

Chawnga lives in a rural area of a developing country where the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. He belongs to the latter. Having lose all hope both in carrier and relationship, his only wish left was to at least make the living conditions of his parents comfortable. They work hard to support him and never scold him for being useless. He really felt guilty but can't get a progress even when he tries his best. They're just a normal poor family with no connections. There's seem to be no one that they could asked for help, even their relatives turn a blind eye. The night before his 28 birthday, he sincerely pray to God before going to sleep, with all his heart and soul to give him one last chance to turn the tides around. When he wakes up the next day, he was surprised that he had gone back to 20 years ago. Then he knew he was given a chance to restart starting from Primary Level. But there's more, he could see an interface that appear and disappear as he wish. And the most surprising thing was that he was not short of money anymore. [ Host : Chawnga Renthlei Money : Unlimited Points : 0 ] [Note : It's my first time writing. I'm not that good with English, hope you understand. Any character or place, there might be some similar names or events or some slightly changes, so please don't compare with the real world as the story in this novel is all made up. Thank you. ]

Silai_Mu · 都市
12 Chs


Chawnga lives in a rural area of a developing country where the rich become richer and the poor become poorer. He belongs to the latter. He almost turn 28 but still no jobs.

Jobs offer available in any sector always favor the rich and having powerful backgrounds and connections. There are many unemployed individuals and some are even with very high qualifications. Competitions were fierce and only the best are pick.

Chawnga works hard to turn his life for the better. But even with all his might, nothing good comes to him as if luck was never on his side. His girlfriend married a rich guy just a few days after their break up.

Chawnga becomes even more frustrated and cling to his last hope. He pray to God sincerely with all his heart and soul to help him turn the tides around so that at least his parents can have a better life.

He don't know when he falls asleep but when he open his eyes, he was surprised to see a familiar scene.

He was with his parents and sister. They're going home from Biate to Aizawl in a commercial vehicle. They almost reach their destination.

Biate is the birthplace of his father, Zawma. They have been living in Aizawl due to his father's job.

Chawnga was born in Aizawl, the city of Mizoram.

His mother, Ramtei was from Khawlian.

Chawnga was sitting between his parents. A baby was in his mother's lap. He recognized it instantly. The baby was his sister, Maawmi.

Chawnga was confused to see the exact same thing that happened 20 years ago. He was reminded of the past when he met another boy of the same age, that was also among the passengers travelling with his parents.

He played with the boy while their parents were busing taking down their luggage from the vehicle. He lost two of his front teeth while playing with the boy and suffer a heavy blow to his mindset.

Maybe that's the start of his unlucky life. Sighed.

While he was deep in thought, suddenly an interface appeared out of nowhere.

[ Host : Chawnga Renthlei

Balance : Unlimited

Points : 0
