
A journey of a Minecrafter

When a Minecraft Miniac get reincarnated in a deferent world full of magic, power and a lot of mysteries to unveil. this world doesn't have his favorite game nor fate will let him rest and play. "I shall make this reality my Minecraft" P.S : I don't own Minecraft or Mojang nor Microsoft this novel is fully fictional. l'll release in daily basis, one chapter a day.... maybe more if I felt like it.

Luster_Sinner · ファンタジー
11 Chs

chapter 6: How to get rid of a creeper

I lingered in the folds of space recollecting the feeling of being Surrounded by a sea of curious onlookers, their gazes etched with a spectrum of emotions from confusion to outright hostility, an overwhelming sense of discomfort engulfed me. The way they stared—it felt akin to inviting a creeper into your house, an invasion of privacy that sent shivers down my spine.

' I knew that the manner I slipped away with looked extremely cool but....'

'this will disturb my plans'

"If only I could wipe this memory from their minds," I thought wistfully, yearning for a means to eradicate this moment entirely.

As if in response to my silent wish, a peculiar notification materialized before me, its cryptic message begging a decision:

"Would you like to employ your bloodline skill 'THE ANNIHILATION OF THE END' on the designated target (memories of this incident)? Y/N"

I'd grown accustomed to these surreal notifications, their sudden appearance hardly startling anymore. Opting for 'Yes' in my mind, I deferred deeper contemplation on the matter for later.

An anomalous formation—a semblance of an eye—emerged from my forehead, transforming my perception into a realm beyond ordinary sight. Witnessing the amalgamation of scenes from the spectators' minds and weirdly enough from the atmosphere coalesce into a single, suspended orb, I sensed its anticipation, awaiting my command.

"ANNIHILATE," I commanded, watching the orb implode, consumed by a foreboding dark-purple energy, each fracture unfolding in slow, meticulous detail.

"The target has been successfully annihilated," the prompt confirmed, and as the tendrils of reality knitted themselves back together, the spectacle of my unusual abilities drew to a close.

An abrupt realization dawned upon me as the residual unease lingered—I was still unclothed. Swiftly willing the newfound energy within me to drape over my form like garments, I invoked the energy manipulation ability, masking my nudity with an illusion of attire.

Exhaling a breath of tentative relief, I observed the return to a semblance of normalcy, save for the lingering sidelong glances that clung to my unusual appearance. Amidst the crowd, one figure stood out—a bewildered and disoriented individual, muttering to himself while meticulously inspecting his surroundings, it's was that creepy old men, but I ignored his existence.

"Back to the plan, but before that..." I trailed off, delving once more into the depths of my mind to scrutinize the newfound ability:

[The True Dragon of the End.

Grade: MYTH

Rank: SSS+

Description: The innate bloodline talent of the Primordial End dragon, Ruler of the lost End dimension.

Attributes: END, Fire, Space, Time, Destruction.


(The Body of the END: Immunity to all attacks formed with elements of lower-grade the the END, corroding reality to fortify oneself, and an endless supply of End Cosmic energy.)

(True Dragon Physique: Immunity and absolute control of all fire, extreme resistance to all magic, Herculean strength, and a near-indestructible body with draconic features.)

(Annihilation of the End: Eradicate a target from existence with no trace, all shall return to nothingness itself. Cooldown: 3 months.)

(The Breath of the END: Corrosive dragon breath, disintegrative or torturous forms.)

*Further skills unlockable...

Bloodline purity: 60%

Status: Hatchling

Enchantments: NONE

*Bloodline mutation due to the holder's unique existence.]

The description left me speechless, contemplating the staggering implications of my abilities being influenced by Minecraft. The prospect was exhilarating, to say the least—ushering Minecraft into reality had been a long-cherished dream of mine.

As I marveled at the descriptions laid out before me, I didn't notice that it was my turn at the registration desk until the receptionist's gentle voice snapped me from my reverie.

"How may I assist you, sir?"

Collecting my thoughts, I responded, "I'm here to register as an awakened and obtain an exploration license."

"Absolutely, sir. Please fill out this form and provide your ID. Once done, our team will guide you through the suitability test for exploration capabilities."

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