
A Hate Reader gets Transmigrated to Another World

Jason is an average teenager, who enjoys reading webnovels in his free time. One day, he comes across a novel called "The Farmer that rules the world" with awful world building, horrible plot, and poor writing. After writing a few hate comments to let off some steam, Jason is suddenly hit by karma and is sent to the world of the novel he hates. Though he has no cheat codes or special powers, he is granted one additional life for each hate comment he wrote, and luckily for him, he wrote quite a bit... Please support my WSA 2023 entry!!

TheHatedAuthor · ファンタジー
68 Chs

For the Sake of Purity

— The Same Day in the Church of Apollo —

In the center of a magnificent golden dome adorned with beautiful stain glass carvings of a handsome young man and his chariot, an unknown figure fell to one knee and lowered his head. Pushing his silver cape behind him in a noble fashion, he glared at the bottom of the altar as a second figure illuminated the church with brilliance, wrapped in a golden hue.

"Holy Father, thank you for heeding my call. We have found traces of the royal blood, and I am requesting permission to pursue the roach," the first figure said, filled with confidence.

Silence filled the air, and the light emanating from the second figure shone warmly down on the kneeling figure. Tapping his chin in deep thought with his right hand, the second figure rapped his knuckles against the altar and smiled before rubbing the locket on his chest.