
A man made game

Dark web streams aren't making enough money, what better way to make more money by re-creating the iconic hunger games? 24 children ages 12 to 18 are kidnapped and randomly sorted into districts, while rich people bet and help their favorite tributes.Waking up in an arena on a secluded island and being told you have to fight to the death is not what cassia expected to find when she woke up from her nap on a bus. Unexpected friendship and love will take our 14 year old heroine on a wild ride to survive, will she make it to the end of the game? Or will she lose herself along the way?

Midnight_Raven123 · 書籍·文学
3 Chs

Chapter 1

The floor shook and everything was calm.... Sweet peaceful bliss... Nothing was wrong. She was a simple happy thought that would never leave... Something happened... It lingered like a dark thought in a clean mind.... A dark thought in a pure white mind..... And just hangs there.. what's that sound? The smell of Lily's was fading fast... The calming wind was abrubtly stopped... The warm orange glow was brightening...

Cassia's limbs twitched as she regained consciousness. She found herself held upright in a tube. A tight... Glass tube.

There was nothing but the glass... About to swallow her whole.

Cassia suddenly heard a loud sound and realized her surroundings outside of the glass.

"Welcome to the 1st hunger games. May the odds be ever in your favor."

She froze in fear as she noticed the gray cornocopia in the middle with the only supplies scattered about. The tributes in the other tubes where just as scared as she was... Even younger children were shaking in fear.

Cassia looked down at her outfit, a black rain coat with waterproof cargo pants. They were light, to help with fast moving.

The glass was suddenly lifted, it slowly was rise. Up from the ground by a wire and up into the unknown. The hologram timer above the cornocopia started at 60 seconds.

The children all around were crying, the older children were frozen in fear. The boy next to her caught eye contact. He had brown hair and a kind face, but he liked cunfused. He grinned slightly at cassia who gazed cunfused at him.

Feelings were high in the air-bounced suddenly, someone ran off their pedistal. There was a loud bang and they were erupted into clouds of smoke and fire.

Cassia held her breath and felt her heart skip a beat. The timer was at 10....9....8...

She looked around, this was a not.al default forest, she had only seen the hunger games once, it was enough to Know this whole scenario was fucked up. Was this even real? It had to be.


Tributes got in sprinting positions,


Some ran, some fainted, some stood still and did nothing. Cassia and the brown haired boy were among the ones that ran.

A nap sack sat near the front of the scattered trash, she grabbed it and prepared to leave, but the brown haired boy held out a knife.

Cassia looked down at it and back at his face in cunfusion.

He shook it at her and looked around in fear. She noticed he already had a backpack.

She took the knife and sprinted towards the forest. Feet pounding harder than her heartbeat.

No one was killing each other...yet..

Suddenly a gong sounded and cassia stopped to look back.

An enormous blonde girl had slit a little boys neck. She turned towards a girl who looked no younger than 14... Cassia's age.

No one turned to help. Cassia looked around in panic, was she going to have to save her?

The brown haired boy saw this, and took his battle axe to the massive girls back.

She screamed in pain and tried to grab him, but he was quick on his feet. Cassia ran forwards and grabbed the young girls arm to drag her away.

The boy had been pinned to the ground, the girl was strong. She was about to stab him, knife raised high- cassia jumped and threw herself on the floor, throwing the knife to him, he took it and quickly stabbed it into the girls neck, showering him in blood. The girl stared in suprise- before collapsing onto the grass.

A gong sounded.

Cassia gave and arm to help him up, and together they urdged the girl into the woods. She lay cunfused at first, but was fast upon coming to her senses. The forest was thin at first but it got hick as time went on. Cassia was about to make small talk, but an arrow zoomed right past her face and hit a small scared looking girl that they hadnt<span style="font-size: 18px;"> realized was following them. She collapsed as 2 more arrows zoomed last them, narrowly missing it's targets.</span>