
A Monsters Mercy

Standing there looking at the extra soul took I feel cold sweat running down my back it was a huge mistake on my part I only intended to get the dying soul not the other that was with it who was the reason for the soul leaving its mortal shell, looking at the person with a completely blank expression I shudder normally a soul is extremely animated this one however is almost a void it just stands there like a statue not moving and having no hint of anything I turn to my husband with a fearful expression on my face I have been in this role for eons and this is my first mistake. “I think you need to speak to her” he says but continues after a breath “this is your first and I can see its not a good soul but in the same line you can’t send it to the underworld because you took its chance to reform itself into something good”.

Kellsia_Ing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Turning and looking at Amelia I notice that she has a strange marking on her right hand, it looks like a flame crossed with a snowflake and it is a deep black colour, clearing my throat I say, "what is the plan of attack then?" she looks at me and furrows her eyebrows and looks back into the distance, after a few moments she says. "I think we should look for a town with a guild building so we can register as adventurers and we can get some gear, while I don't mind riding you bare back it would be safer with a saddle." I grunt in annoyance, but she looks at me with a sad smile and continues. "I know it might be degrading for you, but it will help with more than just my safety, because it will show we are a team."

I nod realising she is right, I say. "I understand, I suppose it will help with money as well." She nods and smiles at me, before looking at me with a puzzled look on her face, I tilt my head and look back at her, she opens and closes her mouth a few times before words come out. "how do I get on?" I blink in surprise but I swing my head from side to side to look at myself, then I see the problem, thinking for a few seconds till a thought comes to me , I shift my wings so I lower my body closer to the ground till some of my back spikes are in reach of her hands, she moves to me and grabs on to one of them but stops before she climbs up and starts laughing to herself, I move my head so I can look at her, before I can ask however she pulls out some clothes from nowhere and strips off her fancy dress in the colours of her old kingdom and pulls on some nice looking but plain trousers and a tunic, she nods to herself the changes her shoes to some boots and shoves everything back into nowhere, as she climbs on I ask. "where did those clothes come from?" she hums for a second then replies. "I have a ring of storage, and before you ask it acts like an extra dimension where I can well store none living matter." I nod and look forward as she settles at the base of my neck with her back on one of the spine spikes, in front of her there is one that comes up to about her stomach but its blunt, so she doesn't have to worry about being impaled.

She calls out letting me know she is ready and I launch myself in to the air making sure not to doit so hard she hurts herself on my spikes and scales, she gasps when we stop climbing and are in level flight I can feel her wight but its not to much but in rough weather it would be more of a challenge, I pick up speed and begin to eat up the miles, after about eight hours on the wing we see a large town on the horizon, its about two or three in the afternoon so its still active with my eyesight I can see that there is a lot of activity and it seems to get even more busy as we get closer I let Amelia know as we get closer and she suggests that we land along the road before the gate and walk the rest of the way, I alter my flight to land where she suggests, I make the landing as soft as possible.

Now land bound I begin moving towards the gate and all the commotion grumbling the whole walk there, we arrive at the gates to see a large array of guards and adventures standing in a semi-circle, I let out a deep growl as they all get in to a combat ready stance, Amelia taps my side letting me know she wants to get down, so I slowly lower myself down and once im low enough for her to hop off she dose but she staggers a bit while grumbling about dead legs, I snort in amusement she shoots me an annoyed look, but turns to the people in front of us and calls out. "hello there, I am looking to register as an adventure and also get some supplies." She mentally asks me t lower my head so we can play the part of beast and tamer, I do, and she begins stroking the scales between my eyes and nostrils as one of the guard's shouts. "some one fetch the guild master, NOW!"

Sorry for not uploading yesterday i felt a little under the weather

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