
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · 映画
22 Chs

Ch.6 I'm screwed in 23 different ways

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Valon mansion

(A few days later)

I sat in the living room cards strewn across the table as I tried to make a Red-Eyes Deck I felt was right.

I have been dueling Rex Raptor, Bonz, and Weevil Underwood as training and fine-tuning my deck and now I think I got it just right.

It has now been a full week since I arrived in this new world and in that week I was glad at how isolated my grandfather's mansion was.

As the news talked about how Spiderman and his side-kick Kid Arachnid stopped the sinister six and about another anti-mutant rally being held in central park.

[Freshed baked cookies right out of the oven]

Helper bit set a plate down on the table and handed me one which I eagerly took and took a bite only to spit the thing out.

"Damit Helperbot these are raisin cookies," I said taking a swig of water.

*Haha* "That one was Rasin the rest our chocolate," *haha* it laughed and I took another one checking it first before eating it.

[So Shawn any plans for today]

"Go for another drive I think," I said looking out the window to my duel runner that sat in the driveway covered up in a tarp.

Ever since I got the bike I had spent an hour or two of my day riding it or figuring out how to summon monster while on it and got a new title out of doing so.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

<Name- Shawn Valon>

<Title's- Runaway, Rookie, True Duelist, Eyes of Red, Need-4-Speed>

<Lv- 5>

<Age- 16>


Str- 15

Dex- 14

Int- 19

Cha- 17

Luk- 23


•Swordplay- "Stick'em with the pointy end."


•Hand to hand- "I am a weapon."


•Magic- "You're a wizard Harry."


•Summomer- "I summon. . ."


•Driving- "Let's Rev it up!"




8, 0, 0

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I got up and my clothes changed to that of bike wear thanks to [Dark Magician Robs] even giving me fingerless gloves and a helmet I equipped my duel disk and after passing my sword shrugged and sheathed it on my back.

[Expecting trouble?]

"It never hurts to be prepared," I said walking outside and throwing the tarp off my bike getting on I placed my duel disk in the designated slot and revved the engine.

*Vrooom* *Vroooom*

"Why is this so satisfying," I said putting the bike into drive soon on the road enjoying the feeling until a warning suddenly appeared on the visor of my helmet and I hit the brakes.

Once I came to a stop I looked around only to see a girl unconscious on the side of the road blood covered her and the grass and I immediately jumped off and premiered my phone to call 911.

"Oh my god are you ok," I asked but got no response I tried to feel for a pulse and found it and began looking her over.

She was about my age with long black hair and a build of an Olympic athlete she a leather bra skin tight pants and army boots with gloves that went halfway up her arm all of which were black.

As I reached for my phone a name suddenly came to mind as I looked at the girl's face and immediately almost shit myself.

'Why the hell is X-23 on the side of the road unconscious and covered in blood,' I thought looking around but the road I found myself on was vacant of any other drivers.

I stood there wondering what I should do the obvious choice was to take her with me, she didn't have any X symbols on her so she probably wasn't an X-man yet.

The idea of the X-men coming down with a vengeance on my house almost made me shit myself, especially a pissed-off Wolverine I shook my head and sighed.

I couldn't leave her here especially if she did escape knowing what torture she went through there was no other choice as I went to pick her up and fell on my ass.

'Right adamantium skeleton,' I thought as I tried again only to fall on my ass a second time as I barely lifted her a few inches off the ground.

I sighed and concentrated as I tapped into my soul and called out a name as I let my adrenalin and exhaustion from the situation fill my summoning attempt.

'Come to my side Gearfried the iron knight,' I yelled in my thoughts as the knight appeared from my shadow and bowed its head to me.

"Help me with this girl," I said and the knight nodded and helped me lift X-23 onto the back of my bike I made my way home the knight going back into my shadow.

(An hour later)

I stood outside the guest room I stood outside letting the robot look over the unconscious girl a few minutes later the door opened and Helperbot rolled out.

[From all my scans she's perfectly healthy and I have found no tracker of any kind on her person or under her skin]

"That's good to hear so when do you think she'll wake up," I asked and Helperbot shrugged its arms before going back downstairs.

Deciding to check on our guest I opened the door and walked in only to come face-to-face with the cold death glare of the once unconscious now stood dried blood still on her person.

POV ???, X-23

Location: ????


I sat on the helicopter and had just completed another assignment my handlers sat by my side.

Then the helicopter rocked back and forth and for the first time since I was retrieved that my handlers didn't pay attention to me.

???: "What's going on?" one said their voice calm but I could smell the fear slowly rising inside of him.

Pilot: "Something wrong with the controls hold im putting us down," he said, and the next thing I knew I heard a *Riping* sound and the feeling of wind as I was sucked out of the helicopter.

I fell seeing the helicopter rip itself apart as I fell and when I looked down is when the ground was only a few feet away then everything went black.

The first thing I noticed when waking up was the unfamiliar smells around me the strange room I was in and the comfortable thing I was on standing up I look around.


I fall into a combat stance and I stare at the door as it opens and watch as walking in is a boy I have seen or smelled before.

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Valon mansion


We stood there looking at each other for a long time every time I did anything she growled at me.

'She is Wolverine's daughter,' I thought as I tried to think of a way out of this situation or at least make it less awkward and not end in my possible death or losing a limb.

"My name is Shawn what's yours," I asked and got no response but no growl either so I call that a win "Um I found you on the side of the road covered in blood," I explained but still no reply.

'Can she not talk?' I thought having no idea what to do in that situation only to hear the growl of a stomach that wasn't mine and I knew I had an in.

"Would you like something to eat Helperbot makes really good food," I said and went to open the door but X-23 didn't growl or move to stop me just watched me as I left.

Getting downstairs I made my way to the kitchen keeping an eye on the open door until I couldn't see it anymore then I went to the kitchen to find Helperbot making lunch.

"Better make as the second plate," I said sitting down at the table facing the open entrance and getting a beep of acknowledgment from the robot.

[I assume our guest is awake]

"Yep right after you left and I walked in to find her wide awake," I said as the plat with a sandwich and a side of Apple slices and water a second plat was set on the opposite side.

We watched the entrance and after a few minutes the barely audible sound of footsteps could be heard and then so could X-23 who upon seeing us starting looked like a cat being caught doing something bad.

"We made you a plate," I said pointing and taking my sandwich and taking a bite learning Helperbot had made balcony and cheese sandwiches.

Still, she said nothing but followed my finger and looked at the plate of food and slowly walked towards it before starting the sandwich faster than I could see and ran away and up the stairs with the sandwich.

[Well that went well]

I glanced at Helperbot and shook my head and started eating and couldn't help but think this was going to be a long day.

I bring my lunch to the living room and turn on the news as I finish eating and nearly choked on my food as I on the screen.

~We are here now at the Museum of national history as a new exhibit opens of unknown ancient artifacts that are going to be displaced these images are just a few of those on the limited-time display of 3 days~

On the screen was the Millennium Ring.

"Well I guess I'm going to New York," I said to myself but then I remembered my house guest and sighed "Helperbot tomorrow I'm heading out for a few hours you think you could-" I began to say as I walked back into the kitchen.

Only to have my worries dashed to the side as sitting at the table was X-23 with multiple empty plates with a sandwich in hand.

[What did you say Shawn you were leaving?]

"Im leaving tomorrow I need to go to New York for a few hours so I was going to ask if you were ok with watching our guest but I see that won't be a problem," I said making my way to the backyard.

Once outside I opened my system when a notification popup.

[A new legendary duelist is ready to Duel]

[You are Being Challenged to a duel by Joey Wheeler do you accept?]

"Wait what I can be challenged by spirits and Joeys' is changing me?" I was very confused but seeing an opportunity I accepted.

Joey: "So you're the guy Bonz and Rex we're talking about," a familiar voice said, and in a flash stood Joey Wheeler.

"Joey Wheeler how. . .no why have challenged me?" I asked and Joey smiled and shrugged.

Joey: "Heard a couple of bozos complaining about losing to someone who used a red eyes deck now I know it wasn't me so I came to see what you were about," he said and now I'm even more confused.

"Wait but you're a spirit how. . .?" I began but Joey simply extended his duel disk.

Joey: "You want answers and I want a duel so how about a deal if you win I answer your questions but if I win you don't get squat out of me sound fair," he said and I nodded and activated my duel disk.

Both: "Let's Duel!"

[Turn 1]

Shawn: 4000 C:5

Joey: 4000 C:5

Joey: "I challenged you so I'll let you go first," he said and I nodded.

"If you insist I'll start by summoning Black Metal Dragon but he won't be staying around because I link summon Guardragon Pisty," I said and I noticed Joey nodded at my actions

<Monster- Guardragon Pisty>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Link- 1>



Attack- 1000

"Now I active Black Metal Dragons effect bringing one red-eye card from my deck to my hand next I banish Guardragon Pisty to special summon Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon," in a column of black and red the huge dragon appears with a roar.

Joey: *whistle* "Man no wonder you beat those two first turn and you already have Darkness metal out on the field," he said with a whistle.

"Thanks but I'm not done yet I active Darknesd metals effect and special summon from my Graveyard Black Metal Dragon and equip it to Darkness Metal giving it 600 extra attack points."

<Monster- Red-eyes Darkness Metal Dragon>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 10>



Attack- 3400

Defense- 2400

"I set two cards and end my turn your move,"

[Turn 1]

Shawn: 4000 C:2

Joey: 4000 C:5 +1

Joey: "Alright my turn I draw now first I summon The black stone of Legend and activate its effect to special summon Red-Eyes to the field," he said, appearing as a small glowing red egg that shattered.

<Monster- Red-eyes Black Dragon>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 7>



Attack- 2400

Defense- 2000

Joey: "Next I active the ritual spell Red-Eyes Transmigration and I use my Red-eyes and my Black metal dragon to ritual summon Lord of the Red," he declared and Red-eyes roared into the sky and began to transform becoming a human.

<Monster- Lord of the Red>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 8>



Attack- 2400

Defense- 2100

Joey: "But I'm far from threw thanks to black metal I can add a card to my hand and I activate the spell card The Claw of Hermos now I send Red-eyes baby chick to the graveyard to fusion summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword..."

<Monster- Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 7>



Attack- 2400

Defense- 2000

Joey: "...And its effect activated and I equip this sword to Lord of the Red giving it a major attack and Defense boost," he said and the massive sword appeared in Lord of the Red's hand.

<Monster- Lord of the Red>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 8>



Attack- 5900

Defense- 4600

"Now that's a lot of damage," I said smiling and Joey nodded.

Joey: "Yep and it's all coming your way go Inferno Burning Slash!" Lord of the Red charged forward its sword ignited with black flames as he lifted above its head ready to strike down Darkness metal.

. . .to be continue