
A journey of a Minecrafter

When a Minecraft Miniac get reincarnated in a deferent world full of magic, power and a lot of mysteries to unveil. this world doesn't have his favorite game nor fate will let him rest and play. "I shall make this reality my Minecraft" P.S : I don't own Minecraft or Mojang nor Microsoft this novel is fully fictional. l'll release in daily basis, one chapter a day.... maybe more if I felt like it.

Luster_Sinner · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Hatching!!!


Darkness enveloped my existence, an endless void devoid of time or spatial bounds, no semblance of beginning or end.

Amidst the abyss, a glimmer of dark-purple light pierced the abyss, casting an eerie glow. My perspective shifted into a third-person view, revealing a soul ablaze with familiar enchanting hues reminiscent of Minecraft's runic enchantments.

As I marveled at the mesmerizing spectacle, the runic patterns animated, weaving into a radiant halo around my soul. Suddenly, a colossal Eye materialized, drawing me into a mesmerizing trance. The first-person view resumed as the majestic Eye, seemingly distant due to its immense size, manifested before me, followed by the appearance of colossal silver scales that evoked awe.

Beyond the 'egg,' the Awakened Association Director found himself amidst preparations when a legendary entity manifested—an ethereal Eye, the arbiter, the executioner—a being of unparalleled judgment, known as THE ALL SEEING TRIBUNAL.

Rarely witnessed, this entity appeared in moments of cosmic disorder. Its purpose, unveiled upon sighting, remained unparalleled. The Tribunal, equipped with the SCALES OF ORDER, emerged during pivotal awakenings, signaling defiance against cosmic norms.

This unique situation held three fateful outcomes: the target's demise, the stripping of their ability, or a rare chance—downgrading the ability to an overpowering yet controlled state.

Rooted in fear and excitement, the Director witnessed the Tribunal's appearance. As the scales leaned ominously, signaling annihilation, the Eye turned crimson, poised for judgment. However, an enchanting aura erupted from the cocoon, adorned with rune-like chains, binding the scales, adjusting them to the opposite extreme—unprecedented in history.

Confusion flickered across the Tribunal, a trace of rarity before vanishing with a soul-stirring hum. Silence engulfed the hall, perplexing onlookers, including the Director himself.

Before anyone could react, a fiery aura exploded from the 'egg,' shattering it. A naked man emerged—a physique akin to a Greek god, scattered purple dragon scales, dark silky hair tinged with purple, and majestic dark dragon horns.

His eyes opened, revealing captivating reptilian-like purple pupils, entrancing all who met their gaze.

From my perspective, stepping out of that space infused me with unparalleled power, evoking euphoria. Surveying my surroundings, I found myself the center of attention in the reception hall, a sea of wide-eyed faces fixated on me.

However, a disconcerting realization struck as I felt an unusual breeze below. Hastily covering myself, I encountered a middle-aged man with an unsettling gaze fixated on me.


Feeling exposed, I retorted sharply, breaking the silence and shattering the solemn atmosphere, aiming to ward off his disturbing gaze.

"F*ck off, old man! I don't swing that way."

My words disrupted the eerie stillness, leaving the creepy man dumbfounded, and the tension evaporated amidst the unexpected outburst.


In the wake of the explosive emergence from the 'egg,' the reception hall buzzed with frenzied energy. Whispers swept through the crowd, a mix of astonishment and bewilderment at the scene that unfolded before them.

The naked man, radiating an otherworldly presence, stood tall amidst the chaos. His physique exuded an aura of strength and elegance that held the onlookers in awe. Each movement he made seemed deliberate, commanding attention, while his piercing, reptilian-like eyes bore into the gathered crowd.

However, amidst the commotion, the air of the hall remained charged with an electric tension. The man's unsettling gaze darted through the assembled throng, pausing momentarily on each face before continuing its search. His demeanor oscillated between confidence and an unspoken apprehension, a paradox that intrigued those who witnessed the spectacle.

For the Awakened Association Director, standing at the periphery of the crowd, the unfolding events posed more questions than answers. The inexplicable emergence of this figure, the chaotic nature of the awakening, and the unexpected reactions raised alarms within the Association's ranks.

The eerie silence following the man's retort echoed in the hall. The Director's gaze lingered on the mysterious figure, observing the reaction he'd elicited—a mixture of astonishment and discomfort rippled across the crowd. Whispers and murmurs filled the void, the atmosphere tinged with uncertainty.

As the Director contemplated the unfolding situation, a murmur reverberated through the crowd—a subtle yet pervasive feeling of enchantment. The purple-pupiled gaze of the naked man wandered, captivating those who met his eyes. A peculiar sense of fascination and confusion overcame the onlookers, their gazes drawn inexorably to the man's captivating visage.

The tension in the air remained palpable, a coalescence of curiosity, fear, and inexplicable allure. The Director, a seasoned veteran of extraordinary awakenings, found himself at a loss—a situation far beyond his understanding, entrenched in enigma and mystique.

At that moment, the naked man, seeming to sense the impact of his presence, made a swift yet deliberate motion. With a fluid grace that belied the chaos surrounding him, he strode purposefully toward the Director, his gaze locked onto the middle-aged man with the unsettling stare.

"I see you fancy a good stare, old man," the man declared with a hint of mockery, addressing the Director directly. "Not that I blame you, but I've had enough audience for the day."

The Director, taken aback by the direct confrontation, found himself momentarily speechless. The mysterious figure's uncanny awareness of his presence and the sharpness of his retort left the Director grasping for words.

Before the Director could respond, the naked man turned his attention back to the crowd, a subtle smirk playing across his lips. "As much as I'd love to entertain, I have matters to attend to." With that, he took a purposeful step backward, his gaze sweeping the room once more before he vanished in a flash of fiery aura.

The sudden disappearance left the reception hall in stunned silence, the lingering heat and a faint whiff of sulfur the only testament to the mysterious figure's presence moments before. The Director, shaken by the inexplicable turn of events, took a moment to gather his wits.

"What in the cosmos just happened?" he muttered to himself, attempting to piece together the fragmented events in his mind.

The crowd, still reeling from the unexpected display, erupted into a cacophony of theories and speculations. The naked man's abrupt departure left an indelible impression—an enigmatic figure whose existence defied explanation, leaving a trail of mystery in his wake.

please give some good reviews so this story may continue.. and thanks

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