
A man made game

Dark web streams aren't making enough money, what better way to make more money by re-creating the iconic hunger games? 24 children ages 12 to 18 are kidnapped and randomly sorted into districts, while rich people bet and help their favorite tributes.Waking up in an arena on a secluded island and being told you have to fight to the death is not what cassia expected to find when she woke up from her nap on a bus. Unexpected friendship and love will take our 14 year old heroine on a wild ride to survive, will she make it to the end of the game? Or will she lose herself along the way?

Midnight_Raven123 · Book&Literature
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3 Chs


"are you fucking serious."

The man in Black threw the envelope of documents on the table.

"The only fucking way your gonna give us money is if we pull off this stint!?"

The man moved closer to the older man in front of him. The man didn't flinch, the guards along the round room raised their guns.

"Stand down"

The old man said.

The weapons we're reluctantly lowered.

"We need something.... Extra."

The man in Black shook his head and paced back and forth.

"But this is serious, 24 kids? On your fucking holiday island in the Bahamas!?"

He slammed his fist on the table.

"Do you know how much of a risk this is!? Only for your simple entertainment!?"

The man sighed and folded his hands.

"This is more than entertainment. This is a message. We want society to know that we are on top."

He opened his arms as if to welcome the wrath of society.

"Society has given me, and my men-"

He threw a hand at his armed guards.

A guard stomped their feet on the ground.

"-and, women, quite a life, so, what better way to get back at society by taking it's most prized possessions, children, and throwing them together to fight to the death? I thought for a moment, and came upon a answer. 'why not?'"

The man in Black started to talk but the older man shushed him.

"I, of course, have some other groups who would comply with no hesitation."

The man thought for a moment and stroked his chin. He placed a hand on his hip and nodded, pushing his reluctant thoughts away.

"Fine, but then we're done, Valencia. You hear me?"

The old man nodded.

"I also look forwards to the entertainment, but more important matters first."

The younger man sighed and held his hand out.

The older man shook his hand. He then Rose from his chair and exited the room, whispering to the guard,

"He's a no, ring a meeting with my number one supplyer."

The guard nodded and shots rang out loudly echoing accross the room. The door was shut, and the soundproof room was silent.