
A Legendary Reincarnation

Watch as Josh who is met with a mysterious man grants him 3 wishes and starts his journey on his way to become the most powerful thing of all in the entire universe and multi-verse with his life revolving around shin Godzilla. !!!WARNING ⚠️ READ BELOW!!! This story contains explicit content and can contain explicit images, if you are under 18 and can possibly get me banned bc of age ratings then don’t read , this is for my own reading preference and no others.

Default_Lemon · アクション
58 Chs

Chapter 29

<3rd P.O.V>

On the surface of Syphrone a massive forest could be seen stretching for miles with seemingly no disturbances.

However, upon closer inspect the massive trees of the forest were shaking around a certain point as if something big was moving under them..

The cause of this was currently thinking about how bad an idea this was.

<Shin P.O.V>

I was sprinting through the vast forest in between trees as best as I could with my tripod legs.

Almost running into a tree branch that would've resulted in him getting knocked in the head, Shin the unthinkable.. he broke the tree branch off with his multiple stretched tentacle limbs before he hit it.

'They'll grow back.' Shin thought moving forward.

'You shouldn't be so caring shin.. When you come across something dangerous you can't avoid it, just like those elves that are still on your tail.' He heard Azazoth say in the back of his mind.

Now was not the time for discussions however as shin used one of his tentacle limbs with the viewing eye on it which was originally used to peer into the homes of humans.

Using the eye he looked behind him while still moving landing his feet with giant thuds every time he stepped on the ground.

Behind him he could see multiple figures rushing up high rushing through the branches of the trees.

They were too fast to see clearly making shin even more nervous.

What if they could capture him or kill him? He was sure based on the arrow from earlier that they couldn't do much.. If they have something stronger can he just pull his tripod back into his inventory?

He felt like he would be getting the answer to that soon.

This was indeed not a good situation he was in.

Moving in between trees he kept moving as heard the tree branches snapping here and there over his loud stomps.

From his massive height shin could see so much around him… except for the stretched rope in front of him.

Shin failed to notice that there were elves that had made it ahead of them and planned a trap for him.

Everything was fast as shin felt his body falling down before the front of his head fell into the ground where all he could see was the dirt and an earthworm upon closer inspection that wriggled its way into the ground further away from him.

Feeling a bit goofy for falling due to a Scooby-doo trick he tried to pick himself up by moving two of his big legs onto both sides of him but failed when he felt multiple strong things strapping over his limbs.

Shin tried to push harder but he felt a strong force completely bind his two legs together before his third leg was pulled in as well.

Like a wild animal shin thrashed around to try and break free or at least move his head from the ground to see, he could hear shouts from around him in an unknown language.

"Sivia! Sivia!", Shin heard the shouts of what seemed like a man before more shouts around him seemed to say the same thing.

Using his smaller limbs he pushed himself up with pure strength and mechanical advantages as his head became free from the dirty confines.

Looking around he could see multiple beings in front of him, some were women and most of them were males.

The first thing he seemed to notice were the figures of each elf.

The males all shared a similar physic like that of a feminine women with long hair and big ears standing at about 5'8 or six feet while the females on the other hand were like giants compared to them.

Each female was a sight to behold.

Holding a very beautiful and cunning body made shins main body swallow on instinct.

Speaking of shins body it was currently out of the water and standing at the edge of the forest pinpointing on where his tripod form was.

In the distance he could see the outline and then a description of his tripod like it was marked on a map, but that was just the connection between him and his other form.

It would do the same for every other offshoot or self unless it was turned off by shin himself.

Using his sensory skill and his other abilities as best as he could, he watched each step he took watching out for wildlife as he began moving faster through the trees.

Through the big forest he would reach his destination in minutes due to his massive size and increased agility.

Currently with his tripod he tried to struggle out of the bonds that held his legs together but failed before multiple blue vines launched forward and encompassed each of his limbs keeping him up on the ground.

Quickly falling due to not having any balance his head fell into the dirt once again.

<3rd P.O.V>

"Tie the creature down damnit!", Gryn yelled.

Earlier, Melissa was with Amanda in the river helping clean her back.

Throughout the entire village Amanda only considered Melissa her friend as she has cared for her children even after Amanda's husband died.

But when there were shouts of demons near the children's area multiple men on the other side of the river responded by quickly running out with big towels made of a cotton like material with arrows, spears, and other things in hand.

Amanda quickly grabbed her children in fear at what was going on.

Was there really a demon?

She wasn't sure but she did what any mother would.

Taking her children she bolted home while Rio and Ink asked what was going on completely oblivious to what was going on.

Moving from bridge to bridge as it shook from their steps, they finally made it home.

Amanda ushered her children to go inside while charlotte was still resting in her pouch.

Watching her children go in and look back at her she hesitated for a moment deciding if she should go and help or stay here with her children.

Her hand grabbed the door tightly as her body leaned as if trying to decide before she sighed and pulled out charlotte and gave her to Rio.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Ink said looking at charlotte before back to mom.

"I need to help them! If there truly is a demon it could destroy the village! Please stay here and take care of charlotte, do not come out no matter what your best understand!?" Amanda sternly said making Rio and Ink back up a bit.

Amanda internally slapped herself before pulling both of them into a hug.

"I-Im sorry I snapped at you, just please be safe and stay here. For me?" Amanda said in a motherly tone making the two sons feel more comfortable.

Nodding at the same time, Amanda kissed both of their tiny heads before doing the same to charlotte.

Heading inside the house she went towards a wooden cabinet with a big metal lock on it.

Taking a key out of her clothes from no where she grabbed the key for a moment before pushing it into the lock.

"Mom you said we should never open that!" Rio said cuddling charlotte earning a coo from her.

Amanda opened the drawer and looked at what was inside in silence.

"Now is the time to use it. I promised not to use this ever again… I'm sorry… Darling." Amanda shed a single tear down or smooth cheek before grabbing whatever was inside.

Retracting her arm Rio and Ink saw a bronze and gold hilt covered in leather straps here and there before the rest of it came out.

A sword.

The hilt of the sword connected to a broken shard of iron and steel.

Why would she use a broken sword?

Her children asked themselves the same question before it glowed a yellow hue.

"This sword feels the emotions of its user.. its desires… wants and needs.. it will try is best to fulfill them.. and that's all I'll need." She said before grabbing another item out of the cabinet.

It was the sheath.

About two feet long made of brown leather with designs of a Komodo dragon.

Placing the broken sword into the sheath she turned around looking at her children who stared at her in awe.

Charlotte giggled in happiness grabbing at the air while Rio and Ink simply looked at her in fascination.

Smirking a bit she walked past her children before looking back and blowing a kiss.

And with that she closed the door.

All the while a figure in black watched the entire scene unfold.

"I-it can't be.."

<Shin P.O.V>

I tried to retract my limbs back into my body but failed.

I thought about using my plasma blasters but they haven't attacked yet so many they were seeing he was a threat?

Thinking of ideas since his main body was on the way slowly but surely, he thought of an idea.

Whirring and other small beeps were heard momentarily before a loud horn sounded through the forest and into the sky.

Everyone sucked into cover while holding their ears in fright and shock at the sudden terrific sound.

A women cried in fear before being held by a a feminine male with very luscious curves.. very strange for a guy to look so… exotic.

Fear was evident on everyone's face as shin felt the bonds holding his legs together slip giving him the chance he needed.

Wriggling as hard as he could he felt his limbs come free.

Moving each limb positioned like a triangle around his body he lifted his body but was stopped.

His smaller limbs were still held by what he now realized was a blue light.

It resembled that of a very long vine with leaves and other stuff on it.

Trying to examine it he followed where the vine lead.

What saw shocked him.

On a rock sticking out of the ground covered in moss was a small girl in red clothes with a big red witch looking hat.

Purple hair long and fair, big green eyes, a wooden staff with a floating blue crystal at its tip.

The girl wasn't even properly dressed.. or at least covered.

Her body had strips of pink material that blocked out her genitals, nipples, and belly button.

Shin wasn't quite sure what he was looking at.

'A young mage?' Shin thought looking at the girl as his massive eyes examined her.

The girl seeing the gaze smirked slightly before moving her staff forward turning the blue crystal into a green one.

The vine changed along with the crystal matching it's color before he felt the grip on his limbs intensify almost feeling as if they would rip off.

Waving her staff around three more vines came from the ground and grabbed onto each of his legs in an attempt to bring him back down.

Shin however wouldn't let this happen.

Activating modifiers in his tripods body system which was a hidden aspect, his strength went up and his energy usage tripled.

Eyes glowing a bright blue, shin pulled with all his might but the vines barely bugged.

"Stubborn demon, Stay down!" The girl said before raising her staff over her head and then slamming it down.

Dozens of vines sprang from the trees and the ground encompassing shin trying to bring him down.

Like a snake that caught it prey, the vines slithered around shins massive limbs trying to reach his head.

Resisting even further, shin managed to pull out his plasma blasters from the glowing green vines before aiming them at the creepy crawly.

With a bright blue light it fired directly at the vine piercing into its magical skin and even going all the way through hitting into the ground behind it.

With a strange screech the vine wiggled before dissipating into green particles.

The girls eyes widened before she grit her teeth.

'This demon is strong I'll give it that!' Lillian said.

Lillian the strongest mage of their village of elves had gone to join the subjugation of the demon that was spotted below their village.

Being almost 600 years old brought its pros and cons.

She stilled remembered when a visiting elf from another village tried to ask her out but once she told him her age he bolted.

Now here she was trying to capture this massive strange demon that she has never seen before.

Many new demons have been popping up all over the lands and she thought this was just another one of satans creations… it was much more than that.

Pouring as much magic into her vines [Overgrowth] she felt the power coursing through her staff and body as they glowed a bright red.

The creature had been using a strange magic made of extreme heat and energy that could completely destroy her vines.

She began aiming for those first.

Two big red vines emerged from both sides of her before shooting towards the two blasting limbs of the demon.

One vine managed to grab a hold of one of its limbs while the other was shot midway.

The demon looked down at its limb being held before turnings its other limb and shooting through the vines body.

With another screech it disappeared into red particles.

This demon might've been one of the most hardest she's faced.. but not the toughest.. not even close.

Putting more and more mana into her vines she felt her strength slowly leave her body as she glowed red just like her vines.

If she kept exerting this much mana to subjugate this stubborn demon she might have to show more of her power.

Before she came to this village she was a very strong mage that was raised and trained by a wandering merchant who she hasn't seen in decades.

That man… she still needed to thank him for everything he's done for her.

But when more and more of the humans spread around the lands making big empires they sent powerful foes to try and capture or kill her but they failed.

The merchant had never given her his name but to her he was her father.

"Go! If you go into the forest you'll encounter a small tribe of wild elves. They will help you and you will them. You will blend right in being an elf." The man said with a cloak covering his face and body.

The young Lillian cried while hugging the man before she turned and ran away.

The cloaked man looked at her run off before turning around.

There stood a giant man with piercings covering his body.

From his head and even parts of his eyeballs all the way down to his feet.

The man wore a gladiator type armor with a big hammer.

"I think I might've cried a little! What a touching scene!" The hulking man said with fake sadness before laughing.

Each moment he moved his piercings jiggled in his flesh with him.. quite disgusting.

The cloaked man reached into his cloak before pulling out a small black dagger.

"What are you gonna hurt me with that!?! What a small needle! It won't even tickle me!!" The big man said laughing harder as tears left his eyes.

Nothing was heard from the cloaked man however as his face shadowed by the hood of the cloak was unseen and unmoving.

All of the sudden the area surrounding the two went quiet.

No laughter, no crying, no jingles of the piercings of the man.

A thud was heard.

Laying on the ground was a round object.

Hair could be seen on the object before it came into full view.

It was the head of the pierced man.

Fully decapitated blood burst from his exposed neck.

His body moved for a moment before then falling to the ground into a puddle of blood.

The eyes of the head looked up to look at the cloak man one last time before the light left his pierced face.

Blood covering his dagger, the cloaked man moved swiped the dagger across his chest making all the blood fly off.

Looking at his work the man nodded before looking back at the first in which Lillian ran into.

A soft sigh was heard before he turned around and left.

She still felt the warmth of her 'fathers' arms holding her whenever she was scared or threatened.

Like a protective parent…

Feeling emotions surge through her body Lillian pointed her staff at the demon before her eyes glowed a bright blood red with flames leaving her eyes.

Each vine glowed like lava before sizzling.

Shin felt his body temperature heat up lots and lots but it didn't do much to him.

The only problem was how powerful the vines were becoming as he could literally see energy and magic leaking out from the vines and lots from the girl herself.

The surrounding elves moved away and yelled out loudly cheering her on and even letting out ooh's and awe's at the sight of such power.

Other mages lended their magic to help Lillian's magic and strength increase.

A vine that looked as if it was made of magma emerged from the grown like a demon from hell before shooting towards shin.

All that was heard was the sizzling dog the vines and the crack of a shell.. or armor.

The left side of shins head was pierced by the magma vine leaving a small hole enraging him.

As he tried to get out of the vines grip and shoot even more plasma blasts more vines emerged encompassing shin and stabbing at him.

The feeling reminded him of his fight with the tentacle monster and how much pain he felt almost as if he was going to die.

Fury through his tripod body and his main body…

Before anything else was done a loud boom sounded through the trees before a cloud of dirt and it's swept through the tree lines.

Temporarily blinding everyone all that could be seen was the bright red glows of Lillian and her vines and the blue glows of the demon

After a moment the dust cleared and all that was left was a shadow over everyone.

No longer lights from the sun above all that there was was darkness.

Everyone looked up except for the demon and looking down at them through the leaves of the massive trees was an even larger demon.

His main body had made it.

To be continued