

Chawnga lives in a rural area of a developing country where the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer. He belongs to the latter. Having lose all hope both in carrier and relationship, his only wish left was to at least make the living conditions of his parents comfortable. They work hard to support him and never scold him for being useless. He really felt guilty but can't get a progress even when he tries his best. They're just a normal poor family with no connections. There's seem to be no one that they could asked for help, even their relatives turn a blind eye. The night before his 28 birthday, he sincerely pray to God before going to sleep, with all his heart and soul to give him one last chance to turn the tides around. When he wakes up the next day, he was surprised that he had gone back to 20 years ago. Then he knew he was given a chance to restart starting from Primary Level. But there's more, he could see an interface that appear and disappear as he wish. And the most surprising thing was that he was not short of money anymore. [ Host : Chawnga Renthlei Money : Unlimited Points : 0 ] [Note : It's my first time writing. I'm not that good with English, hope you understand. Any character or place, there might be some similar names or events or some slightly changes, so please don't compare with the real world as the story in this novel is all made up. Thank you. ]

Silai_Mu · Urban
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12 Chs

Photographic Memory

[Host : Chawnga

Balance : Unlimited

Points : 0


[ Can Appear and Disappear as the host please ]~(Disappear after 3min)

[All Currencies Available ]~(Disappear after 3min)

[1 P (Point) = 10 E (Expenditure) ]~(Disappear after 3min)

[Strength = 7 (Average = 38)

Agility = 5 (Average = 40)

Endurance = 4 External, 5 Internal (Average = 35)

Stamina = 70/100

Health : Stomach Ulcer (early stage), Fatigue, Toothache (early stage)


Chawnga was perplexed.

He tries it to see if it's real. He thought of 10 in Rs, USD and ILS.

Chawnga was surprised to secretly really see the Rs 10, 10 USD and 10 ILS in his hands.

He pinched himself real hard. He really felt the pain. Now, he felt weird and dumbfounded.

How did he return to 20 years in the past and have this awesome thing?

His last memory before being in back to 20 years ago was the sincere prayer he had before going to sleep just the night before his 28th birthday.

Maybe God took a pity on him and answered his prayer. That's the only possible explanation. For that, he can't thank God enough.

He accepted his rebirth right away. And he already knew some of the things that'll happen in the future.

<I might be able to change the world. Haha >

<Or just my world. lol >

While he was in his little world. They've reach the last stop. And he came back to his senses when the vehicle stop moving. It was already late at night.

The vehicle is Sumo. There are 11 seats including the driver seat. Luggages are placed on the top of vehicle. Thick rubbers are used to tie them together. It took some time to put or take down the luggage as it needs the process of tie and untie.

In his previous life, he lost his teeth due to his stubbornness when playing with another boy of the same age while their parents were taking down their luggage from the vehicle.

Maybe that's the start of his unlucky life and was given the chance to turn the tides around.

The boy was also one of the passengers that they're travelling with. He was also with his parents.

Now, when they got off the vehicle, the exact same boy comes again.

Boy : "Hey, do you wanna play? "

"My name is Chawnga. What's your's?" Instead of answering the boy's question, Chawnga replied with another question, because he doesn't even know the boy's name even in his previous life.

Boy : "I'm Terina."

Chawnga : "Let's be friends?"

As soon as he said that, he regret it a little.

<Why didn't I just avoid him>

<No use complaining. Never hurt to have more friend anyway>

In his previous life, Chawnga has experience different kinds of betrayal even from his closest friends and partner. Because of that, he has trust issues.

Terina : "Of course, let's be friends"

Terina beamed with delight.

Terina : "So, do you wanna play?"

Chawnga : "I'm too tired, Let's play some other time."

Chawnga replied helplessly with a look of tiredness.

Terina : "Okay"

Terina can't do anything about it and went back to his parents. But he was happy that he made a new friend and can't wait to tell his parents.

Chawnga was elated that he could get away. He doesn't know Terina even in his previous life, even upon reaching 27 years old, his name doesn't ring a bell.

So, he wasn't worry about him anymore. Kids often forget their words quickly while they're young. They just remember the scene if it is tragic or fortunate event.

As he avoids the past accident accident, the interface suddenly appears again.

[Avoid Accident Successfully

Success Rate : 100%

Rewards : Photographic Memory = 100 (Max), Understanding = 100 (Max) ]

He was astonished that he could get rewards from avoiding his past life accident.

With the help of the new rewards, he clearly remembered everything that happen in his previous life that he was unsured of. Including the time, date, year, everything that he have read, hear or see in his previous life.