found a potential one....I will inform you,"

"Look at us....discussing strategies at the middle of the night, The war haven't even started yet,"

"Well....you are in for a ride my friend.....In the last war, you were not so much involved in planning strategies," Dumbledore jocked as he turned around and went for the exit, "Good night,"


"And here I thought my house would be safe.," Blair sighed as he stared at the place where Dumbledore apparated. After all this safe house was supposed to have anti apparation ward locked on it, where only the people who were linked to the ward could apparate and Blair knew that the old man was not linked to the ward.

Outside the house,

The old man apparated in front of Grimmauld's estate. His twinkling eyes suddenly turned calm. He took out his wand and again disapparated inside the kitchen of Grimmauld's Estate, Where Delphini was standing with her wand in her hand, Probably alerted of sudden apparation.

"Well let's have a little talk Miss Black....or should I say, Miss Riddle,"

If there are any grammatical mistakes, Please inform me. ( My brain is high right now as it is 6.29 am in the morning and I am going to sleep)

Darkcrow8creators' thoughts