
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · Book&Literature
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Thinking about rewriting

I'll keep this simple, I think I gonna start rewriting this fanfic. As I have made quite a few mistakes while executing the plot of this fanfic. (I realized it After learning a little bit more about writing and writing another original novel.).[This was my first project]. Now that I think about it, Olivia's as well as the character development of the kids are not that developed. There is also a problem with the outcome of the first Wizarding war and so many other things to fix. I know, I know, It sucks that I am dropping this one. [As I am also a reader and know how it feels when a author drops a novel/fanfic)