
Heroes!?/ Forgetting

(A/N: So here I am... the author, things are going to be a little fucked for like 5-10 chapters, I trolled a lot for these few chapters, you don't really have to read... but the story might not make much sense if you don't read at least another 4)

Jasper being the fast healer he is wakes up in the back of the Batmobile "The hell!?" He says and starts trying to move, only to realize he's tied up

"Raven?" He says and tries to look around "Hey where am I!?" He yells causing Batman and Robin to hear him

"Just quiet down and wait till we get home asshole," Jason said, still butthurt over almost losing to a 12-year old

Scoffing Jasper answers back "let's see if you can talk shit when I'm untied... where's Raven," He says after a pause

"She's fine kid, just relax... I made a promise to Selina and I intend to keep it" Batman speaks up then goes back to driving

Deciding to keep quiet Jasper tries to get a sense of his surroundings

Breathing in Jasper smells the intoxicating scent of Raven next to him (Good she's here...) Then making his kagune come out he feels around his surroundings for a way to escape

The Batmobile suddenly stops and the trunk opens just as Jasper hides away his kagune

"Let's go," Batman says and grabs both Jasper and the unconscious Raven, Setting them down he stands in front of them, as Raven woke up "I guess I should explain"

"Oh really," Jasper says in an exaggerated tone "No, No you should just keep staring at us like a pedophile," He says with a smile

with a strained smile Batman sighs and takes off his mask "Selina asked me to take care of you guys while she was gone... I don't think she realized just how strong you guys are though haha"

The 2 kids stare at Bruce Wayne without saying anything "Ahem, well anyway, I'm keeping good on my promise, but while you're with me you won't be doing crime... from now on you'll be heroes" He says the last part like being a hero was the best thing ever

"And what if We don't want to?" Jasper asks curiously

"Then I'll have to lock you up..." Bruce says without hesitation "You can pick either one," he said in a forceful tone

Clenching his fist Jasper put his head down (Damn it... would Selina care, I was already planning on it later along the road, but... being forced like this sucks ass)

Lifting his head back up Jasper looked Bruce in the eyes "Fight me... if you beat me at my full power then I'll become a hero without question" He said with a smirk (No matter how smart you are there's no way you can beat someone who gets boosted 5x with a little human flesh...)

"No," Bruce says in response

With a shocked face, Jasper looks at Raven who looked equally shocked "No? Why the hell not!?"

"Because I asked for this already Jaspy... be a good boy for mommy ok?" A seductive voice purrs in Jaspers ear and he turns around seeing Selina

"Huh!? Why would you want us to be heroes? D-Don't we need to steal more?" Jasper asks with an almost desperate tone.

"You've already paid me back... and then some, I want you to do something good with your life" then putting her hand on his head like she always did "So stop whining and listen!" She said pushing him on the ground still tied up

"Hey! Why though!? at least give me a good reason?" Jasper yells as Selina looks down on him

"Hmm, I won't lie and say I'm tired of stealing, But we should try to live better lives," She says with a smile "Don't worry you guys will still be staying with me, unless... you don't want to~"

"Stupid Skank!" Jasper yells and turns his head as best as he could "Whatever... I guess we can be heroes, But don't order me around!" Jasper says using his Kagune to tear his bindings apart.

Bruce and Jason look at him in shock as he stands up "If we're being trained by you... you should know right?" Jasper says and fully ghouls out with His one eye changing along with 4 tentacle-like tendrils coming out of his back "I'm not human... I eat humans" He says and explains.


"So you can eat dead ones correct?' Bruce says after calming down hearing how he has eaten many people, and after jasper nods his head he continues " I don't like it... but since you don't have a choice It's tolerable, But never kill again!... and only dead humans, if I catch you killing someone then you're done and I'll lock you up understand?" He says forcefully

"Whatever... But no promises, especially if someone hurts Selina or Raven" He says coincidentally standing in front of Bruce

"That... Can be dealt with when it happens" Bruce doesn't agree, but he also doesn't disagree"Now, you guys get some rest, tomorrow is when we start your training


"So what is this really about?" Jasper says to Selina after everyone else has left "There is no way that you just all of a sudden want us to be heroes"

Signing Selina sits down "You know I love you right?" She says suddenly says looking at him

"Ok? That's normal" He says "your pretty much my big sister"

She smiles (Not that kind of love...) " Well I just want the best for you... as your older sister, I don't want you guys to have to live like I did" She says and gets up to hug him "So be a good hero... for me ok?"

Jasper returns the hug "Fine" He grumbles and Selina laughs

"So how did you and Raven get along while I wasn't around?" She says putting her hand on her face

"Just like normal... though she was a bit more aggressive with me then when you were around, and also making me pick out her underwear" Jasper replies with a sigh

(Hmm, puberty huh?...) Selina thinks to herself with a smile "Aww that's just what good brothers are supposed to do for their sisters" She says with a teasing smile

"Shut up!" Jasper protests and walks away embarrassed

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