A world where he dreamed in living which was granted by an unknown god as he died from food poisoning. His favorite show that he always watched was him now living in it. Watch as our dear MC gets to experience life in pokemon world with thoughts that will sprout into frutation.
"Brother wake up!"
A beautiful young girl with brown hair style ponytail and her having side bangs and a middle one dangling cutely on her face. She leaned down for a kiss on the lips only for Kurtis to quickly move his head out the way making her kiss his pillow.
"Brother why?!"
"Really Ashley?"
"I want a morning kiss"
Kurtis flicked her forehead making her wince in pain.
"Mom made breakfast lets go"
Kurtis got out of be in which made ashley pout as she fell to the ground on her butt.
"Besides you're going to choose your first pokemon"
She rushed down quickly hearing those words as it was the day she always most excited about. To get her very first pokemon.
"Morning sweety eat your breakfast and then you can visit professor Oak"
Ashley was so excited as she quickly ate breakfast and Kurtis took his time eating.
"Delicious as always mom"
"Thanks you dear"
Funny thing is that his mom was none other than Delia ash ketchum's mother. There is no ash either but he has a sister named ashley which would seem that instead of a guy it's a girl. Inheriting the looks of their mother and her brown hair.
(Ketchum but not ketchup.....so close but yet so far from it)
He opened his mouth having his sister feed him.
"Are you not hungry?"
"I'm full"
Kurtis didn't finish but he ate almost all of his breakfast not until ashley sat on his lap without caring and ate it all. She got off and was about to run until Delia called her.
"Ashley sweety take your bookback and you mister where are you going"
"I'm going to see somebody"
"Is it girl?!"
Ashley quickly questioned her brother as her eyes were glaring at him. He scratched his head and couldn't help lie since his sister for some reason is a bro-con and well knowing that she loves him but not knowing if it's in a romantic way or just that brotherly love.
"Are you sure dear?"
His mother stepped in intrigued to know more.
"Yes and besides Ashley go quickly before anybody else gets the pokemon you want"
"Oh yes! I got to go and I'll talk to you later brother"
She gave him the look of "You and me talk later", as she sprinted towards professors Oaks lab.
"Bye mom"
"Bye dear and you're not going to show your sister your pokemon?"
"Later after she gets her first one since, I just got caught him recently"
He left making Delia hum as she went to clean the dishes. As Kurtis went someplace further from home into the good ol forest. As he sees his pokemon he caught not to long ago and taught something that he wouldn't expect to work on this type of pokemon that he wanted to always to have. A small percentage in which this could work on giving this pokemon to learn something else other than just karate chop an other moves he has.
Just as he arrived at the Designated spot to where he looked at sawk the pokemon who lost himself and then found himself in front of kurtis. As Kurtis witness him to a power lower leg kick in which dented a good chunk of the tree.
"Good stuff sawk"
He looked at Kurtis with a smile and gracefully bowed to him in forms of respect to his trainer. Teaching him things that he never thought of learning. As Kurtis was creating a monster that will take pokemon world by storm.
"I see that you're tired now get some rest"
He bowed again and Kurtis returned him to his pokeball.
"I want to test you now with a pokemon battle"
Muttering to himself as he went out to another place being a nice hill where he sits under the tree's shade looking at the beautiful view as the sun shines bright everywhere. He closes his eyes feeling the gust of wind brushing his face as he loves being able to now experience this life.
"Guess who~"
"My beautiful Jessie"
What one would never expect as he came into this world and growing up he had made a major change in this world and that is having none other than Jessie as his woman. She was different now and well that's because he saved her life. Having it where he took care of her until she was well making her fall in love with him. Big change was that she now doesn't have that style she always rocks in the show. But instead he told her to change her hair to be down as it showed that she had long hair in which had a bang covering her right eye.
She sat down on his lap and kissed him. Having his hands wrapped around her waist they enjoyed the scenery together.
"Hows the training of sawk?"
"Good just had him learn those moves you seen before"
"Yeah I don't know the way you fight can be taught to him"
"He is a fighter pokemon besides it would nice to see it perform my fighting arts as he would be deadly"
Jessie looked at him with a smile.
"For sure you'll be a powerful trainer"
"Of course! Besides are they still on your trail?"
Jessie sighed and leaned her head on his chest as she closed her eyes feeling his warmth of his hand soothing her mind. As he rubbed her hair and explained to him what is up with her.
(Hope it isn't to bad since, I only have one pokemon and going against team rocket is not something, I want at the start)
"They're trying to find me but i'm in hiding besides, I can hold my own"
"Of course but you call me whenever something happens"
"Of course~ You're the man, I can always count on"
"Really wobbufett"
Jessie looked at him with a blank look while Kurtis laughed as he remember in the show about this pokemon. A true comedian if this wobbufett was human. Making him laugh when it just does it's own thing being so goofy but strong when it matters.