
A Monsters Mercy

Standing there looking at the extra soul took I feel cold sweat running down my back it was a huge mistake on my part I only intended to get the dying soul not the other that was with it who was the reason for the soul leaving its mortal shell, looking at the person with a completely blank expression I shudder normally a soul is extremely animated this one however is almost a void it just stands there like a statue not moving and having no hint of anything I turn to my husband with a fearful expression on my face I have been in this role for eons and this is my first mistake. “I think you need to speak to her” he says but continues after a breath “this is your first and I can see its not a good soul but in the same line you can’t send it to the underworld because you took its chance to reform itself into something good”.

Kellsia_Ing · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Ying and Yang

Being back in this room makes me bristle in anger but I clamp it down and look around to see if it is any different from what I remember, looking to the bed I see the same broken and tatty thing I had slept on for years the springs poking out of the mattress the quilt with so many holes it wouldn't cover a baby, my gaze moves from the bed to the window behind it the cracked glass is murky the curtains are so thin that if it was possible it would let even more light, shifting my eyes to the walls I see the same damp stains showing though the dull grey paint, looking to the corner I see where I stored my clothes in two piles one cleanish the other dirty and in need of taking to the stream to be washed, yes that's right I was not allowed to use the cleaning room in the orphanage, my eyes land on the floor that is mainly broken floor boards, on reflex I move over to the lose floor board just under the bed and lift it up inside where I would normally keep a teddy is now empty, with a grunt I throw the floor board at the window.

Lost in my own world a soft voice brings me back to the present. "this is a thought construct Sophie, or should I call you Onyxia now?" I spin to the sound of the voice and stare at the person who spoke and with a calm but cold voice I ask. "and who are you and who is she?" the princess in question says "I am Princess Amelia of Rethven" my gaze narrows and I take a step forward to her. A hand stops me from moving closer and the soft voice rings out once more. "and I am the goddess of probability although many get it wrong and call me the goddess of fate." Looking at the so-called goddess I see that she is forever changing one moment she is blonde the next a red head, blinking and shaking my head to stop myself from being completely memorized by the constantly changing…. she is a guy now what the hell.

Looking back at the princess I see that she stands just short of 6ft with long amber hair her eyes are a deep emerald green, she is also curvy with wide hips and a narrow waist and long legs, her ample chest and slender swan like neck makes me think that men would fall over themselves to just for a smile, I turn to look at the broken mirror that is in the corner that would be hidden behind the door, looking at myself I see my unyielding black hair, my plain face with my ice blue eyes, stepping back slightly I see that I look like a stick in comparison to Amelia, but as I go to turn around I see that my pupils are not the circles of humans but the slits of reptiles, the god speaks again "I have brought you both here because you are two halves of the same soul so to speak a ying and yang, you don't need each other to survive but it would be beneficial to both of you" Amelia looks over at me before asking " how would it help both of us she is a wyvern and I am a human?" the god smiles kindly and says. "dear girl you two can form a bond I would recommend a mutual one of course where benefits flow both ways, that way you will gain the class of wyvern rider and when she becomes a dragon you will become a dragon rider, the benefits are that you will gain access to her magics, however she does not gain something so obvious" I look at the god and say. "well spit it out." Amelia's head snaps to me and opens her mouth to say something but the god interrupts. "Amelia, she does not fear the gods, so I would need to earn her trust and kindness if she could feel such things." Amelia gasps and covers her mouth as she asks, "what do you mean?" the god looks at me with pity in her eyes as she says. "Onyxia here does not feel many emotions like you or even me, so that is what she would get from the bond, now I admit it would be both a blessing and a curse for her to get them but I feel It would be worth it in the long run, and I also must admit it is a bit of a one sided bond as you will gain magic and she only really gets feelings, but I think that happiness is worth the exchange."

Amelia looks at me with tears in her eyes and reaches out her hand, I just look at it then back to her, she pulls back her hand and the steps forward in and hugs me tightly seemingly to crush or suffocate me. Before I can react and attack her back, she steps back and in a tone that seems heavy and powerful she intones. "I Amelia here by offer Onyxia a mutual bond, may we grow strong together." Looking at her I feel the gods eyes on me as well, as a strange feeling seems to probe at my body, out of instinct I grab hold of the strands of power and pull them tight, Amelia's eyes widen in fear as I keep pulling them, inside my head I know if I keep pulling I will be able to completely dominate this girl, but for some unknown reason I stop just short and look between the god and the girl who seems to want to both help me and ride me like some kind of common horse, I feel the usual anger build in my chest and I freeze, what would it belike to feel other things would it be worth becoming a team with this person.

I take in a deep breath and in the same tone she did I say. "I agree to the bond may we become the greatest team." In the silence after my words a huge sigh escapes both the god and princess and I feel relief for the first time, my eyebrows draw together, the god speaks before I can fully grasp the new feelings. "I am going to send you a way from Rethven into the neutral territory between the Kingdoms because you will both need to gather strength and to learn your new gifts, I recommend the twin lake Academy, you will be accepted there because you have now Wyvern and rider a rare thing, but I would recommend Onyxia evolving before you get there so she will be even more unique."

The now goddess is back to her form that I fist saw her in calps her hands together and with a flash we are in an open field that spans for miles in every direction looking down at myself I see I am back to being a wyvern.

wooo mid week, sorry its a slow relise week so far but im working nights at the moment it should go back to normalish at the weekend

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