

Turning slightly using his hand to cover his eyes from the morning sun shining through the white silk curtains of his bedroom window, Jimin slowly opened his eyes adjusting them to the brightness of his bedroom.

The ringing of his phone abruptly woke him up from his sleep, he glanced angrily at his phone wondering who must be calling so early in the morning, his mind told him it was his assistant and he was ready to reprimand him but his expression changed when he saw who the caller was.

Why would his mother be calling him this early? It has been a while since they last spoke so he wondered what the sudden early morning call was for, he was supposed to rest and sleep longer today due to his busy schedule at the company through the week.

Stretching his hand to reach for the phone on the side table near the bed, he lazily answered the call using his other hand to comb through his morning messy hair.

" Hello," his voice was still grumpy from just waking up.

" Oh Son, how are you? Did my call woke you up?" Mrs. Park asked lovely into the phone.

" Mother, you don't have to call me at this ungodly hour, Did something happen?" Jimin asked ignoring his mother's sweet tone.

Her sweet tone told him something was up and he was not in the mood to drag the call longer, he just have to make it snappy so he can go back to his sleep.

" Goodness Son, you never change it's almost 10 am, I only called because I missed my son, it's been a while since you came home... How about you come over for dinner? Your father would be glad if you join us."  Mrs. Park told her son sounding pitiful.

Jimin barely come home to visit them, he would only come over when there were important occasions or when they would meet at social events.

The half-sleepy man on the bed yawned and further made himself more comfortable on the bed, dragging the smooth cotton blanket over himself.

Even though he already had his day planned out he knows his mother was right, it was going to take him an hour's flight to get to Busan. It means one thing and that was to cancel all of his schedules for the day.

" Okay, I'll be there by 6 pm..."

" Yes! We will be waiting for you Son, I will personally prepare your favorite meals too... See you later tonight, bye and have a safe flight"

The phone beeped after Mrs. Park hung up, Jimin dropped the phone and breath out slowly shutting his eyes to sleep back but couldn't, making him toss restlessly on the bed... A few minutes passed and he still couldn't sleep back, the sun was now shining fully into the room brightening the whole place as it cast its light on the modern decorated bedroom.

He stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window which foresees the busy city of Seoul, opening the curtain as he felt the morning breeze cause him to shiver a bit from the cold it carries into the room...

He stood there looking like a Greek god, wearing nothing but only his favorite sleeping sweatpants and just bare chest, grazing his hand over his bare chest, he looked out the glass window while admiring the sight in front of him.

The beautiful busy city of Seoul, the city where his company ranks number one... At a young age, he already achieved what many had found difficult to achieve.

Building his company from scratch, wasn't an easy journey even though his father was also a successful well known businessman in his hometown Busan, he started his company refusing to be under the shadow of his parent's wealth... That alone earned him a very respectable reputation in the business world, becoming one of the richest and youngest Ceo.

He was known for his strict policy and outstanding way of handling his company employees and business partners, nobody tries nonsense with Park Jimin and goes scot-free.

Frowning his face, he remembered he was supposed to meet with his assistant later in the afternoon to discuss some business trip that was scheduled for next week in Incheon.

He walked out of his bedroom making his way downstairs to his study room... Seeing that his coffee was already served on his coffee table, he took the cup and inhaled the sweet coffee aroma. Morning coffees always set his day right and his house staff knows how to make the best coffee.

There had been a time he fired his secretary for not making his coffee the right way, the poor girl was devastated and even though she pleaded for a second chance, it was all in vain.

All the other secretaries after that incident had always been careful not to make the same mistake and lose their job but somehow they all ended up getting fired, some of them resigned willingly out of frustration.

Working with Park Jimin requires perfection according to his motto, which includes not slacking behind and knowing when to do everything.

A soft knock was heard on his study door, and without looking up he knew it was his butler, who was going to ask him what he would love for dinner.

Quietly opening the door the butler entered the study as he bowed slightly to the young Ceo who was enjoying his coffee.

" Good morning Mr. Park, did you sleep well?" the butler asked with a sincere smile on his face.

" Good morning to you too Mr. Han"

" I wanted to know what you would prefer for dinner?"

" Don't worry about dinner, I will be having it at my parents tonight"

" How about breakfast, sir?"

" Just the usual please"

" Yes sir"

The butler left the room to attend to his breakfast, leaving the master to himself.

Jimin peeled his gaze from the closed door to the piles of documents that needed his attention on the study desk, taking a file from the desk he flipped it open and glanced through it attentively... That particular file was supposed to be signed by him and then sent to the human resources department for evaluation but something seemed to be off with the whole arrangement, he was going to have the process delayed a few more days before the document gets his signature.

Blowing off some steam from the hot coffee before sipping it he looked at the golden wall clock hung on the wall, it was still 11 am which made him wonder why the sun was shining so brightly that early.

His attention was diverted by the ringing of the telephone at the other end of his office, he cocked his eyebrow as he rolled his office seat to get the call.

" Hello"

" Hey, what happened, buddy? Did you get rammed by some hot chick last night?" asked curious Taehyung.

" What do you mean by that dude? I almost slept in the office yesterday because of the pile of work I had to do, I barely have the time for fun these days" Jimin said lazily after realizing it was his best friend Taehyung, he can be a pain in the ass sometimes but he's not complaining.

"That's sad buddy, trying getting some fun this week... Your engine might get jammed if you don't"

" Fuck off asshole, what made you call so early? What favor is it this time?"

Jimin could visualize Taehyung's boxy smile from the other side, in his head, they know each other like the palms of their hands.

He was used to Taehyung asking him favors, some important ones relating to work while some were naughty and weird things that only Tae can ask.

" Since when did you start reading minds? It's scary"

" I don't read minds I'm not a psychopath, I just know you too well like a father does his son."

" Yah! You're not my father and my father doesn't even know half of me"

" That's because he's never home"

There was silence from both sides no one saying anything before Taehyung's laughter resounded from the other side causing Jimin to scrunch his nose in disgust, it was clear what his friend was doing while still on call with him.

That is Taehyung for anyone, he cared less what people thought of him or the light in which people see him. If there was anyone who understands and knows him so well then it's Jimin.

The latter started playing with some stuff on his office table out of boredom while he waited for his friend to finish with his business and then get back on the call, he could hear some soft groans and moans which he did not allow to affect him.

After a few minutes of constantly cursing his friend out in his head, he heard him giggling like a child before breathing a hello back into the phone.

" Did you call me to remind me of how disgusting you are?"

" Holy molly Mr. Saint, we both know you're the dirtiest so don't judge me... I-i wanted to ask you a favor regarding work" Taehyung said getting serious with a hint of hesitation in his voice.

" Okay? But why are you suddenly stuttering?" Jimin noticed how he stuttered over his words as if he wasn't very sure of them.

" Leave the stuttering part bro, there's this girl I know and I wanted to know if you can fix her in to be your secretary, I heard nobody has been employed yet."

" NO Tae"

"Don't be mean dude, you haven't seen her plus she has some exclusive experience from working in other firms too"

" Is she the one you're fucking now?" Jimin asked raising his legs to cross them on the desk.

" What does it matter dude? Ain't my favor possible?" the other man asked deeply into the phone.

" Not possible Tae sorry, I'm flying to Busan later in the day. Have a nice day and stop asking fucked up favors"

" you're being a rude man... Say hi to Auntie and your old man for me..."

" Sure"

Jimin smirked at himself and then left the office after he heard the dinner bell notifying him of his breakfast.